I'm not a big star

Chapter 550 I'm Really Not Modesty!

Chapter 550 I'm Really Not Modesty!

(Thank you again for the generous reward from Godsend, bow, thank you, love you, okay!)

"Medical staff, what about the medical staff, Mr. Zhao fainted!"

"Come on, hurry up and save me, Mr. Zhao is dizzy!"

"Old Zhao, how are you? Are you feeling better?"

"I...huh...better, better."

This is a crazy era. When Mr. Zhao was gasping for breath and woke up with CPR with the help of medical staff, his first thought was madness and disbelief.

This young man actually...


Old man Zhao didn't come out. Maybe he couldn't remember the scene today until he entered the coffin.

"I, am I dreaming today? Am I... so crazy?"

Mr. Zhao held it in for a long time and finally uttered these words. After he suffocated, his expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

"Huh, Lao Liu, now you know that what I said is not bragging, I have already said that my little friend is a poet..." Old man Jiang stroked his beard, although he was quite shocked and couldn't answer. Soul, but still trying to make myself calm, trying not to think about Chu Qing's crazy performance just now.

Otherwise, he might be similar to these sluggish old men.

"..." Several old literati present responded to him.

The poor old men were still in shock and couldn't extricate themselves.

"When Will the Moon Come?" "

"Luohong is not a heartless thing"?
"Quiet Night Thoughts"?
"Wing Snow"?
"plum bossom"?
It's hard to imagine that these few battles are neat and full of meaning, if the poems that could last forever in ancient times would be handed down from one person...

Stormy seas?

Yes, it was rough seas.

These old men, including the talented scholars below, were stunned for about ten minutes. During these ten minutes, these few lines of poems read by Chu kept ringing in their heads.

There was a constant hum.

At this moment, no one would care about Ouyang Hua, Xu Haoran, Liu Mingxin, Zhou Moran and others.

They are indeed talented, but it also depends on who they compare with!If compared with the young talents present, they are indeed the best, and they can indeed be regarded as brilliant.

However, if they compare with Chu Qing, then...

Well, none of them farts!
Although it sounds ugly, it is the truth.

At this moment, no one is arguing about who the top chip is, or the No.1 chip has no suspense at all.

There is suspense, that is, No.2...


Looking at this posture, these old men have no intention of ranking No. 2 anymore.

After more than ten minutes, these old men reacted, and there was a trace of determination in everyone's eyes!

"I think Jingyesi should go to the Shishu Pavilion for future generations to observe!"

"No! I don't think so. I think "When Will the Bright Moon Come" should be hung in the Book of Poetry. I think this word must have been passed down through the ages!" The old man Zhao who had a heart attack before shook his head and clenched his fists with a look Swear to the death to defend the classic attitude!

"Luohong is not a ruthless thing! I think this poem must be placed in the Poetry Book Pavilion, and the ranking must not be low. If possible, I would like to rank this poem at the top!"

"How is it possible! The first place? I think "Plum Blossom" should be ranked first. After all, this poem has a profound meaning, and the meaning of encouragement is even stronger. With just one poem, I can smell a faint scent of plum blossoms. Xiang, I think this poem is a symbol of the character of our generation of literati!" Old man Xu stared at old man Liu fiercely.

"I think the song "Song of Snow" is also good. It's a relaxed and joyful rhetoric-style poem without much meaning, but it's full of pictures when you read it. The first place is indisputable, but the second place must be ranked!" Another An old man Wang shook his head and stared at everyone, feeling quite tense.

Literati have their own persistence.

The number one that I think is the number one, and it cannot be changed by anyone.

Ouyang Hua and other talents stared blankly at these old men.

He couldn't describe his mood at this moment.

Besides envy, what else?envy?Sorry, now he feels that he can't even get jealous, after all, even if he smashes his head, he can't come up with poems like Chu Qing's, or even a single capital.

After all, jealousy is also based on attainability. If you let a novice who has just started, will he be jealous of the master?
Of course it's impossible, it's unattainable.

Ouyang Hua was a little discouraged.


I'm a wit?

Damn am I a wit?


I don't know when it started, Ouyang Hua started to doubt his own talent, and he fell into a state of lack of self-confidence.

He seemed to hear the self-confidence that he had acquired since he was a child collapsed...

"Uh, what's the matter? Isn't it over yet?"

Just coming from the toilet, Chu Qing, who was almost exhausted, looked at the noisy people on the stage with a pale face, with some doubts in his eyes. Could it be that there is a new project?

"Gollon, Gollon!"


My stomach.


Nima, afterward, Chu Qing rushed back to the toilet...

And vowed never to eat watermelon again!
This watermelon!


For Chu Qing, this day was a day when she successfully pretended to be a coward and got a [-] million autumn bird picture of a mountain dwelling.

Of course, he felt that he had made a lot of money.

Of course, there are also disadvantages in addition to this. Chu Qing suffered from diarrhea and had to go straight to the Wenzhou Hospital after the poetry and book meeting, and hung up a few bottles of intravenous drip, which made it better.

The doctor repeatedly told Chu Qing not to eat watermelon after eating cakes...

Chu Qing was very sad.

All in all, it was a mixed blessing for Chu Qing.

But for fans of Chu Qing online and lovers of ancient poetry, it was a day almost like an earthquake and tsunami.

When Chu Qing stood on the stage and faced the "siege" of several old men, after the video of Chu Qing's amortization and elegant style was spread on the Internet, the whole Internet exploded immediately.

Those literary and art lovers who don't pay attention to the entertainment circle fully knew Chu Qing on this day, and were immediately fancied by this talented and crazy young man...

Who is this young man?
How can you be so awesome?
A day later, the ranking of Shishuge came out.

"The Shishu Pavilion is finally ranked!"

"What is the ranking?"

""Shui Tiao Ge Tou" is also known as "When Will the Bright Moon Come" ranks first!"

""Miscellaneous Poems of Jihai" also known as "Luohong is Not a Heartless Thing" ranked second!"

""Quiet Night Thoughts" ranks third!"

""Plum Blossom" ranks fourth!"

""Song of Snow" ranks sixth? Huh? Where did the poem "Le You Yuan" come from? The sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it's just near dusk. Damn it, what a poem!"

"What is Chu Qing who wrote this poem?"

"So, this..."

"The top six in Shishu Pavilion are all Chu Qing's personal poems? Personal show?"

"Damn, damn it! What the hell..."

"This...does it have to be so scary?"

"Can't Qingzi hang out in the entertainment industry? Why is he in the literati circle now? This..."

"Beginning to be a poet again? So powerful?"

"Qingzi, what are you going to do? You stole the jobs of the stars in the entertainment industry, and now, you are frantically trying to grab the jobs of the literati? What are you going to do? Do you want to be successful every day?"

"Qingzi, are you interested or not?"

On the Internet, there are people discussing Chu Qing's life experience, some discussing Chu Qing's talent, some discussing why Chu Qing is so awesome, and some discussing whether Chu Qing is a genius...

In short, there are not too many crazy comments.

headline News?


Can you find any news that does not have the words Chu Qing or Qing Zi in its name?
If you can find it, count me lost!

At the same time, Chu Qing's performance in the hot spring villa was in the news.

It is not some entertainment news, nor some local lace news, but the CCTV news network of CCTV.

CCTV news specially spent 2 minutes to introduce in detail Chu Qing's life, Chu Qing's poems, the grand occasion of the Wenshi Poetry and Book Club, and the few people Chu Qing had bravely saved in the past...

After the news broadcast ended, CCTV specially sent an invitation to Chu Qing, hoping that Chu Qing could participate in their new program "Poetry Conference" as a special guest. Chen Mingsheng was sent over again, and Chen Mingsheng continued to help his elder brother one by one, and even brought some very expensive gifts of calligraphy and painting, hoping that Chu Qing could participate and increase the popularity of the premiere...

Chu Qing felt quite helpless about this, to participate, or not to participate?

After this Hot Spring Villa Poems and Books Association happened, the sequelae were quite serious. In the following days, people who claimed to be literati came to show their identities almost every day, and insisted on seeing Chu Qing, asking for advice on poetry, calligraphy, history and humanities, It's all about...

Moreover, their identities are basically members of the Huaxia Poetry Association, members of the Huaxia Ancient Chinese Research Lovers Association, etc. In short, they are all officially certified, and they are quite tall names.

At first, Chu Qing met and chatted because of affection, but after meeting for a long time, Chu Qing felt extremely embarrassed.

What these literati said is all the same thing, and the ancient prose is more powerful than the other.

Although it was a discussion, it was basically their spittle flying wildly. Chu Qing listened half-understanding.

Chu Qing understood that if he hadn't copied poems, then he would be a novice who had just started. Although he couldn't be an idiot, he really didn't have much ink.

After hearing a lot, Chu Qing simply told these literati the truth, meaning that he was really not very sensible, and he was really lucky.

However, the more Chu Qing said that, the more the eyes of these literati shone, as if looking at a peerless beauty.

Even, the most authoritative "Cultural Weekly" among literati specially reported such an article.

"On September 9, I was invited to visit Qingzi. Qingzi gave me the feeling that he had poems and books in his belly, but he was not as arrogant and domineering as a literati should be. Instead, he was very low-key. I can only use two words to describe it, that is Modesty, basically I am talking, Qingzi is listening, and from time to time express some opinions that can make me think. I personally feel that Qingzi has studied our Chinese poetry deeply, and must have written a lot. Hard work! Although, when he left, he once said that he did not understand poetry and could only be regarded as a newcomer, and even underestimated himself as an idiot, but... If Qingzi is an idiot, then what are we waiting for literati? Can’t be a fool? Let me mention one more point, this is modesty, although I don’t like this kind of modesty very much, this kind of modesty makes me feel very blush and... After a few hours of chatting, I saw a master image in this young man Well, given time, I'm afraid his name will be left in China's literary world..."

After this article boasting about Qingzi was published, most of the literati in China suddenly became interested in Chu Qing, and more and more literati visited Chu Qing every day. Some were not convinced to challenge, and some came to talk about literature. Poetry writers, some who simply expressed their admiration for teachers, and even various invitations to poetry and literati gatherings flew towards Chu Qing like snowflakes.

Chu Qing didn't know that what he said was the truth, and it could cause so many reactions...


Chu Qing was troubled.

Every day, I see all kinds of literati surrounding the company, it's just...


Moreover, the status of these literati seems to be very high, and anyone who speaks out is a powerful presence in the local area.

In the end, after making so much noise that she felt uncomfortable, Chu Qing bought a plane ticket without saying a word, and flew to Hollywood, USA.

I can't offend you, can I still hide from you?
Moreover, his first investment in Hollywood film "Nightblood" is about to be released, and now he can go back and help out...


Actually I'm really busy.

(End of this chapter)

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