Chapter 55

The next day, when Chu Qing walked towards the long-lost Nanjing University in his memory, his mood was a bit complicated, and there was still a difference between the memory and the reality.

The first thing he did when he came to the school was to go back to the dormitory and put the salute in the dormitory.

Chu Qing originally thought that this time he walked into the South University and went about his life as usual, and spent the whole night surfing the Internet with the dormmates in the dormitory, but when he came out of the dormitory, he met the students along the way. , he just felt different for a while...

The rotten life seems to be gone!

"Hey, isn't this Chu Qing?"

"Yes, isn't this Chu Qing?"

"Chu Qing went back to school? Didn't he take pictures of the Empress Dowager in Hengdian? Why did he come here?"

"Wow, it's Chu Qing, the author of Hongdou. I saw a real person. I'm so happy. No, I want to ask him to sign it. I must sign it!"

"Chu Qing, it's Chu Qing!"

"Wow, Chen Gensheng!"


"I've seen the trailer of Concubine Qing Shi, Chu Qing is so tender, if you want a husband, you should find Chen Gensheng, you should find someone like him!"

"And he is so talented, Hongdou, what a popular song! The original author is actually him!"

"On the Internet, Chu Qing was rated as Chen Gensheng who is closest to the original novel. Looking at it now, he is really handsome!"

"No wonder Zhao Yinger likes him!"


"Wow! It's Chu Qing, I'm going up to get my autograph!"

Chu Qing originally thought that he was so ordinary-looking, even if he played a male number three in a TV series, he would not be able to change the reality of his ordinary appearance. After taking the photo, Chu Qing realized that something seemed to be changing quietly.

Seeing their excited expressions, Chu Qing shrank her head a little.

This year, Chu Qing seemed to have left the ordinary world, and seemed to have become a star in an instant, as if he had become an existence that attracted the attention of many people in an instant...

Then, many students began to surround Chu Qing.

Someone asked Chu Qing and Zhao Yinger what happened.

Some asked Chu Qing to sign.

Someone asked Chu Qing when to write the new song, and which star would it be written for.

I asked Chu Qing what she was doing at school, whether she was looking for material to produce an album or something...

More often, they asked Chu Qing what she wanted to do next, whether to be a singer or an actor, or something else...

Chu Qing wanted to find an excuse to escape from the people surrounding him, but he realized that he was wrong. There were only a dozen people surrounding Chu Qing, but then more and more people surrounded him.

And surrounded him inside and out, everyone stared at him as if poisoned...

Chu Qing wanted to scold her!
The novel Qingshihuangfei is very popular, especially among these college students. Just after the director announced the start of filming this adapted TV series, voices rang out both on the Internet and in reality, questioning whether the hero is Competent, questioning whether the ugly supporting role will ruin the original work...

The male number three, Chen Gensheng, has always been the focus of discussion among these people, because although Chen Gensheng does not have as many roles in the book as the leading actor Bai Qianye, he is the most touching person, just like Baguio in Zhu Xian's novel. The soul of the whole book.

When Chu Qing's information was released on the Internet, this kind of questioning voice was basically overwhelming on the Internet...

Some people were very angry, angry why Xia Baoyang would find a newcomer, and a newcomer without any acting experience to play Chen Gensheng, wouldn't this ruin the original work at all?

More people felt that the crew was crazy and that the novel would definitely be ruined, and even vowed not to watch the TV series!

Most of them are scolding Chu Qing, whether Chu Qing has gone through the back door, and whether he has a PY deal with the director!

This kind of questioning sounded a little better after Chen Gensheng's clip was released.

Chu Qing's acting skills are very simple, and she has a good-natured face. After wearing ancient costumes, she looks surprisingly similar to Chen Gensheng...

Some people shut up.

Then, another video was circulated on the Internet, which was the scene of Chu Qing's final heroic death.

Chu Qing acted very well, and she acted out of her heart, and the audience was not blind.

That scene was very tragic.


Yes, very tragic.

That feeling of wind blowing and easy water cold, that expression of desperately protecting the one you love, even giving up your life...

Everything is in place, with the theme song...

Although this TV series has not yet started broadcasting, the short video has already conquered some people.

This video started to ferment, and at first it was only circulated on the post bar, but then, BBS, Q dog group, and webcast room suddenly stuffed this video as if they were poisoned.

Then, Chu Qing's simple acting skills, heartbreaking voice and performance conquered most people, and was privately rated by a small group of people as the actor closest to the original Chen Gensheng.

Of course, there are still many people who spray Chuqing, the performance of spraying Chuqing is too strong, the spraying of Chuqing is too ordinary, and the fighting is not fierce enough...

From that moment on, Chu Qing was on fire.

Of course, these can only be regarded as small fires, far from being fires.

However, red beans are on fire!
Bai Youxue's red bean, which debuted again after five years of silence, sang overwhelmingly in the streets and alleys, hummed in the mouth, and played on the side of the road, and when Bai Youxue was in an interview, he mentioned Chu Qing by the way, saying Chu Qing is a talented young man, and the host didn't know why he asked a question in passing...

"Chu Qing? Isn't it Chen Gensheng, the Empress Dowager? Why, he is so talented? I heard that he also wrote the theme song."

This sentence is the original sentence...


This series of messy things seemed to explode like crazy.

Therefore, the name Chu Qing has spread rapidly like a virus in the past few months, and the crew including Concubine Qingshi have also become popular.

Moreover, coupled with the unscrupulous and unscrupulous entertainment reporters wantonly breaking the news about the scandal between Chu Qing and Zhao Yinger...

It is no exaggeration to say that in the past few months, Chu Qing has made headlines almost every few days...

Many other stars who want to be in the headlines are now very popular when they see the word Chu Qing. They try everything to make the headlines, but Chu Qing can't occupy the headlines...

Do you think that if Chu Qing harmed the headlines in the entertainment circle, it would be over?

Just kidding!

anything else!
"Hot Bean occupies the first place in the new song list, and the pre-release song Qingjintianxia takes the second place. As for death, you must love it, and Swinging Together is the most searched song on a certain video site."

Music, videos, trending headlines, gossip news...

Behind these two words of crazy, there are two words, that is Chu Qing!

It is no exaggeration to say that the entertainment industry has been continuously bombarded by the word Chu Qing for too long in the past two months...

When everyone thought that Chu Qing should calm down a few days ago, but...

"The group H48 disbanded, Zhao Yunxiang went solo, and the new song is called Exaggerated, which is Chu Qing's heartfelt work!"

"It was revealed that Zhao Yunxiang actually called Chu Qing his brother-in-law. How many secrets are there?"


The Internet is crazy!

Chu Qing is on fire again!
Chu Qing's bastard made headlines for no apparent reason, and once again brainwashed netizens...

And those celebrities who tried their best to make the headlines wanted to kill this guy who was paid a thousand dollars aggrieved!

Why is this shit, and why the hell is it that we can't make headlines?
(End of this chapter)

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