I'm not a big star

Chapter 600 Debut, the pinnacle

Chapter 600 Debut, the pinnacle
Chu Qing was replaced in the second game.

Swapped to another ADC.

The second game was a nightmare for WET in his career!
In the upper, middle and lower fields, all WETs were blown up by CQ. Not only were they blown up, but they were also massacred in the spring water, without even a chance to surrender!
Haven't played the full 10 minutes yet!

The game stipulates that you can surrender within 15 minutes, but everyone must surrender...

The confidence of the other four players has been blown up, but the jungler Zhou Ming has a hard time!

"E-sports has not surrendered!"

That's a great way to say it!

But the other four were very helpless!
Are you out of your mind?

You are trapped in the spring and you can't get out at all. What kind of e-sports dreams are you talking about...

Please take a look at your record when you talk about your dreams, 0-9, okay?It's worse than the top leader Qingzi, if you don't surrender and wait until 10 minutes, your record will be even more exciting!

Come back?

Where the fuck is there a comeback in this game?It's been a full 15 minutes of fighting, almost everyone on the opposite side has three-piece suits, and everyone has at least three heads, what about my side?It's just a poor set, and at the same time, there is no one head in the whole game...

Zero block us?

At this time, except for the iron-headed baby Zhou Ming, everyone had such a thought in their minds!
The CQ team is completely venting their anger for Qingzi, it's completely public revenge!

Twenty minutes later, the WET crystal exploded, finally ending one of the few one-sided massacres in the history of e-sports.

After this match, everyone in the CQ team was very excited, but looking at WET, basically everyone's eyes had a hint of gray in their eyes.

Although WET is often criticized by Chinese e-sports fans as a trolling team, but this time, when the CQ team has completely zeroed out WET, this trolling team is even more solid...

"This... How should I say this round, although the WET team played very well and everyone worked hard, but for some reason, it exploded!"

"Yeah, no one made a mistake, it's just...can't beat..."

"It can only be said that this is a gap in hard power."


Everyone was stunned.


After the game, a big stone in Zhang Feng's heart fell to the ground.

They finally kept their unbeaten record in this year's Huaxia playoffs!
He is satisfied.

His own CQ team broke another record.

At the end of the game, when all the teammates of the CQ team shook hands with the WET players, each of the WET players looked very bitter.


This is the worst shame since their gaming career!

This feeling is like the king is torturing the bronze, being stuck in the spring makes it difficult for you to move an inch.

As for the area of ​​psychological shadow, it should not be too large. As for whether it will affect the mentality of e-sports in the future, this is inevitable.

After shaking hands, everyone in the CQ team bowed to the audience, and the last game of the playoffs was over...

This competition blew up all the comments on the Internet!

"Is this how Qingzi ended the game?"

"Fuck, Qingzi... If he retires now, Qingzi might be the first e-sports player in the entire history of League of Legends to be the first e-sports player to achieve a peak, unbeaten victory, and a [-]% ADC winning rate!"

"When you make your debut, you retire. When you make your debut, you reach your peak. Damn it!"

"Wait, it seems that the official website of the League of Legends has changed the rules. Let me see... It seems that another rule has been changed for the professional players of the League of Legends!"

"Did Qingzi discover the loopholes in League of Legends by himself, and let the official website change the rules?"

"Haha, so Qing Zi broke another League of Legends record?"

"Congratulations to Qingzi for crossing the border and gaining a new identity, that is an e-sports player~!"

"Ha ha!"


This time, although the competition was like a farce, the WET team worked very hard to secure the title of the most lucrative team in the Huaxia League, and it was not one of them.

You can't win even if you're on a "e-sports trainer" who is very famous in the entire league. Who won't you give this title to you?

As for WET's jungler Zhou Ming, he made headlines in e-sports and was called the iron head of e-sports...

When he walked out of the arena, Zhou Ming suddenly regretted it.

If he hadn't been so strong in the first game, then neither the late part of the first game nor the early part of the second game would have been so miserable.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the second round of the CQ team did not talk to you about any morals, it was all for revenge.

But what can you do, you have nothing to say, and the outside world has nothing to say.

Your physical strength is not as good as that of the opponent, your team composition is not as good as that of the opponent, and your investment in vision is not as much as that of the opponent...

So, how do you win?
Esports dream?

I see you are dreaming e-sports...

At the same time, the team members looked at Zhou Ming differently.


It's so embarrassing, it can be said that it's embarrassing and thrown internationally!
The first round was fine, but the second round was simply too embarrassing, being beaten to the point where he couldn't even cast 15 shots!
Moreover, he was slaughtered by blocking the spring water, and even the AP damage was so high that the spring water could not stop the damage...

Complete abuse!

Yes, completely abused.


Although the e-sports circle and entertainment are interconnected in a certain sense, they basically play their own way, and no one is in the way of the other.

However, this time it was different.

Entertainment reporters are very excited!
Sure enough, Chu Qing did not surprise them. He really made trouble in the e-sports circle again!

Headlines?Does this still need a header?It's full of titles, all of which are breaking news and selling points!

Brush brush!
The reporters are writing hard, whether they are Chinese reporters or those foreign reporters who came here after seeing the news...

So Chu Qing and his CQ team made headlines in China's entertainment circle on the second day, and even the headlines in the entertainment circle were ridiculed for Chu Qing and CQ team. Become an e-sports player!" "An actor who isn't a good singer can't be called an e-sports player..." "Another identity exposed, he is the new ADC player of the CQ team!" These titles.

Netizens were overjoyed with these headlines. They purposely took a lot of photos of Chu Qing playing games, and deliberately PS Chu Qing, all kinds of ridicule...

Every photo was on the headlines of major e-sports portals in an instant. Every photo had Chu Qing's image and name on it.

"Haha, have fun, after the top laner Aka made a mistake, the team's expression is like this...and after Chu Qing made a mistake, the team's expression is like this...haha!"

There are two photos, one is the expression of CQ team Aka after making a mistake, and the other is the expression of Chu Qing after making a mistake in a game.

The first teammate rolled his eyes at Aka, but the second teammate smiled all over his face, as if Chu Qing did not make a mistake but succeeded in stealing Dalong to win the championship for the entire CQ.

The gap, this is the proper gap...


When Chu Qing returned to Yinghui Media with his new identity as an e-sports player, everyone in Yinghui Media looked at Chu Qing in a different way.

Although they were very respectful and called Brother Qing, their eyes were complicated and full of astonishment...

The boss has nothing to do, so he went to become an e-sports player?

This span is a bit big, the boss has such skills, can he be a professional e-sports player?Are you kidding me?
Chu Qing didn't care about these, he sat back on the chair, feeling very comfortable in his heart, feeling that he had fulfilled a boyhood dream.

There is even a feeling of consummation of merit and virtue!
Chu Qing now considers herself a successful person.

Won the Oscar Best Actor Award, music sales exploded, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, appeared on the cover of CCQ magazine, and became an international superstar...

To be honest, these things did not give Chu Qing much pleasure of success. Instead, becoming an e-sports player, winning a professional game and retiring with honor gave Chu Qing a greater sense of success!
Sometimes, Chu Qing's dreams are so cheating, so strange.

After sitting in the office for a while, Wang Ying knocked on the door of Chu Qing's office, and walked in with a pile of documents.

"Qingzi, these are the things that will be approved next. Also, for the authorization document of the Hollywood company CQ of "Jian Xin", Pete has already started to promote it in Hollywood..."

"This is the traffic of WeChat this quarter, and there is also a big video website. I wonder if it is necessary to open a membership system for the video website..."

"This is the reform situation of the Qingya platform, and this is the contract of Liu Jiang, who claims to be your dead party member..."

Chu Qing looked at the densely packed documents, and the thrill of being a successful person on the pinnacle instantly turned into bitterness!
However, he couldn't escape it. After all, this was the situation of his own company, and he had to look at it...

After these documents were placed on Chu Qing's desk, Wang Ying did not leave, but chatted with Chu Qing about plans for the second half of the year.

"Qingzi, in the second half of the year, we plan to invest in a TV series called "Harem Ruyi". This is the script, what do you think? Also, after "Jian Xin" is released, we plan to invest in two more medium-budget literary films "The Hawthorn Tree" and "The Purple Moon"..."

Chu Qing felt dizzy when she heard Wang Ying rambling about her plans for the future.

He is really not the kind of person who can calm down and run the company well.

He really doesn't have any talent for management and planning...

But what can he do?
He is also very desperate!


Yi Xing.

Zhou Xu silently watched Chuqing Toutiao and the next movie that Yinghui Media will release.

"We can no longer watch Yinghui Media grow. If it grows any bigger, it might threaten our status at Yixing."

He narrowed his eyes, lost in thought.

Find the loopholes of Yinghui Media, and then sue them?
Zhou Xu shook his head.

Wang Ying of Yinghui Media is very cautious. There is no tax evasion in the whole company, and all operations are very formal...

"No, this way doesn't work."

"Is there any other way?"


"Yes, everything must start from the source... from the business model!"

"What is the source of Yinghui Media's popularity? By the way, it's Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing is making all kinds of troubles in the entertainment industry, making all kinds of headlines, and then Yinghui Media will take advantage of Chu Qing's fame and take advantage of the opportunity to grow!"

"If Chu Qing's position in the entertainment circle is robbed, will Yinghui Media still grow?"

At this time, Zhou Xu suddenly thought of a way.

Of course, this method is not like some novels, finding a killer to destroy Chu Qing's face, or killing Chu Qing...

Zhou Xu would not do this kind of stupid thing. It would be fine if it was done cleanly;

Moreover, Zhou Xu didn't even bother to do this.

He wants to push Chu Qing down from the altar with dignity!

Didn't you Yinghui Media rely on Chu Qing to develop so fast?

What if one day Chu Qing's various headlines were robbed and the limelight was robbed?

He remembered a person he met a few days ago.

Suddenly, a smile appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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