I'm not a big star

Chapter 576 I want to be a great director, I'm also a genius!

Chapter 576 I want to be a great director, I'm also a genius!

"Qingzi, may I ask you to refuse the Spring Festival Gala not to be on the headlines of the entertainment industry these days, do you decide to quit the entertainment industry?"

"Hi Qingzi, I'm Xiao Zhang, a reporter from Chaoyang Entertainment Evening News. I want to ask, are you planning to retire from behind the scenes as the rumors say?"

"Qingzi, are you planning to abandon your fans?"

"Some people say that you are not doing your job properly, and that you have been playing League of Legends every day during the past few months when you disappeared. May I ask if you are addicted to the Internet?"

"May I ask what you think of this year's Spring Festival Gala? Will you never go to the Spring Festival Gala again?"

"It is rumored that you have a physical problem. Is it true? Are you terminally ill?"

When Chu Qing came to the gate of the community and got off the car, countless reporters surrounded her.

Facing these reporters, Chu Qing smiled, but she was as speechless as ever in her heart. She seemed to have left the circle for a while, and the popularity did not go down but became more and more popular.

Chu Qing felt that these reporters were really idle and had nothing to do. There were so many big stars in the entertainment industry who didn't go to interview, so why did they interview themselves, and what kind of questions were they asking?
Retire?Play League of Legends?Physical problems?Abandon fans?

The fuck!

Chu Qing took a deep breath. Now he is not Xiaobai when he first entered the circle. Although he doesn't like this kind of messy interview in his heart, he has a kind and modest smile on his face. Even he I feel that I am hypocritical, with a typical smile on my face, and my mother's criticism in my heart...

What a hypocritical society!

Chu Qing secretly cursed...

Of course, Jiang Xiaoyu has a good way of dealing with reporters. Chu Qing is only responsible for smiling, so that the reporters will not write bad things about Chu Qing's black face all the time. Jiang Xiaoyu is full of enthusiasm when facing reporters. , and even regarded this short-lived interview as a publicity...

"I'm sorry for worrying the reporters and fans. Brother Qing has not quit the circle, and his life is not in danger. He is in good health. The reason why he left the circle temporarily is because he is preparing for a new movie!"

"The name of this new movie is "Jian Xin". The movie has been filed, and it is expected to start shooting in early April. This is a movie produced by our Yinghui Media, directed, acted, and written by Brother Qing..."

"Yes, that's right, self-written, directed and acted, the investment is also my own, the script is completely written by Brother Qing..."

"For the best screenwriter, the best director? This Brother Qing has never thought about it, but Brother Qing has always wanted to make a movie by himself, and he does have the talent of a screenwriter. The new "Legend of the White Snake" and all the previous films that Brother Qing participated Movies are all made by Brother Qing."

"This is a movie that has hit Hollywood, and Brother Qing has put his heart and soul into it. Whether it is in terms of plot or action, Brother Qing is different from traditional martial arts movies, but it will not be a fairy tale movie. Don't worry. "

"Eh? It's not the same as the "Jian Xin" directed by Hansen in Hollywood? It's completely different. The "Jian Xin" directed by Han Sen and our "Jian Xin" have nothing the same except for the name. Including the concepts, shooting techniques, and understanding of martial arts are different."


Jiang Xiaoyu patiently answered the reporter's questions. Basically, whenever the reporter asked, she would answer, and she basically brought it to the movie "Jian Xin", constantly saying that in order to prepare for this movie, Chu Qing paid a lot. How much blood, sweat and price have been spent, and how important Chu Qing is to this movie, and even added a sentence at the end that this movie will surpass every movie Chu Qing has acted in before, which is definitely a pleasant surprise...

In short, it turned the direction of the reporters to "Jianshin".

After hearing Jiang Xiaoyu blowing up "Jian Xin" so much, the eyes of these reporters and the fans watching were instantly lit up with anticipation.

Big news, big news!
What kind of movie is it that can make Chu Qing spend several months, give up the prosperity of the entertainment industry, and give up the movie that the Spring Festival Gala is devoted to?
Transcendence, how did it surpass it?
Nima, do you want to become the king of movies?

The noisy reporters and fans made Chu Qing feel a headache.

After "cleaning up" on the mountain for so long, Chu Qing really couldn't adapt to this noisy environment.

Lights, microphones, cameras...

All kinds of things made Chu Qing feel a little bit helpless.

However, after entering the community, although there are still a group of people surrounding him, most of these people are neighbors...

At least it made Chu Qing feel better...

"Brother Qingzi!"

"Qingzi is here."

"Ha ha!"

Little cousin, Chu Qing's parents and uncle's family were waiting for Chu Qing at the door. After seeing Chu Qing's figure, Chu Qing's mother actually shed tears. At the same time, the uncle's family was also very excited. Besides them, a group of seven The relatives of my aunt and eight aunts.

When Chu Qing returned home this time, she had the attitude of returning home with honor and attracting everyone's attention...

When such a person appears in the family, the whole family is honored and feels honored.

After Chu Qing saw this group of relatives, she didn't hold her head up high. Instead, she called her uncle, cousin, uncle, uncle...

After calling, he said some happy new year words, and Chu Qing prepared different gifts for each relative.

He has a lot of respect for these relatives...

When I was young, my family was poor, and these relatives did not look down on me, but helped me very enthusiastically. In fact, Chu Qing always kept this kindness in mind.

"Brother Qingzi... give me an autograph..." Among them, the little cousin shouted the most.

"Sign it? Sign it, come on, let's go back to the house first, I'll write something for you..."

"it is good!"

After looking at Chu Qing, the little cousin was full of joy, and followed Chu Qing into the house, but he didn't expect that when he first entered the room, Chu Qing gave the little cousin a few thumps, making the little cousin The cousin's expectant eyes instantly turned into painful grins...

"Brother Qingzi, you..."

"I asked you to leak my news?"


Without further ado, Chu Qing came again.

"I...I'm not...I just told my classmates, but I didn't expect all the reporters to know..."


"Will you talk about it later?"

"No...I won't say anymore...don't hit me, brother Qingzi...you'll be stupid!"


"You're not smart anyway!"

"Brother Qingzi, I was wrong, I was really wrong, just let me go this time, woo woo woo..."

Little cousin Liu Tianhong was about to cry holding his head.

He found that Brother Qingzi especially liked to knock him on the head, it felt like knocking a watermelon...


"Will I have a long memory in the future?"

The little cousin's head is indeed very brittle, and it feels unique when knocked.

Well, Chu Qing is a little bit addicted...

"Long, long, it's really long, and it won't be like this in the future..." The little cousin nodded quickly, tears falling down.


"Well... that, Brother Qing, you beat me too, and you learned my lesson, your signature..."

"Where to sign?"



A few minutes later, Chu Qing and her little cousin walked out of the room.

The little cousin covered his head with one hand, and held his autograph in the other. He had a strange expression on his face, his eyes were obviously a little wet, but he was smiling again. He didn't know whether it was sad or happy.

Chu Qing was all smiles.

Chu Qing's family actually listened enthusiastically and had a great time.

After the little cousin carefully put away the signature, he immediately talked to Jiang Xiaoyu...

The little cousin has a much higher EQ than Chu Qing, and he is a man of his own, who was taught by Chu Qing on one side to the point of crying, but on the other side he got to know Jiang Xiaoyu very well, one mouthful of Miss Xiaoyu, one mouthful A sister Xiaoyu is beautiful, Miss Xiaoyu is so charming, Brother Qingzi has Miss Xiaoyu's help, and his career is definitely booming.

Jiang Xiaoyu was elated when he heard it, and after thinking about it for a while, he knew that his little cousin's flattery had another purpose, but his heart was like honey...

This little cousin can talk, at least better than Brother Qing, the elm lump.

Hearing his little cousin's flattery, Jiang Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes glanced at Chu Qing who was surrounded by his parents and uncle's family to ask for warmth.

Brother Qing, when will your EQ be higher?

If you have a little cousin as tall as you, then I don't have to suffer so much.

The more Jiang Xiaoyu thought about it, the more he felt Chu Qing's lump, and the more he thought about it, the more helpless he felt...

Well, she was defeated by Chu Qing.


Lunch was not rich, but it was basically Chu Qing's favorite food.

The food was delicious, Chu Qing let go of her stomach, and started to eat voraciously without any image.

Chu Qing's parents looked at Jiang Xiaoyu in embarrassment after seeing Chu Qing's eating.

Jiang Xiaoyu has long been used to being surprised, and looks at Chu Qing with complicated and loving eyes from time to time.

Secretly, Chu Qing's father and mother glanced at each other.

Except for Chu Qing, a fool with low EQ, all fools could tell that this beautiful manager was interested in Chu Qing.

Zhao Yinger, Wang Ying, and now add Jiang Xiaoyu...

Chu Qing's parents somehow feel that their son's love life is a bit bumpy.

Other parents are worried about how their son will marry a wife, but they are worried about who their son will choose and how to balance it...

Every girl is so good, and every girl has good conditions in all aspects...


My son is very lucky, right?

Of course, there is no way for Chu Qing's parents to choose these things...

"Little cousin, I heard that you applied for Yan Ying?"

"Yes, I want to be a director, a great director like Xu Chaoge..."

Jiang Xiaoyu somehow felt that the atmosphere on the table was weird, so he turned to look at his little cousin.

She and her little cousin got along quite well.

"Oh, but Yanying's exam is very difficult...especially for the culture class."

"Sister Yu'er, don't worry... this year's college entrance examination champion, I will definitely be the only one..." The little cousin is not humble at all, and even a little brash, "Brother Qingzi is a genius, and I won't be too far behind Brother Qingzi, Hmm... I'm a genius too!"

"Haha!" Jiang Xiaoyu laughed, thinking that the little cousin was quite funny.

"Tianhong! Don't you want to show your face, genius, I think you are a fool! If you fail the college entrance examination, it will be a joke!" Liu Bingbing saw his son bragging in front of outsiders, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable up.

Although you have good academic performance, you can't brag like that, can you?

You brag like that, how do you let others see you!

Humble, humble!

"Dad... Didn't you say that you have to be honest? I'm quite honest..." The little cousin continued to speak brazenly, and he was very stinky.

"You, you... You said it's not good for you to report to Yanda honestly?"

"Of course it's not good. Now that the entertainment industry is full of flames, I want to help Brother Qingzi...Tianyu, Yixing, etc., after I come out of the mountain, I will be cut off sooner or later..."


"Dad, why did you hit me!"

"It's fine to say these things in front of your own people. If you dare to say them outside, I will kill you!" Liu Bingli gave his little cousin a hard look, his eyes full of warnings!
"I know, Miss Xiaoyu is not an outsider, that's why I said it... Don't you, Miss Yu?" The little cousin looked at Jiang Xiaoyu as if everyone knew each other very well, you are my sister-in-law. appearance……

"Well, yes, it doesn't matter that Miss Xiaoyu is not an outsider but one of her own..." Jiang Xiaoyu looked at his little cousin with a smile on his face and subconsciously patted his little cousin's head.

This ass is well done!

Jiang Xiaoyu was photographed...

Very cool!

As for Chu Qing, he has been gobbling it all the time, not caring about anything.

A bird has faded out on the mountain.

After finally going home, why doesn't he eat more?

What's the matter, let's talk after eating!

 Thank you Meng Sannianz for your big reward, moved, bowed, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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