I'm not a big star

Chapter 571 Hard work, hard work!

Chapter 571 Hard work, hard work!
For the sake of sales, some unscrupulous tabloids wrote a close-up of Chu Qing's death news, and even PS published many unwarranted case reports.

In the case report, Chu Qing's "death" made many people dumbfounded.

Death from overwork, death from depression, heart attack, falling from the second floor...

In short, all kinds of death reports and medical records were screenshotted by netizens and scattered on various post bars and websites, which made it a bit of a joy.

At first, when they saw the news of Chu Qing's death, the entire Internet was filled with sorrow, and they all felt that it was a pity that this scourge that occupied the headlines of the entertainment circle died, but as various news of the death spread, After going online, this sadness was inexplicably washed away a lot...

Although Yinghui Media did not clarify whether Chu Qing was alive or dead, the messy medical records on the Internet stunned netizens.

Death from overwork, death from depression, heart attack, these are quite normal...

But you, what do these cases of uterine cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian mass mean?
Could it be that Chu Qing has changed her sex in the past few days?

You make up and make up a little bit of reality, right?

"Haha! Invincible, invincible, I saw Qingzi's case today, it turned out to be irregular menstruation, what the hell, it turned out to be irregular menstruation, goddamn irregular menstruation!"

"Haha! I'm dying of laughter, breast cancer... Qingzi is awesome, he can turn into a woman!"

"During the one-month relationship, Qingzi went to Thailand and had an operation. After the operation, he developed cancer all over his body?"

"Haha, goddamn medical records! Goddamn science!"

Unscrupulous tabloids don't care what is scientific or not. In short, as long as the sales can be made, they will do all kinds of nonsense...

This farce continued until mid-January 08.

The official Weibo of Yinghui Media issued a notice, and the notice was very simple.

"Qingzi is a very nice person, thank you fans for your concern, here is another warning to those lawbreakers, if you use Qingzi's fame to carry out various commercial activities, the company will protect Qingzi's rights and interests according to the law!"

As soon as this Weibo post was posted, it was immediately reposted countless times. Overnight, those unscrupulous tabloid merchants disappeared completely, and even many Weibos that had reposted the news of Chu Qing's death also sent apology messages one after another. It means that some people who are greedy for profit have led a wave of rhythm and followed a wave of wind, and I am here to say sorry to everyone, say sorry to Qingzi, etc...

When the farce ended, some netizens were still a little confused.

Since Qingzi didn't die, why did he disappear and didn't even participate in the Spring Festival Gala?

What's going on here?

A true warrior dares to face the bleakness of life.

Chu Qing was not a real warrior, so even though he was prepared in his heart, Chu Qing still complained incessantly in the face of the daily high-load body training tasks.

After staying on the mountain for more than a month, Chu Qing's body was tanned, and at the same time, there were some muscles with distinct water chestnut angles.

Old man Jiang is very ruthless!

Even in Chu Qing's dreams, she would never have imagined that she would experience such an inhuman ordeal.

In the mountains, there is no salted fish.

Every day, Chu Qing gets up at four o'clock, runs [-] meters with those brothers and sisters on time, and when the time reaches six o'clock, he washes his body, eats breakfast, and sits Learn the meridians of the human body and some knowledge of internal skills in the martial arts room for about an hour. After learning, I will learn from my brothers...

This sparring was not just for fun, but a real sparring. In the first day or two, Chu Qing was beaten so badly by Zhou Nianzhong on the martial arts stage that he almost collapsed on the ring and couldn't get up...

No one could have imagined that Chu Qing, who was in charge of the world in China's entertainment industry, was lying on the ring like a dead dog and was forced to undergo all kinds of training.

Zhou Nianzhong was very helpless.

He actually wanted to be merciful, but old man Jiang was watching from below. Before going on stage, old man Jiang had warned him that he must train Chu Qing well. If he saw that there was water or something, then the consequences would be up to him. do it.

Zhou Nianzhong was shocked after hearing old man Jiang's words, so he didn't dare to release any more water...

Therefore, Chu Qing was forced to suffer!

At noon, Chu Qing took a nap after lunch, and continued to exercise in the afternoon, practicing the Five Elements Boxing that old man Jiang taught Chu Qing.

Five Elements Boxing is much more complicated than the set of moves that Jiang Xiaoyu taught himself before. It is very difficult for Chu Qing to finish every move. The foul-smelling liquid, after drinking this liquid, Chu Qing even wondered if she was still alive...

The only time to relax is at night. At night, Chu Qing doesn't need to exercise...

However, although there is no need to exercise, the old man Jiang will hold Chu Qing and hold the brush to write, and he must write a certain amount, and at the same time, he can't write in a mess...

This made Chu Qing start to complain.

Doing exercises during the day, Chu Qing gritted her teeth and persevered for the sake of the movie, but practicing brush calligraphy at night caused Chu Qing a lot of pain.

I have been fine since I was a child, but this handwriting is terrible. Now that I have changed to brush calligraphy, this handwriting is even worse.

Simply appalling.

Chu Qing felt very strange, the word himself was hopeless, so old man Jiang still refused to let him go?

Of course, it is true that it took more than a month to reborn. At least the current Chu Qing is completely different from the Chu Qing of a month ago. After taking the opportunity to fight back, although Chu Qing failed in the formal duel with Zhou Nianzhong without exception, at least the progress is really obvious.

Chu Qing suddenly remembered a sentence.

"The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold..."

At first Chu Qing felt that she couldn't bear this kind of high-intensity tempering at all, and even regretted making some martial arts movie "Sword Heart" and involved herself in it...

But as his body gradually began to change, Chu Qing's regrets gradually decreased, and he even gradually became interested in this kind of life of exercising his body.

Which young man does not have a martial arts dream?

Which young man does not have the dream of fighting the sword?

Chu Qing is naturally a young man...

When she is free from exercise, Chu Qing will take the script of "Jian Xin" and start to ponder, repeatedly revising the dialogue and actions in it, and at the same time rehearsing the shooting techniques and details learned from Yan Ying in her mind...

This is Chu Qing's first self-written and self-directed film in the true sense. Although Chu Qing did not imagine that this film would become a hit and that Hollywood and Huaxia would win all kinds of awards in one fell swoop, at least they can't rush to the street, right?

If the first movie he wrote and directed hits the market, it will definitely deal a blow to Chu Qing's self-confidence...

On January 1th, there are only about 20 days until the Chinese New Year in 08.

On the mountain, the weather gradually became colder, and a small lake in front of the yard also formed thin ice.

Chu Qing doesn't like winter very much.

What winter gave Chu Qing was an indescribable chill.

But Jiang Xiaoyu is different. Jiang Xiaoyu is very happy when winter comes, and begins to look forward to snow.

Jiang Xiaoyu thinks snow is very romantic.

Chu Qing felt that snow was very uncomfortable, because when it snowed, the leisure and elegance of this group of literati came.

On January 1, it snowed.

On the morning of the 21st, the entire mountain was covered with snow and white.

"Hahaha, Mr. Jiang, this year's snow is still very beautiful!"

"That's natural. My place is a good place to watch the snow. If you stand here and look at it, there is nothing but whiteness in front of you."

"Yes, the rivers and mountains of the motherland are always fascinating!"

"This feeling and this scene are very poetic, otherwise, how about we use snow as the theme today and write a poem?"

"Haha, not bad! Come, get my four treasures of the study!"


Chu Qing rolled his eyes as he watched a few old men in Chinese tunic suits standing on the side of the mountain in the distance with great interest.

A lot of age, but this is very energetic...

It's really speechless.

There are also a few outstanding talents, for example, Ouyang Hua, Murong He, Xu Haoran and others stood by and listened to the old men bragging about how vivid and beautiful this snow scene is...

Chu Qing didn't like these people very much, and even stayed away from them.

He can't stand the hypocrisy of these literati...

"Haha, Mr. Liu, your Yongxue is very good! You have written this snowy river and mountain, it is really a masterpiece of snow..."

"Haha, Mr. Jiang, your "Jingxue" is not bad either, it expresses the bleakness of winter..."

"Ha ha!"

After reciting poems, it was time to brag about each other. In short, Chu Qing was too lazy to stay by and listen to these bragging words.

"By the way, Murong, Ouyang, you two are also the best of the younger generation. Don't you have a poetic mood in today's situation?" He set his sights on the younger generation, especially Ouyang Hua, the Murong River fish.

Both young men have a confident face and seem to have a plan in mind.

"Ah, Mr. Liu, I did think of a poem, but this poem is a bit ugly..."

"Whoever shows ugliness or not, those who can stand here are people who understand poetry. You just do it. Even if you do something wrong, no one will blame you." Old man Liu waved his hand indifferently, signaling for Ouyang He to come head.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Ouyang Hua felt a little satisfied with his vanity, smiled slightly, and looked at Bai Xue in the distance...

"Then today, let me also sing "Snow"!" He took a deep breath, brewed his emotions, and then began to read the poem...

Although the old man Jiang looked at Ouyang Hua approvingly with a smile, he turned to the distant hut from time to time from the corner of his eye.

In the distance is where Chu Qing lives.

Why isn't this kid here yet?

"Brother Qing, grandpa asked you to go out..."

"Why go out, don't go." Chu Qing hid in the room, warming up by the fire, very comfortable.

"Brother Qing, Ouyang Hua and the others are here, this is a literati romance, don't you want to go?"

"I'm not a literati, what am I going to..."

"Brother Qing...it's not good for you to do this, grandpa is very concerned about face..."

"...I'm really not interested in getting along with this group of people." Chu Qing looked at Jiang Xiaoyu helplessly.

"Brother Qing...you..."

"Little fish, don't bother me... I still have to finish the script and read a book... I really don't have time."

"..." Seeing Chu Qing's lack of interest, Jiang Xiaoyu finally shook his head and said nothing.

Brother Qing doesn't want to go, so he doesn't want to go, and grandpa won't do anything to Brother Qing...

What am I worried about.

However, when Jiang Xiaoyu pushed the room away, he saw Ouyang Hua and Murong He standing at the door.

"Is Qingzi there?"

"Qingzi, why don't you compose a poem in this situation? This is the romance of a literati..."

(End of this chapter)

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