I'm not a big star

Chapter 589 Chu Qing is a real man...

Chapter 589 Chu Qing is a real man...

In the first few days of May, the headlines were basically the news that the box office of Hansen's version of "Jian Xin" was diving.

The film's first day box office exploded, but the box office hit new lows in the next few days, and finally fell to a jaw-dropping level...

One thing can be seen from the early and mid-to-late stages of this movie, that is, Hansen really wanted to make a different martial arts movie, and he kept bringing the aesthetics of martial arts movies to the high end, but it is a pity that Hansen The ideological consciousness is too high, and most people still can't keep up.

The ideal is plump, but the reality is really skinny.

Of course, Chu Qing can't keep up with this kind of ideological consciousness.

Chu Qing is an ordinary person, although sometimes he can be literary, but it is undeniable that Chu Qing is such an ordinary person.

He doesn't have a high level of appreciation, and he doesn't like those messy, nonsensical and literary plots...

He really doesn't like the bullshit mental retardation plot of "Jian Xin".

After reading it, he reviewed the plot of "Jian Xin" written by himself, and felt very satisfied.

Although the script I wrote is not very good, and it has gone through some old routines, but there is nothing that makes people speechless.

On the whole, Chu Qing was quite satisfied.

Hansen's version of "Jian Xin" hit the market. It can be said that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and the Chinese fans are even more scolded.

Immediately after, Liu Jianglong, who played the protagonist Murong Sanshao, was also sprayed like shit, saying that he was cowardly, that he was brain-dead, that he was useless, and that he had no idea to accept such a movie.

In short, Hua Xiaying was in a very upset mood.

Of course, this did not affect Chu Qing's filming. No matter how bad Hansen's version of "Jian Xin" was, Chu Qing's version of "Jian Xin" was still being filmed step by step.

Yes, bumps and bumps, really can't be considered smooth.

The filming progress of "Sword Heart" completely exceeded Chu Qing's plan. It was originally planned to shoot one-third of the film in one month, but it actually took a month to shoot and even did not finish filming one-fourth of it.

This kind of progress is really slow.

There are some salty fish in life, and Chu Qing, who looks a little naive, after becoming a director, looks very carefully at many things in the crew. When an actor's expression or a subtle movement is wrong, Chu Qing just looks like I'm a rich man, I'm not short of money, if you want to remake it, you can do it again...

The shooting cycle has become longer, and Chu Qing's follow-up investment in "Jian Xin" has exceeded the original plan. After all, NG and Caton need a lot of financial support. In other words, this is a money-burning thing. The investment budget is estimated to exceed 1000 million in the later period.

And the actors began to complain incessantly, and even felt that Chu Qing was too harsh...

Is it necessary to be so crazy to make a movie?

They have never met any director who would be NG because of a slight brow change.

Chu Qing was the first.

Due to changes in the shooting schedule, the release plan of "Jian Xin" has also been postponed again and again...

It was postponed from June to July, from July to August, and from August to September. Later, it was simply set on October [-]st. After a few days of filming, Chu Qing realized that October [-]st could be prepared Even if it's released, it's OK.

Well, it's just that procrastinating...

May 22.

Hansen's version of "Jianshin" which he was holding on to was finally released ahead of schedule. A few days before the release, basically you won't see many people watching "Jianshin" in the cinema. It's a movie that I watch with a very painful state of mind.

Chu Qing is no longer paying attention to Hansen's version of "Jian Xin".

No one in the entire crew paid attention to Hansen's version of "Jian Xin", let alone talked about "Jian Xin".

Because Chu Qing made a decision that seemed crazy to everyone!

Ridiculously crazy.

"What! Qingzi, do you mean to fight for real? No tricks?"

"Well, yes, let go of the real fight, no tricks!"

"But you're going to get hurt!"

"rest assured!"


"it does not matter!"

Not only the actors felt that Chu Qing was crazy, but even the brothers and sisters thought that Chu Qing was crazy.

When I was on the mountain before, Chu Qing said that for actual combat needs when filming a movie, I might have to fight for real. The brothers thought Chu Qing was just joking, but I didn’t expect that Chu Qing was really not joking...

Do you really want to fight?

Aren't you looking for death?
Although Chu Qing and Zhou Nianzhong were able to make two moves in actual combat, if they let go of the real fight, Zhou Nianzhong couldn't stand Zhou Nianzhong at all. Even if he could temporarily suppress Zhou Nianzhong's offensive, he would be easily overturned by Zhou Nianzhong. If you fight with your hands, it is possible to beat Chu Qing to pieces...

"Brother Qing... I don't think it's necessary to do this. Although you have some martial arts foundation, if you let go, even if the plot requires it, you won't be able to bear it!"



Chu Qing was very stubborn, and even said that she had an obsession, no matter how Jiang Xiaoyu, Zhou Nianzhong and others tried to persuade her, it was useless.

Chu Qing is determined to go her own way!
He wants to shoot this real feeling.



"Come again!"

"Ambulance, ambulance!"

"What ambulance is it called? Come again, this effect is what you want. Hurry up, keep calling, hurry up!"

"But your body..."

"I'm fine!"



Chu Qing kept being knocked down by Zhou Nianzhong, and at the same time kept getting up, and continued to stand up and rush forward...

There was blood all over Chu Qing's face and body. Of course, some of the blood was fake and some of it was real.

Chu Qing didn't care about these things, he just wanted to make this movie well.

For this movie, Chu Qing worked very hard.

A real punch is not a trick, nor is it a fake punch, but a real punch, and even Chu Qing doesn't even know where the next punch comes from after the punch...

Every punch was punched by Zhou Nianzhong.

Although he was beaten badly, Chu Qing was very satisfied with the effect. At least this kind of realistic effect is absolutely good. If a little special effect is added to the background in the later stage, everything will be different afterwards.

The plot just happened to be filmed at the moment when the protagonist's martial arts were abolished and he was beaten half to death...


Chu Qing was sent flying by Zhou Nianzhong again, fell to the ground, her feet twitched, she seemed to be trying very hard to climb, but she couldn't.

He looked like he was dying.

After filming this scene, Jiang Xiaoyu was taken aback, and rushed over to find out about Chu Qing's situation, but when Jiang Xiaoyu rushed in, Chu Qing slowly got up and smiled.

Being beaten in actual combat, coupled with her own acting skills, allowed Chu Qing to play this dying role to the fullest.

In fact, the injury on his body was not as serious as he acted, but for other onlookers, it can only be described as shocking...

"Brother Qing, are you alright?"

"It's nothing, it's just a skin injury, Senior Brother Nianzhong, keep up the good work, come again..."

"This... still coming?"

"Don't be afraid, after filming this series of action scenes, the next plot will be much smoother..."

"Huh, Qingzi, can you bear it?"

"Don't worry... I can take it!"

What Chu Qing wants is that kind of realism, not a messy experience created by special effects.

Chu Qing felt that special effects should at best be used as an auxiliary instead of relying entirely on special effects.

This is Chu Qing's pursuit.

After filming this scene, Chu Qing specially watched the replay video, and after feeling satisfied, Chu Qing continued to film the next scene.

The meticulous appearance made Jiang Xiaoyu wonder if the person in front of him was actually Chu Qing...

In the past, how did such a salty fish and such a lazy person completely change when he made this movie?
Anyway, it can be seen that this movie is very important to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing seems to have used everything she has to make this movie.

Not far away, an actor silently took a picture of Chu Qing being beaten to the brink of death with his mobile phone, and then posted it on the Internet.

To be honest, he was shocked by Chu Qing's crazy professionalism!
To make a movie like this, completely disregarding my own physical condition, going my own way and fighting for real...

very touching...


"Is what I saw real? Is this actor who was beaten to death really Qingzi?"

"This is a real fight, even though the video is constantly shaking, it is indeed a real fight!"

"Qingzi is working too hard, is it necessary for a movie?"

"Qingzi is injured, I can feel Qingzi's pain even through the phone screen, Qingzi is completely joking with his own life at risk!"

"This... this... I was shocked."


When this video, titled, Qing Zi was beaten to the point of bleeding and seriously injured by the film crew, was posted on the Internet, there was an uproar on the Internet!

Almost all viewers who clicked on this video were stunned after seeing Chu Qing's miserable appearance.

Is this actual combat or making a movie?

Is this really making a movie?

This thought popped into the minds of all netizens, and even a group of female fans cried on the spot after watching it.

After all, this video is really shocking for him!
"Little fresh meat, have you seen it? This is the real international superstar, this is the real man. Compared with Qingzi, what are you? Who are you crying like a bitch in the movie? look?"

"Yeah, did you see that? Li Juncheng, Li Mingtai! Your wounds and hands were cut with a knife, and you all show up on Weibo to ask for comfort. Qingzi was beaten like this for the movie. Has he ever asked for comfort?"

"You guys, no! You have absolutely no qualifications to compare with Qingzi!"


Chu Qing's desperate effort to make a movie moved the netizens, and at the same time, the netizens suddenly remembered a few fresh meat from Bangzi Guoxiao.

They posted on Weibo and saw Li Mingtai posting his hands with Band-Aids on them, begging fans for comfort.

They suddenly felt very ironic, and left messages under Li Mingtai's Weibo to express their irony.

In an instant, the Weibo of these little fresh meats suddenly became popular like a rocket and hit the hot searches on Weibo.

But there was a lot of scolding below...

Basically, there were comments like "You're not even worthy of carrying shoes with Qingzi!", "Get out of China", "Garbage bitch...".

At first, Xiao Xianrou was very happy to see how popular his Weibo was, but when he saw a lot of scolding below, he was stunned.

what is this...

I just showed my wounds, how did I become a heinous bitch?

Are you so disgusted?

 PS: It’s hard, Qixi is probably single... It’s impossible to go on a blind date, and it’s impossible to have a blind date in this life...

(End of this chapter)

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