I'm not a big star

Chapter 595 Thank you for remembering me

Chapter 595 Thank you for remembering me (four thousand words!)
"What? Our Qingzi is going to participate in the Olympics? Is it so sudden? I haven't seen any athletic talent in him since he was a child!"

"No, Auntie, Brother Qingzi will not participate in the Olympics, no, Brother Qingzi will participate in the Olympics, but he is not an athlete!"

"What kind of Olympics are you not participating in as an athlete? As a spectator? Oh, you said the torchbearer, I already know the torchbearer."

"Auntie, that's not the case! The two songs for the Olympic Games, "You and Me" and "Yanjing Welcomes You" were both written by Brother Qingzi and Brother Qingzi will be on stage at night to sing with Ai Weisi, um, the opening ceremony will be held later The song I sang is Qingzi's song "You and Me"!" The little cousin led the whole family to sit on the sofa and stare at the TV.

The current time is 10:[-] p.m. Yanjing time, and there are still [-] minutes until the countdown to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!

The family watched TV happily.

"Oh, is Qingzi able to sing on such a big stage now?" Chu Qing's mother was a little surprised watching the TV, but after the surprise, there was a burst of emotion.

My son is really promising, not to mention often appearing on the TV news on the Spring Festival Gala, and now he is even on the stage of the Olympics!

It must be smoke from the ancestral grave!

"Auntie, don't underestimate yourself. Brother Qingzi is fully qualified to stand here and sing now. Now he is not only our Chinese superstar, but now he is an international superstar. After Qingzi's movie "Sword Heart" is released, Qingzi's name It will be even more famous in the international arena, and by then, Brother Qingzi will be a famous figure in the world's entertainment circle!"

"I heard that the big Hollywood director Hansen, Hansen also has a movie called "Jian Xin". It seems that the box office is not very good, and Qingzi is also following suit?"

"Auntie, Brother Qingzi doesn't follow suit, can Hansen's five scumbags compete with me, Brother Qingzi? It's completely incomparable, okay..." The little cousin shook his head stinkingly, and then looked at the bewildered crowd with a very proud face. , his face was full of bragging expressions: "Forget it, I will explain to you that you don't understand, you are still waiting to drink Brother Qingzi's celebration bar, I have a hunch that this movie of Brother Qingzi may cause big things !"

"Liu Tianhong, sit down and stop bragging. Your brother Qingzi is about to take the stage, don't block us!" The little cousin's father Liu Bingbing gave the little cousin a look, and the little cousin blocked his sight.

"Oh, oh..." The little cousin nodded quickly, sat down and stared at the TV screen.

A few minutes later, a burst of moving music sounded on the screen...

Then the host began to explain the opening ceremony of the Yanjing Olympic Games, and many guests from various countries came slowly along with the moving music.

On the stage in the distance, an elevated bridge slowly rises.

On the high shelf, a simple Tang, Chu Qing with a faint smile on his face, and Aiweisi, who is like a goddess in a long white dress, appeared in front of the camera.


This is a world-class event.

Chu Qing looked at the people below with excitement in his eyes.

In fact, it was the first time for him to step onto such a magnificent stage, and it was in front of distinguished guests from all over the world...

No, Chu Qing was not nervous, he closed his eyes.

The more such a stage is, the more Chu Qing feels that she has to do her best.

Now, he will try his best to sing this song well.

Aiweisi smiled brightly, she watched the light flickering below, she subconsciously glanced at Chu Qing slightly, she thought this was a very romantic moment.

This is a talented Chinese man!

At least, Ai Weisi has never seen anyone more talented than Chu Qing.

Today's Chu Qing is undoubtedly charming and radiant...

Whether it's his actions, his smile...

Everything about him is so charming.

Ai Weisi was a little lost.

"I live in the global village heart to heart with you..."

Holding the microphone, Chu Qing opened her eyes.

His voice, eyes, and his actions are full of affection.

Different from each other!

If Ai Weisi wants to describe Chu Qing at this moment, it can only be the idiom of two different people.

"For the dream of traveling thousands of miles, we will meet in Yanjing..."

When recording songs, Aiweisi always laughs, but it is impossible for Aivis to laugh when she is really standing on such a stage that attracts the attention of the world.

Moreover, for some reason, Aiweisi was fascinated when she heard Chu Qing's singing voice.

This feeling was never felt before when recording a song.

"Come on friend hold out your hand
You and I will always be one family..."

This song is very short.

But every word Chu Qing sang had a very different taste.

The world is big, but the village is small.

The earth is a village, and people in every country on the earth are brothers and sisters.

Warm and harmonious...

The audience was fascinated by it, and their souls completely followed Chu Qing's rhythm.

Chu Qing sang this flavor completely, and Ai Weisi was a little shocked by her amazing singing skills and emotional investment.

Is this Chu Qing's real strength?
When Chu Qing finished singing, Aiweisi was slightly dazed, and then Aiweisi picked up the microphone and was led by Chu Qing to sing.

Still affectionate, still warm, still without any impurities in the voice.

The cooperation between the two is like an eternal classic.


Liu Jiang is a game entertainment anchor. Although he is not popular on the Qingya platform, he also has his own fans.

He lives on it.

Although he was barely dawdling, he was very dedicated.

His explanations are very humorous, and often a joke or an expression can amuse the audience and pick up gifts.

Of course, he also has an unknown identity, and this identity is Qingzi's former best friend.

This evening, he boarded the computer, opened the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and put the camera on the opening ceremony.

Fans like to listen to Liu Jiang commenting on various variety show activities. The same variety show is the same thing in other commentators, but it is full of laughter when Liu Jiang explains it.

Liu Jiang is often able to catch some slots in variety shows, and complains frantically, which arouses the mood of the audience.

However, today Liu Jiang was uncharacteristically watching the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games very seriously.

He happened to see Chu Qing singing on stage...

Then, he had an idea, he closed his eyes, feeling a little nervous.

"Good evening, dear viewers... Today, I will bring you the whole commentary on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Of course, this time, I will explain the Olympic Games with a very serious attitude. Maybe this time the commentary is not as much as I saw before. Slots, but I promise, I will explain this time very seriously.”

"One day I will reveal a secret, which is my true identity."

"No, my real identity is not just the host of the Qingya platform, nor is it an alien. My real identity is actually the boss behind the live broadcast of Qingya, Qingzi's best friend!"

"You don't believe it? I have evidence!"

"Well, I'm uploading an early video of mine now. I don't know if the viewers present have any early fans of mine..."

"Well, I have watched my early live broadcast videos, yes, old friends who just started live broadcasting "League of Legends" in Doutu may remember one thing, and that is the commentary on the leaderboard for the first time in my life... ..."

"At that time, I was under the influence of Qingzi, hehe, although now...forget it, let's not mention it."

"Okay, Qingzi's alliance's technology really makes people complain a lot, but today is not the time to complain about Qingzi..."

"Today, I will explain the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games and Qingzi's previous life in all aspects. I promise to be absolutely true and reliable..."

Liu Jiang looked at the gifts that were brushed up instantly on the live broadcast platform, and then stared at Chu Qing who was singing on the high platform.

Qingzi, please allow me to catch your enthusiasm!
Because today's opportunity is really rare...

And, today, it's my birthday.

I want to prove myself!
Qingzi, I hope you don't forget me.

Liu Jiang looked at the number on the phone, feeling a little rippling in his heart.

Chu Qing changed several mobile phone numbers, and the old number Chu Qing basically didn't use anymore.

This is Chu Qing's new number.

It's really not easy to get this number.

It can be said that it is hard work!


"You and Me" is over.

The viaduct gradually went up and down.

There were applause and cheers everywhere.

Chu Qing was very satisfied.

Looking at the expressions of the people below, he knew that this song was relatively successful.

Since it is relatively successful, that's fine.

Chu Qing left the scene and went backstage together with Ai Weisi, the next thing had nothing to do with him.

However, Chu Qing did not leave in a hurry, but sat in his seat and watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games like everyone else.

During the previous Olympic Games, Chu Qing had always watched it on TV, and watching it on TV was far less shocking than watching it live!
Chu Qing watched every program seriously and never missed it...

until the end of the opening ceremony.

The final link of the opening ceremony is to pass the torch, which is lit and placed on the highest place. The torch will burn for a few days after the Olympic Games.

The torchbearer lighting the torch is Zhou Mingxia, an athlete who has won several championships.

Chu Qing watched Zhou Mingxia light the torch, watched the endless cheers below, and then the Olympic Games really kicked off.

And the opening ceremony has come to an end.

Chu Qing stood up and left, feeling quite satisfied with the opening ceremony.

Just as she left the Bird's Nest, Chu Qing's cell phone rang suddenly. Chu Qing looked at the notification of the call, only to see that it was an unfamiliar number.

Chu Qing frowned. He usually didn't answer unfamiliar numbers.After all, there are so many harassing and advertising numbers in this society that Chu Qing doesn't even bother to deal with them.

After hanging up the phone, unexpectedly the number rang again.

Chu Qing was speechless. After thinking about it, he would answer the phone. If it was a scam call, then he would block it directly.


"Hey... are you... Qingzi?"

"Uh, hello, you are..." Chu Qing heard the trembling, nervous and excited voice on the phone, and felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Qingzi... I'm a small anchor, and I'm making a bet with my viewers, that you can guess who I am even if I don't say my name."

"Uh? Who are you?" Chu Qing hesitated for a moment, feeling more and more familiar with the voice, but Chu Qing couldn't remember it all the time, "I can't remember it, do you have any hints?"

"Hmm...Qingzi, let me give you some hints. I taught you the first time you played League of Legends...I..."

"Playing League of Legends for the first time? Are you Lao Jiang?" When Chu Qing heard this sentence, he suddenly realized something, and then asked excitedly.


"Hello? Hello?" Chu Qing was surprised, the other end of the phone suddenly fell silent, and there seemed to be some choking voice, "Lao Jiang, what's the matter? Hey, are you crying?"

Immediately afterwards, the phone was hung up.

what's the situation?
Chu Qing was taken aback for a moment, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out...

How did such an inexplicable phone call end?


Liu Jiang did cry.

Weeping badly, with snot and tears in front of the camera.

"I told you, Qingzi didn't forget me, I told you, he didn't forget me, right! Woooooo..."

On the live broadcast platform, all kinds of 666 and various gifts were swiped up, and Liu Jiang felt that he was inexplicably overwhelmed with happiness.

Qingzi still remembers him!

"Live broadcast, bull B!"

"It's not the anchor Niu B, but Qingzi Niu B, okay? Qingzi has been famous for several years. The average star will basically selectively forget the rookie like the anchor, but Qingzi hasn't forgotten... It can be seen that Qingzi is very serious. Emotional!"

"Anchor, if you have the guts to show off Qingzi's number, if you show off your number, I'll give you a Big Rocket!"

"It seems that the revolutionary friendship between the anchor and Qingzi is very deep. Look, the anchor is crying like this..."


"Anchor, don't cry, isn't Qingzi still remembering you? Why are you crying..."

In the past few years since he graduated, Liu Jiang has become accustomed to the warmth and coldness of people.

When he first started live broadcasting, basically everyone disliked him, even opposed him, and even said that he was not doing his job properly.

However, Liu Jiang has been insisting on live broadcasting, and he has been doing this for three full years!
In three years, too many things can be changed.

Although he won't die from starvation, compared to other students, he is really nothing...

And in the era when live broadcasting is the trend, it is really difficult for him to get out.

The surrounding taunts and voices of disapproval all surrounded his ears.

If he hadn't been desperate, he wouldn't have called Chu Qing either. After all, the gap between the two was too great!

One is an international superstar, while the other...

Will Qingzi recognize him?

However, he couldn't.

His father is sick and needs money.

A lot of money.

However, he has no money.

The anchors at the top are indeed rich, but the anchors at the bottom...

Struggling on the line of food and clothing...

But today, he seems to see hope!
Looking at the countless rockets, he felt that he was saved!
Chu Qing!

Chu Qing!


Thank you for remembering me!
(End of this chapter)

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