I'm not a big star

Chapter 559 Guests at the Premiere

Chapter 559 Guests at the Premiere

"Brother Qing didn't come?"

"Well, the boss didn't come."

"What is he doing?"

"He may be very tired recently, so tired that he fell asleep."

"Can he still sleep at this time?"

"Yeah, the boss's psychological quality is very strong, so I really don't want to worry about the box office at all."


Is this a strong psychological quality or a salty fish?

Jiang Xiaoyu was a little speechless.

The premiere of "Nightblood" is about to begin.

Jiang Xiaoyu shook his head and didn't think about Chu Qing, but looked at the script he was going to speak on stage, and then subconsciously looked at Pete.

Pete's face was flushed, like a monkey's butt.

At this moment, Pete was both excited and nervous. He adjusted his Baleno suit from time to time, looked at the reporter below with erratic eyes, and looked at a loss as to what to do next.

"Don't be nervous. If you're so nervous, who will give the opening speech?" Jiang Xiaoyu frowned when he saw Pete's appearance.

This Yankee has absolutely no demeanor that a general should have.

Can this person really help Brother Qing prop up the company?

Are you kidding me?
"I know, I know." Pete nodded again and again, taking deep breaths to remind himself to be calm and not to be too nervous.

But some things are beyond his control. After all, facing so many people, so many reporters and film critics with sharp eyes...

Well, regardless of reminding himself to calm down he is still nervous.

Although in his dream he had dreamed of experiencing such a situation countless times, and in the dream he was humorous, talking and laughing, but after facing the pressure of reality, Pete found that this was not the case at all.

"It's good to know, don't embarrass Brother Qing, think about how much Brother Qing has paid for this movie!" Jiang Xiaoyu nodded, and there was a hint of warning in what he said to Pete.

"Well, I know! I won't let the boss down!" Pete gritted his teeth and nodded!

Just a few minutes before the premiere speech was broadcast, there was a sudden noise and the voice of a reporter at the passageway of the movie theater in the distance.

Surrounded by bodyguards, Aiweisi walked in like a goddess who was all looking forward to it.

After seeing Aiweisi, Jiang Xiaoyu and Pete hurried up to meet her.

Although Jiang Xiaoyu doesn't like Aiweisi very much, it's different now.

At least now Ai Weisi is here to cheer.

Seeing Aiweisi, the audience subconsciously stood up and exclaimed.

Elvis is here!
Ivis actually came to the premiere of "Darksiders"?

She never seems to attend any premieres, does she?
Immediately afterwards, following Ai Weisi came in, director Hank, director Rose, and actors Johnny, Jenny and others also walked into the theater together.

No matter which one of these people can be called a heavyweight unit in Hollywood!

"I understand that Ai Weisi came to attend the premiere of "Bloods of the Night". After all, she and Chu Qing have an extraordinary relationship, but Hansen, Rose and the others are completely rivals from Paimeng. Is the premiere of Descent?"

"That's right! Although they don't have any movies to release in October, their company has some movies to release. He didn't support his company but went to this CQ company, which makes people very confused!"

"Maybe there's something else in here?"

"Yes, maybe there is something tricky in it?"

"I think so too."

"What the hell is the trick?"

"Or what kind of deal? Maybe Hansen is going to change jobs?"

"Fart, what company is Paramount, what company is CQ? Job hopping? Is Hansen crazy? That's not how you joke!"


The arrival of Hansen really plunged the audience into endless speculation.

After all, Hansen's arrival seems to have a lot of things to dig out.

As for the reporters, they rushed towards Ai Weiss Hansen and the others without saying a word, and put forward their guesses directly with actions.

"Hello, Ivis, may I ask why you attended the premiere of "Nightsiders" today, it seems that you have never heard of such vampire movies before, right?"

"To attend the premiere of Chu Qing's movie, do I need to ask why? Okay, don't hinder me from watching the movie." Aiweisi's answer was straightforward, and she sat in her seat under the protection of the bodyguard and looked at the screen .

Very cold, very indifferent.

"Hi Director Hansen, may I ask you to put down your company's "Legend of Rock" premiere to watch the premiere of "Darksiders", is there anything wrong with that?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Chu Qing is my best friend. He is a talented actor. I attended his premiere. What's wrong? Also, don't ask my sister Rose, My sister Rose is like me, Chu Qing sent us an invitation letter, we are not good friends if we don’t come, because I also want to see how Chu Qing’s "Dark Blood" is doing!" Hansen’s answer It's very blunt, and it doesn't even mean to argue with the reporter.

After answering the questions and saying hello to Pete Jiang and Xiaoyu, they immediately sat in their seats and watched the screen waiting for the premiere.

The reporters had to look back at Johnny and Jenny.

Johnny and Jenny are not as famous as the first two. Facing the reporter's questions, they answered the reporter's questions very seriously, wishing to stay under the camera for a while. Moreover, Johnny seems to be very eloquent tonight.

"Chu Qing and I are good friends, he is very talented, I admire him very much..."

"He is very powerful and great. Of course, he doesn't have many actor friends in Hollywood, just a few of us. If we don't come, who will come?"

"In short, I admire Chu Qing very much, Chu Qing..."

"When I worked with him for the first time, I felt a little contemptuous of him, thinking that he didn't have much acting skills. Later, I found out that I was completely wrong..."

Johnny answered very verbosely.

The problem that can be solved with a simple sentence was dragged on by Johnny for about 5 minutes, and the whole story was shamelessly flattering Chu Qing.

When it was Jenny's turn, Jenny was even more talkative. In short, she held Johnny's hand in various ways, showed various shows, and turned the topic in the direction of gossip. Johnny's various affections, and constantly posing poses...


Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that both Johnny and Jenny came here to show their presence and gossip. As for them supporting Chu Qing?
Well, this is just incidental.

Now that Chu Qing is in the limelight in the entertainment industry, they participated in the premiere ceremony and took advantage of Chu Qing's wind to get a few shots, which will definitely increase their popularity in Hollywood.

If, if...

Well, just in case it makes headlines by accident.

That's a lot of money.


Jiang Xiaoyu was worried that Pete would make a fool of himself in the premiere speech. After all, Pete's current state looks really stupid.

Fortunately, after taking the stage, although Pete stuttered occasionally, there were no other major problems.

This made Jiang Xiaoyu feel relieved.

After the premiere speech, the movie officially started playing.

Whether it is the reporters behind or the movie fans are staring at the big screen, looking forward to how many surprises this movie can bring them.

The beginning of "Blood in the Night" is a little bit tragic, and a narration is used to describe the birth of the vampire played by Chu Qing...

Pete is actually good at playing tragedies, at least it makes people feel that the picture is full of sense and very comfortable.

Moreover, the gloomy weather itself is a sense of substitution...

The audience saw some sense of substitution.

Later, Chu Qing, a vampire with an oriental face, was born in the ruins circle, and was adopted by a werewolf, and was taught various skills and powers of werewolves by the werewolf.

Although werewolves and vampires are both dark creatures, werewolves can appear in the crowd during the day, but vampires cannot.

The werewolf who adopted Chu Qing was a conspirator, and Chu Qing was just one of his experimental subjects.

The vampire played by Chu Qing was injected with werewolf blood by the werewolf who raised him, and then locked in a dark hut for nearly a week. After being tortured beyond human form, this poor vampire finally came back to life!
"It's too miserable! This poor vampire will be covered in blood and bite his hands to pieces!"

"Yeah, even though he has the ability to regenerate, he is too pitiful!"

"Hey, after all, he bears a blood feud! I think his future opponent will definitely be that vampire prince!"

"Poor vampire."


Chu Qing's acting skills are very good.

In a dark world, lights flicker.

The montage-like screening method shocked the audience even more.

The distorted face, twitching body, but the state of gritting his teeth and insisting on not saying a word all the time portrayed this poor vampire protagonist perfectly.

Blood, flesh, distortion, hatred...

All kinds of negative emotions and dark forces are intertwined.

The plot of this episode is not long, but the sense of substitution is full.

Although Chu Qing didn't say a word in this clip, everyone seemed to hear Chu Qing's struggle and his persistence.

He is a vampire with a deep hatred!
His blood is not noble, even, his mother is just a low-level vampire, just a human being.

However, this does not affect his willpower.

Why, others are strong, but I am not?

That's what Chu Qing's performance meant.

A week later, the audience saw Chu Qing leaving the secret room.

Pale face, hateful, blood-red pupils, and a cold and stern expression on his face.

The little girls couldn't help but wanted to scream!

so cool!
As for the film critics, they wrote film reviews with a swipe, and wrote close-ups of Chu Qing's penetrating acting skills.

The plot is actually a bit old-fashioned, but it is this old-fashioned plot that gave Chu Qing an extraordinary taste of detachment.

After writing this review, the critics continued to stare at the screen.

They then watched the following plot.

How is this young vampire going to take revenge?
As for Hansen and Rose, their eyes were fixed on the vampire played by Chu Qing on the big screen!
They felt completely captivated by this ruthless, yet flesh-and-blood vampire.

Even, even if they know the direction of the script, they are still full of expectations for this movie.

Looking forward to this humble vampire rising!
Looking forward to a final battle with that enemy!

nice movie!
The acting skills are really amazing!


Chu Qing fell asleep for two hours, but suddenly couldn't fall asleep.

He who was not nervous at all became inexplicably nervous after waking up.

Damn, the box office of "Night Descent" shouldn't hit the street in Hollywood, right?

I don't know how the word-of-mouth was at the premiere.

Could it be a scolding?
After all, although this plot is not old-fashioned, it is definitely not novel.

Will someone scold my acting skills?

Shouldn't it?
Will someone slander it?

my day!

Inexplicably, many thoughts appeared in Chu Qing's mind, and these chaotic thoughts impacted Chu Qing's consciousness.

After tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, he finally got up from the bed immediately.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He has made a decision!
That is to go to the cinema to see.

Although going to the cinema is really a bit of a scam now, but if you don't go to see it, Chu Qing is really a little worried.


Infected by Pete's bastard's nervousness?
Obviously it's just a movie, I'm so nervous!

(End of this chapter)

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