I'm not a big star

Chapter 574 I Want To Make Him Inseparable From Me

Chapter 574 I Want To Make Him Inseparable From Me

(PS, thanks to Wuxin Century, touched, really touched, woo woo woo... Thank you, thank you very much)
After dismissing this group of literati, Chu Qing's life returned to calm again.

Every day as usual, Chu Qing exercises with his brothers and sisters, doing various routines and movements to learn from each other. In his spare time, he stays in the room revising the script of "Jian Xin", thinking about the plot and shooting details...

Chu Qing has read the director's book on the table four or five times, and Chu Qing reads it almost every day before going to bed. After reading it, she compares the script of "Jian Xin" with her. Some gains.

In fact, the script of "Jian Xin" written by Chu Qing and the current version of "Jian Xin" are completely different!

The previous "Sword Heart" was written without any knowledge of what a martial artist is, and it was basically written with the idea of ​​taking it for granted. Now that Chu Qing has come into contact with it and experienced training and learning from it personally, he feels that the previous version of "Sword Heart" is really good. It's bad enough.

I just don't understand at all and have some hot eyes.

It seems that the saying that practice is the last word to test theory still makes sense.

The fights in some martial arts movies are really fake enough.

Chu Qing came to this conclusion.

During this period, Jia Yu had a phone call with Chu Qing, and Jia Yu hoped that Chu Qing would help her and Bai Youxue write a chorus song.

Jia Yu and Bai Youxue attended the 08 Spring Festival Gala, and the two were going to sing a song together.

After thinking of the Spring Festival Gala chorus program Jia Yu and Bai Youxue, Chu Qing inexplicably remembered the song "Meeting 98" in the original world.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Qing slightly changed the lyrics of "Meeting 98" and changed it to "Meeting 08" and gave it to Jia Yu.

Yes, Chu Qing is no longer the immature young man whose heart was pounding when he got 20 yuan.

Now both Jiayu and Bai Youxue have signed their own Yinghui Media. No matter what kind of business activities they attend in the future, they will share with their company. If they write a song for them to sing, it will be released in the end. For the album, my share also accounts for a large part, so what difference does it make if I don't give it away?
Or because Xiu Jiayu knew this, Gen Chuqing was not very polite on the phone. The meaning is very simple, you write it, I sing it without thinking about other things...

However, when Chu Qing sent the lyrics of "Meeting 08" to Jiayu Chuqing through SMS, Jia Yu on the other end of the phone looked at the lyrics stupidly and was speechless for a while.

Then he turned to look at Bai Youxue.

"What? It was written in more than 20 minutes?"


"Don't you find it strange?"

"It's not surprising."


Bai Youxue shook her head. In fact, she was completely used to Chu Qing's operation. She even saw Chu Qing write a song in less than 10 minutes...

20 more minutes?
Compared with the previous ten minutes, Chu Qing is already very salty, okay?

I guess when he wrote the song, he was definitely lying on the bed, yawning lazily and writing it...

Well, in Bai Youxue's heart, Chu Qing is such a lazy image...


Jia Yu shook his head, suppressing the shock in his heart, and looked at the lyrics.

When she finished reading the lyrics, she took another deep breath and was shocked again.

This song is a good song, catchy, and with such a classic meaning, it fits the current feeling...


Is this really a song written in 10 minutes?

"Sister Jiayu, there's nothing strange about it. He's a monster. There's no need to compare himself with monsters." After seeing the wonderful expression on Jiayu's face, Bai Youxue knew what Jiayu was thinking.

In fact, when Bai Youxue saw Chu Qing writing songs, she was also shocked by Chu Qing, no different from Jia Yu now.

but now……

Now she is used to it.

It would be shocking if the songs Chu Qing wrote were not classics!

The chief director of the 08 Spring Festival Gala was Zhang Chunjiang.

Zhang Chunjiang and Chu Qing are old acquaintances. After all, Zhang Chunjiang was the assistant director during the 07 Spring Festival Gala, and Chu Qing and Zhang Chunjiang had a lot of contact.

At the beginning of December 07, Zhang Chunjiang invited Chu Qing to audition for the Spring Festival Gala several times, but because of Chu Qing's various reasons, he rejected Zhang Chunjiang.

Zhang Chunjiang was a little disappointed.

The ratings of the two Spring Festival Gala that Chu Qing participated in were astonishing. This year’s Spring Festival Gala without Chu Qing’s participation, I don’t know how many ratings will be left. Participated in the Spring Festival Gala and brought a very good sketch "Not Bad Money".

The author of the essay "Not Bad Money" is undoubtedly Chu Qing's.

Without Chu Qing's Spring Festival Gala, the audience might feel a little less attractive, the popularity of fans might be less, and the ratings would be discounted, but it is really comforting to Zhang Chunjiang that the skit master Zhao Chungen can participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

After all, Master Zhao Chungen is also Chu Qing's iconic figure every year. In terms of seniority, he is much more important than Chu Qing...

"Is everything ready?"

"Director, get ready!"

"Oh, the director team, the planning team, the recording of the Spring Festival Gala is about to start, let the actors prepare, there is also the sound, the sound is okay..." After all, it is the first time to be the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, so Zhang Chunjiang is in the Spring Festival Gala. During the hour when the recording was about to start, he carefully guided the staff on the details, and he did not allow any loopholes and problems in his Spring Festival Gala...

When it was confirmed that there was no problem and the host was ready, Zhang Chunjiang let out a long breath.

How will this year's Spring Festival Gala be?


"Quick, quick, the Spring Festival Gala is about to begin."

"Which number is Qing Zi ranked?"

"Auntie, Brother Qingzi didn't attend this year's Spring Festival Gala."

"Ah? Qingzi didn't go up? Why, isn't Qingzi allowed to go up?"

"No, Brother Qingzi refused."

"What, refused? This bastard is really courageous..."

"Although Brother Qingzi refused, the songs and sketches written by Brother Qingzi will be played in this Spring Festival Gala. After all, Zhao Chungen and Brother Qingzi are old friends..."

"Oh, Qingzi didn't participate in the Spring Festival Gala, what did he do? Is there anything more important than the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Brother Qingzi is preparing a new movie."

"New movie? Another movie? Didn't you just make it?"

"Yeah, the movie is different this time. Brother Qingzi seems to be attacking Hollywood from China..."

"Huh? Attack Hollywood? Are you so ambitious?"

Chu Qing's family stared at the big screen, watching this year's Spring Festival Gala neatly, talking about Chu Qing.

Last year, Chu Qing did not come to celebrate the New Year at home. This year, on the [-]th, Chu Qing still did not spend the New Year at home. This made Chu Qing's parents miss...

Having such a big star in their family, they should have been very happy and proud, but in this kind of happiness and pride, there was a sense of loneliness in the end...

Just when the parents felt lost, the phone rang at home. Chu Qing's parents were shocked at the same time, and then ran to the phone excitedly.

The call did not disappoint them, it was from Chu Qing.

"Mom, Dad..."

After hearing the voice, the two elders only felt warm in their hearts.


When Chu Qing hung up the phone, she felt her nose sore for no reason.

Although the parents kept saying that their family was very nice, that everything was in good condition and that they were carefree, Chu Qing could still hear their parents' expectations.

I haven't been home for the New Year for almost two years.

He suddenly thought of a song, the name of this song is "Go Home and Have a Look".

The words and the melody lingered in his mind again.

Again, his nose was sore.

"Brother Qing, what's wrong with you?"


After Chu Qing heard Jiang Xiaoyu's voice behind her, she quickly shook her head.

"Brother Qing, are you homesick?"


Jiang Xiaoyu is a very smart girl, she guessed it right away when Chu Qing ran outside and called home.

She knew that Chu Qing was homesick.

After all, she knew that Chu Qing was nostalgic.

"Brother Qing, how about we go home tomorrow and have a look."

"No need." Chu Qing shook her head and closed her eyes.

"Actually, your home is quite close to here. It only takes four hours to drive. Besides, there will be nothing wrong tomorrow."

"I know, let's talk about it." Chu Qing slightly closed her eyes and stood at the door.

Jiang Xiaoyu didn't know what Chu Qing was thinking.

At this moment, Chu Qing's phone rang again. Chu Qing took out the phone and saw that it was Zhao Yinger calling.

After seeing Zhao Yinger, Chu Qing showed a happy smile.

The sour feeling is also much less.

Zhao Yinger is currently filming an [-]-episode series "The King's Daughter". This drama is expected to start broadcasting around March this year, so she has been in a hurry, and she has less contact with Chu Qing.

"Qingzi... where are you, I miss you." Zhao Yinger's first sentence expressed her miss very straightforwardly.

"Um... I'm on the mountain." Chu Qing answered honestly.

"On the mountain?" There was a burst of doubt over there.

Because Zhao Yinger was closely involved in filming, Chu Qing did not tell Zhao Yinger about some of Chu Qing's itinerary, and Zhao Yinger did not know that Chu Qing was preparing the movie "Sword Heart" on the mountain...

"Oh, yes……"

Immediately afterwards, Chu Qing and Zhao Yinger started talking on the phone...

Jiang Xiaoyu, who was standing beside him with a happy smile on his face, gradually became stiff, and his smile gradually disappeared.

Finally, Jiang Xiaoyu turned away from Chu Qing without saying a word.


The weather is very cold.

Jiang Xiaoyu stared silently at the frozen lake in the distance.

To be honest, the life spent with Chu Qing in the past two years is very good.

However, a good life always comes to an end, and Chu Qing will go down the mountain after March.

After going down the mountain, although I can see Chu Qing anytime and anywhere, there are still some things that are different.

She closed her eyes, she was always very calm, and now her mood was very chaotic.

Chu Qing's girlfriend is not her, Jiang Xiaoyu, her Jiang Xiaoyu and Chu Qing are at most just a working relationship.

Apart from work, she is actually nothing...

At most, just friends...

What Jiang Xiaoyu wants is not friends!
Not in the first place, never have been!

Manager, of course you can stay with Chu Qing for a while, but Chu Qing's heart is always on Zhao Yinger.

Jiang Xiaoyu suddenly felt some resentment.

Why did Chu Qing meet Zhao Yinger instead of her?If Chu Qing met her first, then she is not Zhao Yinger who is talking on the phone here now...

History cannot be assumed.

So she and Chu Qing didn't...

However, the more he stayed with Chu Qing, the more Jiang Xiaoyu felt that he couldn't do without Chu Qing...

Chu Qing's smile, the occasional silly behavior, the occasional surprise, the occasional high-spirited momentum sweeping the world...

Everything about Chu Qing was imprinted in Jiang Xiaoyu's heart.

What exactly should I do?

What should I do……

After ten minutes, Jiang Xiaoyu opened his eyes.

After opening her eyes, she narrowed them.

I want Brother Qing to be inseparable from me!
What I do is not good enough!

Jiang Xiaoyu let out a long breath.

(End of this chapter)

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