I'm not a big star

Chapter 598 What?It is impossible to kneel and lick Qingzi!

Chapter 598 What?It is impossible to kneel and lick Qingzi!
Ever since she came into contact with League of Legends, Chu Qing has always had an e-sports dream.

When he was just in college, Chu Qing even dreamed that he would crush European and American countries in the arena, and the country called his father, winning glory for the country with countless beauties...

This is almost every game fan's dream, Chu Qing is an ordinary person, so he is no exception.

So, he chose to be a professional player, although this choice seems to be a little bit beyond his control...

However, people always have dreams, don't they?If there is no dream, then what is the difference between a human and a salted fish?
After getting on the plane, all the members of the CQ team went straight to the base of the WET team.

On the plane, every member of the CQ team looked weird and dignified. They have never played such a cheating game in their life.

The probability of losing is quite high.

As for the club manager, Zhang Feng, he really wanted to slap himself hard. Damn, why did he say that the CQ team played four against five and the WET team had no problems?And this sentence was heard by the boss...

Of course, he was right.

There is indeed no problem for the CQ team to play four against five, but with an extra boss, Qingzi, can this game be four against five?

Maybe it's six-on-four and it's hell-level difficulty, okay?

Can this win?

Zhang Feng felt like crying in his heart.

Now he doesn't know how to face the questions from the major media...


This game was originally just a regular playoff selection match, and the attention was not as high as the match between the Spring Split and the S series.

However, with Chu Qing's joining, the game instantly became a game that the entire League of Legends official and major live broadcast platforms competed to broadcast live, and even some entertainment media that had nothing to do with the League of Legends sent people to the scene, Intercepting the manuscript at the scene, there are also a group of foreign reporters who rushed to the competition venue, sharpening their knives and eagerly waiting for new news to come out...

You said that just playing League of Legends requires such a big battle?

What’s wrong with the League of Legends game, when others play League of Legends, it’s called playing games, while Qingzi’s playing League of Legends is just making headlines in the news, can the two be compared?

Can't compare it at all?
Well, where there is Chu Qing, there will be news, headlines and selling points. This is already the consensus of everyone.

After getting off the plane and sleeping all night, Chu Qing and others in team uniforms went straight to the competition venue.

The game is at two o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still half a day left.

Chu Qing was also quite satisfied with the time of the competition. After eating, he could take a nap for half an hour to recharge his energy and get a good result in the competition.

Well, not bad, very satisfied, very OK.

When stepping into the arena, WET's club manager's eyes lit up and he rushed towards Chu Qing in an instant. He was so excited that he even started to speak incoherently!

"Qingzi...Welcome...I...Brother Qing...sit casually, this place is a little dirty...I'll wipe it for you...Hurry up and pour water, what are you doing here? Brother Qing, what do you want to drink? Tea, chrysanthemum tea or lemon tea? How about I ask... um... these bastards to buy it now? What kind of tea do you want? Qingzi, are you tired? How about I help you blow some air?"

The appearance of coach Xu Peng made the WET players dumbfounded.

This is really out of harmony!
They still vaguely remember what Xu Peng, the coach and manager, told them last night...

"What, you said kneeling and licking? It's impossible to kneel and lick Qingzi. It's impossible to kneel and lick Qingzi in this life. Even if he is a big star, so what? Even if he is the behind-the-scenes boss of the CQ team, worth billions... How about it? Even if he is a Hollywood actor, so what? Here, it is e-sports. There are no entertainment stars in e-sports, and there is no boss. Don’t be psychologically burdened, and try to target Qingzi to death!”

When they said these words, they vaguely remembered how righteous Xu Peng looked with his hands on his hips, and how noble he was!
After hearing Xu Peng's words, the team members bowed their heads in shame.

There are even some unpleasant feelings.

I'm not as good as the coach too much...

But after seeing the obsequious and kneeling expression on Xu Peng's face in a blink of an eye, they were a little confused...

Coach, are you changing your face?

What about not kneeling and licking?
Why do you kneel and lick more thoroughly than anyone else?

"No, just drink something..."

"You can drink whatever you want, don't worry, brother Qing, although our WET is not as good as your CQ, it's not bad... Brother Qing, do you need a massage? How about I call a professional technician to help you massage? After all, the journey is exhausting. , the game is about to start again..."

"No need, it's fine..."

Xu Peng is very enthusiastic.

Chu Qing was so enthusiastic that it was hard to accept.

Seeing Xu Peng kneeling and licking Chu Qing, Mai Xiaoyu and the others suddenly felt unbearably cold!

What does this mean?
Especially the expression on Zhang Feng's face is wonderful!
what are you doing?
Do you dare to rush to shoot my ass?

After having lunch at WET Club and having a good night's sleep, Chu Qing came to the waiting room full of energy.

All the members of the CQ team looked solemn, including Zhang Feng.

They don't want to lose!
In this year's China League of Legends, they have almost won the first place, so it is very difficult for them to accept a loss.

They want to break the record that the League of Legends does not have a complete victory!
"Mai Xiaoyu, you must be C in this mid laner. You must blow up the opponent's middle lane. After you blow up, come to the bottom lane to support. Dongcheng, this time you will find a way to play a protective hero in the jungle. You must protect yourself. Do you know the way to go?"

"Small Umbrella, you are a support, this task is very difficult for you, you must concentrate on playing the game, you know, wherever the boss goes, you will follow!"

"Aka, I believe I don't need to talk about what you're going to do, right? When you blow up the opponent's top laner, you must blow it up. You know, so that the opponent won't have the energy to harass the boss."

Looking at everyone, Zhang Feng said so much that spit was flying all over the place. In short, he just said one sentence, blow up the line and protect the bottom lane!
"Manager Zhang, what about me?" Seeing Zhang Feng's seriousness, Chu Qing walked over and asked.

"Brother Qing, Boss... you... you just need to be happy at your usual level, oh... as long as you don't rush into the other party's spring, you'll be happy."

"Is this the only requirement?" Chu Qing looked at Zhang Feng and asked again: "Is happiness enough?"

"Yes, it's over if you're happy!" Zhang Feng nodded with a very serious expression.

Are you happy?

At 45:[-], Chu Qing and others arrived at the competition site.

As soon as Chu Qing entered the field, there were bursts of crazy screams from the entire playing field...

This kind of scream startled the opponent WET, and Yan Tianze, the bottom shooter of WET, heard what the coach said to him inexplicably.

"This round, you must go all out! Brother Qing's debut, you must make this match more exciting!"

How can I be more exciting?Does the manager mean to let me release the water?
release water?

I am a man who wants to dream of e-sports, how can I let go?nonexistent!I'm going to hit the bottom!

As for the eyes of the other players, they had different eyes, as if they had a new understanding of this game, especially the jungler Xu Proud, whose eyes were as sharp as something.

Sharpening the knife, one pair needs to be a big hit!
If you lose, go to sea to work, if you win, take care of young models, that's it...

After the players are seated and the keyboard and mouse are plugged in, the game will start soon!

In the distance, on the commentary booth, two commentators are explaining hard.

"I don't think Qingzi's game is easy. I think there must be some great mystery hidden in CQ!"

"Yeah, I think so too. After all, if the CQ team dares to bring Qingzi here, they must have their own self-confidence. It seems that today's game is a battle comparable to the S series!"

"Baby, who do you think will win?"

"Well... I think that the WET team has a better chance of winning. Although the CQ team is very strong, Qingzi has the title of devil trainer. No matter what kind of favorable situation, Qingzi can lead the whole team to collapse. This talent But it's very powerful!"

"Haha, is it that heartbreaking? I think Qingzi will cry after hearing this."

"Don't worry, it's nothing... Qingzi is used to it."

"Haha, look at Qingzi's expression, Qingzi's face is confident, he must be hiding something."

"That's right! Alright, the game has started! Fuck, what's going on, mid laner Angel, top laner Big Bug, bottom lane support Morgana, double Angel lineup? Jungle... what? Jungle Tam? Are you kidding, jungler Tamu? Damn, this is a lineup with four guarantees and one? The all-purpose ADC Hanbing? I have never seen this lineup..."

When the commentators saw this lineup, they were taken aback.

"It's on the stage, hey, the angel issued a killing ring? What? The big bug also issued a killing ring? Is it so fierce?"

"Stop talking, the game has begun!"

"Well, yes, it's started!"


Such a wonderful lineup of the CQ team made the members of the WET team a little disdainful.

After all, the jungler is the big toad Tam.

They have never seen such a jungler before.

Isn't that what the wild area on the opposite side was invaded by himself?Don't all the resources in the wild area on the opposite side belong to him?

Everyone in the WET team feels very happy, very happy!
There is absolutely no pressure in this round, and it may be easy to win.

However, when the real fight started, they suddenly felt something was wrong!
"Quick, help me in the middle!"

"Help Nima, I'm going on the road! My kidney was crushed by a big bug!"

"Damn, if I don't come again, I will be blown up by the angel if I pretend to be aggressive, I can't pretend to be aggressive anymore!"

"Be patient!"

"I can't help it, damn it, why is this bastard Mai Xiaoyu so fierce, it's almost fatal!"

"Fuck, I was killed alone!"


It can only be said that sometimes this dream is very beautiful, but the reality is that there is a gap.

In his personal solo, WET's mid laner was no match for Mai Xiaoyu at all, and he was beaten to death by Mai Xiaoyu. In less than 5 minutes, he was single-killed once...

After the solo kill took a bloody head, when the WET mid laner saw the murder book bought by Mai Xiaoyu, his eyes widened!

Damn, so fierce?Look at this posture, you want to kill yourself like a rabbit!
"Jungle, what's the matter with you, hurry up and help! Fuck, the bastard Mai Xiaoyu across the street has already published a murder book, and he is no match at all!"

"My mother, I was double-killed on the road! Sun!"


After Mai Xiaoyu got a head, Aka, who was on the road, was even more excited. He directly took a double kill, was so fat, and controlled the big bug to turn his ass back to the spring to get his equipment...

When the top laner Aka appeared online again, the smile on his face was even brighter.

He made up a murder book...

Their goal is only one, and that is to blow up the opponent!
Hit the other side and call your mother!

To blow up the opponent at any cost...

This made WET's junglers in trouble. After being caught on the road once, he didn't expect all the red and blue buffs in his jungle area to be cleared. When he was level [-], Tamm, who had been clearing the jungle, even reached level [-]...

Sixth level, this shit, there is no limit to playing advantage at all!

Can only look down the road!

Huh, okay!

After WET saw the bottom lane and Chu Qing was single-killed twice, their mood instantly became happy!

Why don't we all go to the bottom lane to pick up heads?

Yes, that's it!

Let's use Xialu Qingzi's road as a breakthrough!
(End of this chapter)

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