I'm not a big star

Chapter 563: Everyone scolds Qingzi!

Chapter 563: Everyone scolds Qingzi!
In the early morning of October [-]th, the box office statistics for the third day came out.

"Nightblood" $100 million!

"Night Descent" blinded the eyes of all Hollywood directors and film companies!

All fell into sluggishness and shock!

This is so...

Is it so scary?
"King Kong 4" 800 million!

"The Story of Arrow" 500 million!

"Frozen Legend" 400 million...

"Underworld" overtakes "King Kong 4" by $300 million at the box office!

One thing that the $300 million gross is indicative of is that the odds are growing that "Nightblood" will be No. [-] at the October box office.Netizens on the authoritative Hollywood movie website are more and more clamoring for the second part of "Nightsiders", and they are all discussing when the filming of "Nightsiders II" will start, whether it has been put on the agenda, and whether the script is being prepared. alright.

The movie box office battle in October is still fierce, but only two movies are constantly rising, one is Chu Qing's "Night Descent", and the other is Apache's "The Story of Arrow" by the new director.

Of course, if there is no "Dark Descent", then "The Story of Arrow", which has continued to rise and improve at the box office, may become a dark horse at the box office. Although I don't know how much the final box office will be, but judging by this posture, it ranks No.3 in the total box office And it doesn't matter if you make a small fortune.

In the future, Apache is very likely to compete with Pete for the title of Best New Director.

However, "The Story of Arrow" is not as popular as "Darksiders" on the Internet.

The brilliance of "Dark Blood" directly conceals the feeling that "The Story of Arrow" is both raw and bright.

As for "The Vampire Family", which everyone paid attention to before, it ushered in the lowest tide of the box office of 50.

Seeing the box office of 50 yuan, the major theaters have begun to discuss the withdrawal of "The Vampire Family" and distribute the remaining resources of "The Vampire Family" to "The Story of Arrow", "Darksiders" and "King Kong 4" movie.

Undoubtedly, "The Vampire Family" produced by Weiss Company has completely failed in Hollywood, and even lost money to grandma's house. As for the box office of "The Vampire Family" in mainland China, it is not too bad, about 600 million per day The RMB box office of...

However, in terms of the box office and the total investment in all aspects, it is really too far away.

Simply a drop in the bucket!

It is necessary to lose money on the street. Now the biggest wish of the entire Weiss company and Amy is that this movie can lose less money, at least half of it, right?

After looking at the box office data of the third day of "Nightblood" again, director Amy was very unbalanced and even went crazy with jealousy.

Why is it also a movie of the vampire type, but your "Night Descent" is full of oil, but my "Vampire Family" is a mess?

Why?Can anyone tell me why?
Obviously, my overall investment is more than yours!


"What! What did you say? My fans are arguing?"

"What, the entire Chinese entertainment industry is in a mess now? The Internet is full of all kinds of verbal violence, and it's all on the news?"

"What's the situation? I don't know at all!"

The box office explosion of "Nightsiders" made Chu Qing feel quite good.

However, when Chu Qing received a call from Yinghui Media, Chu Qing felt a little pained.

My Huaxia fans actually got into an internal quarrel first?
What's the situation?
Chu Qing felt a little baffled.

When Chu Qing boarded Huaxia's network and saw all kinds of noise on Weibo, post bars, and even the news in the entertainment circle, all kinds of scolding and deep resentment, she suddenly felt dizzy. .

What is this?
Can this issue be quarreled with?

What kind of profession am I to give you guys a relationship, is it necessary for you to make a fuss on the Internet?
Chu Qing shook her head, falling into a very helpless state.

Of course, with the Huaxia entertainment industry in such a mess, Chu Qing still had to do something.

So he posted on his Weibo, which has not been updated for a long time, and continued to update a Weibo that "calls on fans not to scold...".

Chu Qing's Weibo has hundreds of millions of followers, so every time Chu Qing posts on Weibo, all kinds of Weibo fans respond...

This Weibo rushed to No.1 on the topic list without any suspense, and there were countless comments.

At first, the content of the response was quite good, which made Chu Qing feel warm, all of them were "Qingzi, I understand you" "Qingzi, no matter what profession you are, we support you!" "Qingzi, come on!" "Qingzi don't Discomfort!"

However, half an hour later, the style of these messages suddenly changed, and they became caught off guard.

"Fuck! Qingzi, this matter has nothing to do with you, it's a matter of our film and television industry and the poetry world!"

"Qingzi, don't be a young bird, it has nothing to do with you, this is a matter of our novel and singer circles, don't get involved!"

"Qingzi, please write your poems well. This is a battle for status between our poetry circles and show business circles. It has nothing to do with you at all. Just write poems and novels obediently!"

"Yes, Chu Qing, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Go and cool off!"

"We don't have time to catch you!"

"Yes, go and go..."

After seeing the message on Weibo, Chu Qing was so angry that her nose turned crooked.

You fucking scolded me like shit online, scolded me for being depraved and shameless...

Then you say that Nima has nothing to do with me?

I'm so...

I deserve to be scolded by you?

Although there were basically all such grievance messages on the Internet that made Chu Qing speechless, the effect of Chu Qing's Weibo post was still there.

At least this group of fans who were scolding all changed their positions. In an instant, they stopped blaming each other and attacking each other, but all started scolding Chu Qing!

Moreover, the more you scold, the more happy you are, the more you scold, the more you are happy, it's like being angry.

"Qingzi, why do you think you can't just do one thing well? Why do you want to cross boundaries?"

"We know you are a genius, but even if you are a genius, you have to concentrate!"

"Yeah, Trash Qingzi, we won't pay attention to you anymore!"

"Garbage Qingzi! You still don't understand where you went wrong? You should reflect on yourself!"

"Yeah, you have to reflect on why this situation happened. I agree with you crossing the border, but can you work harder? What the fuck, have you written a new book?"

"Go! Qingzi, are you preparing for your new album?"

"When will you start the next concert? Why don't you give us a letter of approval, don't make us wait!"

"Yeah! You lazy bastard! Now I regret why I fell into your pit in the first place. Now, I can't get out!"

"Chu Xianyu, what the fuck, can't you just learn from other celebrities? You don't want to make money anymore?"

Well, Chu Qing once again landed on the homepage of a big portal website, but this time it was not news about Chu Qing, but news about Chu Qing's fans scolding Chu Qing...

After seeing these news, Chu Qing felt bad instantly.

I'm not hardworking enough?
Am I lazy?

I am salted fish?

I am so...

Getting shot while lying down?
Interesting or not?


"Qingzi, this..."


"Why do I feel that Qingzi, an international superstar, seems to be very hard-working?"

"Yeah, I have the same feeling. Although his Weibo comments have reached the top again, the problem is that the fans below are all scolding him. This operation is a little bit..."


"Haha, I'm so happy, I scolded Chu Qing, and said it has nothing to do with you, it's so funny, hahaha! Qingzi, your fans are invincible!"

"Chu Xianyu? This nickname is good, haha, very good!"

"Interesting, so interesting!"

China will never lack people who eat melons, and these people who eat melons are between Chuqing fans and netizens.

What they pay attention to is never Chu Qing's movies, TV series, songs, box office, poems, novels...

They were concerned about Chu Qing's news.

They found that Chu Qing's daily news in the entertainment circle was much more interesting than these things. Just take the past few days of troubles caused by Chu Qing's fans in the entertainment circle. Dazzling, so high that it exploded.

Especially Chu Qing's weibo incident made them overjoyed!
They felt that Chu Qing's Weibo was a misfortune, directing the fans' scolding to themselves, and burdening themselves with all kinds of infamy.

They watched it with gusto, and were even inexplicably looking forward to it...

What to expect?
"Um...what's Qingzi's headline tomorrow? Is it a box office explosion? Or is it fans who continue to riot?"

"I hope it's a fan riot. I don't know why, the more fans scold Chu Qing, the happier I feel!"

"Damn, how can you gloat like this? You can't do this..."

"Day, don't be so sanctimonious, scolding Qingzi's message, you are faster than anyone else..."

"This... I am also following the trend..."

"Haha, the trend is to scold Qingzi?"


These melon eaters have been brainwashed by Chu Qing.

The first thing they do when they wake up every day is to get on the news to see what Chu Qing is up to.

They like to make troubles!

Chu Qing turned off the Internet, he planned to stop watching the scolding on the Internet.

Chu Qing is deeply aware of what it means to be tired of being famous.

But, fortunately, now that I am in the United States, the netizens in the United States are very friendly, and basically the forums are full of support.

No, the fans in the United States are also terrible...

The incident of fans surrounding the company is still vivid in Chu Qing's mind.

Maybe, this is my hard life.

I think it's time for me to retire and enjoy life.

When you are a super star, you can hold on when you are full.

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

He originally planned to stay in the United States for ten days and return to China in ten days.

However, after seeing the scolding on the Huaxia Network, Chu Qing suddenly changed his itinerary.

It's better to stay in the United States for a few more days, and go back after Huaxia's limelight passes. After all, if I go back to Huaxia now, I will basically seek scolding.

Chu Qing has no masochism.

"Boss, Director Hansen is visiting."

"Director Hansen? What does he want from me?"

"Um, it's probably about his martial arts movie..."


"not see!"

"However, Director Hansen's attitude is very firm. He must see you, and he said that if you don't see him, he will always wait for you..."


Chu Qing closed her eyes.

Can everyone please stop?
(End of this chapter)

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