I'm not a big star

Chapter 561 The box office exploded!

Chapter 561 The box office exploded!

The ratings for "The Vampire Family" on the Internet are indeed not very friendly.

Of course, this has something to do with the battle plot in "The Vampire Family".

If the plot and battles in "Nightsiders" are turbulent, then the fights in "The Vampire Family" are like children's play games, with punches and legs, and when they get high, they hug the ground and roll on the wall. Continue to bite and beat, there is no beauty of movement at all.

Moreover, the plot of the romance is too blunt. When it is time to induce tears, it does not induce tears.

This made the audience keep complaining about the director Amy after watching the premiere, calling Amy a shit.

The ratings on the Internet are constantly declining, and every time it is refreshed, a minimum score will be refreshed, and finally, it will be fixed at 3.9 points.

Out of ten, you get 3.9 points?
You are too handsome.

Of course, judging from the screening hall, both "Vampire Family" and "Night Descent" are fully sold out, so no one can predict the final box office. The production company of "Vampire Family" Weiss Company is not important.

box office!

Yes, box office!

The most important thing for a movie is the box office. No matter how bad your reputation is, it doesn’t matter how many people hate it. As long as the box office passes the checkpoint and the follow-up plot is OK, a movie that can make a fortune is a good movie for Weiss Company.

They're very confident in 'Family of Vampires'

Of course, it was a completely different story for Pete.

He was the first movie after all.

At this moment, Pete is like Rhoda when he was filming "Mount Naihe", he has begun to lose confidence in his film.

Of course, "Naihe Mountain" and "Underworld" cannot be compared. After all, "Naihe Mountain" is a literary film, and "Underworld" is a commercial film. There are differences between commercial films and literary films. The big gap itself cannot be compared.

As for the October box office scramble?
Forget it, this kind of thing, just think about it.

For Pete, as long as he doesn't rush to the street, he doesn't lose money.

But what if the thing hit the street?

I will live up to the boss's trust in me!

It was precisely because of this cheating idea that Pete stayed up all night waiting for the box office data on the first day to appear!

"Support "Darksiders"! I have already booked the tickets for half a month later!"

"Me too, in October, I supported "Darksiders"! I don't support other movies!"

"This is a movie produced by Qingzi's own company. The box office of "Darksiders" is very important!"

"Yes, it is very important. If conditions permit, I really want to go to the United States to support a wave of "Dark Descent" in person."

"Go to America? Are you kidding me? Even if you go to America now, you can't book a ticket. According to the news I got in America, the box office of "Darksiders" has already been booked until the end of October. Now you go, you can only book a ticket." Tickets for November."

"Is it so powerful!"

"Must! Let's appeal to support Huaxia's box office. This time, we want to reach the top of Huaxia!"

"Yes, climb to the top of Huaxia!"

Of course, not only Pete, but the whole of Hollywood, and even the whole of China are staring at "Nightsiders".

For Chinese people, the final box office of "Dark Blood" is very meaningful. If "Dark Blood" can become a dark horse, it means that Chu Qing will occupy a place in Hollywood, and Chu Qing's CQ company will also be in the box office. Hollywood stands firm...

This is something that Huaxia people are very proud of.

From then on, Hollywood also has its own company of Chinese people!It also means that it will be easier for Chinese actors to enter Hollywood in the future, and the situation of Chinese actors playing supporting roles and villains in Hollywood will gradually disappear.

Well, this is a bit like expanding the territory and conquering the world.

Overnight, all the forums in Huaxia were filled with the words "Blood of the Night" and Qingzi. The headlines in Huaxia were always all kinds of brainwashing articles about "Blood of the Night" and analysis articles of Chu Qing's personal box office.

For a moment, all Huaxia movie fans had the illusion that the Huaxia entertainment circle had been completely unified by Chu Qing.

This also led to a very cheating phenomenon.

Tianyu and Yixing cried.

Tianyu and Yixing also have movies released in October, and the investment is not small.

But you can hardly see any news about them on the Internet, basically all of them are "Darksiders"

Both Tianyu and Yixing have headaches!

Chu Qing, if you harm Hollywood, you will harm Hollywood. Why do you want to release it simultaneously in China?
If you release it simultaneously, it will be released simultaneously, but you...

Why did so many things happen again?What do you do to occupy the headlines twice in three days?
Can't you just move your ass?

Fortunately, all Huaxia's publicity resources have been taken away by you...

Aren't you cheating, you let us drink some soup in Huaxia, okay?
After all, we are also the leading company in China!We also have dignity!
"Nightsiders" is absolutely aggressive in China. Whether it is Wang Ying, Luo Da, or even everyone in Yinghui Media, they think that "Nightsiders" has no suspense at the box office. The only suspense is whether the box office can be shaken off. How far is No.2...

Could it be that the box office on the first day will directly throw No.2 away from the box office of 500 million?


"Peter, are you still asleep?"

"Boss, I can't sleep."

"Just do your best."

"I understand."

In the early morning, Pete's eyes were bloodshot, and he was pacing back and forth in Chu Qing's office like a teenager with an internet addiction.

The shaking made Chu Qing dizzy.

However, Chu Qing can understand Pete's psychology very well, after all, this is Pete's debut novel...

It's normal to be nervous.

"Boss, tell me, can our "Nightsiders" enter the top five at the box office?" Pete was not in a good mood and collapsed.

Even if the word-of-mouth is raging, even if there are no bad reviews on the Internet, Pete's mood will be very ups and downs.

If it is customary, if "Nightsiders" enters the top five at the box office, it will not hit the street.

"You will definitely be in the top five, what are you afraid of!" Chu Qing shook her head, speaking from her heart, nervousness can be contagious.

Chu Qing began to get nervous after being shaken by Pete like this.


In the past, when every movie was released, my mentality was super good, and I was able to keep calm even when the box office was very good, but what happened this time?

My mother's mentality also collapsed?

"Oh, boss, I'm still worried, if the box office hits the market, I..."

"Shut up Pete, if you fucking say such things again, do you believe I'll beat you up?" Seeing Pete say such dejected words again, Chu Qing immediately stood up and glared at Pete, almost picking up her things Throw Pete away.

Pete subconsciously shrank his head.

He was a little afraid of Chu Qing.

At this moment, the bell rang at two o'clock in the morning.

Almost at the same time, there was a knock on the office door.

"Clap clap clap!"

The two of them stared at the door with a shock at the same time.

"Brother Qing, the box office is out, it's out!" Jiang Xiaoyu shouted.


Pete's heart skipped a beat, he rushed to the door and opened it, and Jiang Xiaoyu walked in with a stack of documents!
"How much is our box office on the first day!"

"First day box office, $800 million!"

"What! What are you talking about! 800 million dollars? Did I hear correctly?" After hearing this number, Pete's heart twitched violently, and he even felt that the blood in his whole body was flowing backwards!
What is the concept of $800 million?
The total investment is only 1000 million US dollars!
In other words, even if there is another discount at the box office tomorrow, as long as it is not a huge discount, then this movie will definitely pay back!
Is it possible to hit the street with a discount?

Never before in history!
And this is a real box office result without water injection!
Heart twitching!

Staring at the data, staring at the box office results, looking at the ranking of the second place above!

Our box office No.2!
Pete felt his head explode with a bang...

After the explosion...

Pete's eyes went black, and he lost consciousness with a rattle.

"Hey, Pete!"



The moment he fainted, the voices of Chu Qing and Jiang Xiaoyu came from his ears.


This is very happy for Pete.

Very excited fainted.

The box office of "Descent in the Dark" did not hit the street, not only did it not hit the street, but it exploded!
Pete felt like he was about to become famous!

Hollywood, Oscars, Berlin...

What red carpet, everything is waiting!


Larch Company!

"Director, director, the box office is out, it's out."

"How much is the box office!"

"We ranked first, with 900 million box office!"

"900 million? Huh, not bad! It's much higher than expected." After looking at the box office information, Jeff let out a long sigh of relief.

It's very comfortable.


He never paid attention to the box office of "Nightsiders" before, but he didn't expect this "Nightsiders" to be so showy, and it came directly to such a terrible score of 800 million!

This is too Nima shocking, right?
Jeff was speechless for a long time.

"What about No.3?"

"No.3 "Frozen Legend" 500 million!"

"500 million? Such a big gap?"

"Yeah!" The assistant nodded.

"No. 4?"

"No.4 is the literary film "The Story of Arrow"... 200 million..."

"No, what about "The Vampire Family"? Did you read it wrong?"

""Vampire Family" is... ranked behind No.5 "Desperate Man", um, 80!"

"What! Isn't this... the ranking too low?"

Jeff's eyes widened.

So rushed?

Get thrown off ten times by "Darksiders"?
Just ten times better?

Isn't this "Vampire Family" a loss to grandma's house?
This is not scientific!
"No, it's impossible for the box office of "Vampire Family" to be so bad, right? There must be something wrong." After careful consideration, Jeff shook his head.

This result is incredible!
"Well, "Vampire Family" would hit the box office originally, but it won't hit the street like this... Well, according to my investigation, it's the theater's problem."


"Yes, it seems that several theaters have temporarily replaced "Vampire Family" with "Darksiders" and our "King Kong 4"."

"What! Is there such an operation?"

(End of this chapter)

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