I'm not a big star

Chapter 616 Unexpectedly, Kneeling?

Chapter 616 Unexpectedly, Kneeling? (The [-]-character chapter begins!)
R's team is not a strong team, let alone the Bangzi team, even the old American team is far behind.

The old American team was slaughtered to the brim when they met the CQ team, let alone the R team.

Many fans of the R team couldn't bear to watch this game.

The next day's game started as scheduled.

However, something went wrong from the start of the game...

"What, the BAN has lost its head? What kind of operation is the Huaxia team doing? It seems that the head doesn't use BAN at all, right? It doesn't make any sense..."

"Wait, the snowman Nunu is banned again? Wait, this BAN seems to be completely wrong, is there anyone else going to be on Nunu this season?"

"No, the R team may have black technology, and it was known by the Huaxia team..."

"Well, yes, it's definitely a black technology... I think, Nunu and Datou are still a bit useful, at least push the line fast...I...well, it should be like this..."

"Yes, I have to say that the Huaxia team is a strong team, you can guess all of this..."


The commentators were confused at the beginning of the game.

The CQ team's BAN method is completely unreasonable. Nima CQ team BANs the three heroes who will never play, and even if they play, they can't have any results...

What does this mean?
Even if you look down on other people's R team, play a little bit, what you do is really...

This frankly makes me unable to round up at all?
But the commentary is commentary after all, they can't say like the netizens that this is the performance of the Huaxia team directly belittling the R team, right?

They reacted quickly, and immediately replaced it with a barely acceptable Huaxia representative team guessing the reason of R's black technology...

Even though they couldn't believe this nonsense reason, at least they managed to get rid of the CQ team's coquettish operation.

As for whether netizens believe it or not, it's none of their business.

Believe it or not, at least it's not the fault of our commentary, is it?

The game started soon.

Chu Qing, who was sitting under the stage, subconsciously glanced at the expressions of the R team members. He found that the eyes of almost everyone in the R team were a little bit wrong, as if they were facing a big enemy, but looking at his CQ team...

Well, the CQ team is extremely relaxed, just like the expression when playing a man machine, even when they came out, except for Mai Xiaoyu's pretentious style, everyone was wearing a killing ring, except for the normal equipment. Teleport and heal.

What does this mean?
Although Chu Qing didn't understand it, but felt that the game seemed a bit bloody at the beginning...

Chu Qing took a deep breath!

The following plot development is quite similar to that of the old American team, the only difference is that in less than 10 minutes, everyone in the CQ team climbed up and stood on the high ground and stared at the R team...

As long as the R team comes out of the spring, they will slaughter wildly...

Well, R's team is totally powerless to fight back!

This was a catastrophic nightmare for the R team. Mai Xiaoyu and others defended the spring water for more than ten minutes, and the game ended when the R team ordered to surrender...

"This round... Team R tried their best, but there is still a slight gap in strength!"

"Well, yes, there is a slight gap..."

"Is it just a little difference? I've abused the spring water for 10 minutes..."


"Okay, I'm sorry I can't round it... As a commentator, I tried my best..."

This game left the commentators speechless.

Even if they want to be round, they can't round it at all...

They are a little desperate.

They have been doing commentary for so long, and they have never found it so difficult to do it. They even want to dig a hole for themselves and bury it...

This explanation, Nima, we will not do it!
The commentators closed their eyes.

"Ahhhhhh, XXXXXX!"

at this time……

Chu Qing watched the R team standing up alone, yelling at the side, and the rest of them were buried on the keyboard and crying, it was more uncomfortable than Lao Mei yesterday...

"What did this guy say?" Chu Qing couldn't understand the R language, then looked at Jiang Xiaoyu and asked.

"He said that it was the Chinese who ruined the enthusiasm of the Yamato nation for e-sports, and they want to complain!"

"Complaint?" Chu Qing scratched her head, although she felt that Mai Xiaoyu and the others seemed to have gone too far with this matter. After all, this is an international stage. Isn't it a bit shameful for you to do this...

But even so, Chu Qing had to admit that she felt a little bit refreshed.

complaint?You go to complain, welcome to complain...

Immediately after the second round and the third round, the R team didn't have to fight at all. Each game lasted about 10 minutes to abuse the spring, and even the third game rushed into the opponent's spring water in 8 minutes and began to defend. It lasted for [-] minutes The spring water directly shaved the R team's head, and the level was fully raised by four levels!
In one game, the level was four levels lower. This is really...

Record broken!

After the game, after the commentary said, "Congratulations to the Huaxia team for winning another game", everyone became excited.

Huaxia netizens are very excited, they feel very relieved, this round has beaten R's team to the sky...

As for the members of Team R's representative team, their faces were very ugly, and everyone cried a lot. Judging from this posture, it is estimated that it is impossible for Team R to send someone over for the S competition next year.


No no no, this is completely humiliating...


The matches of the first two days were really meaningless to Chu Qing, and the next match against Chu Qing in other countries was even less interesting.

In Mai Xiaoyu's words, what's so good about a vegetable chicken and a vegetable chicken pecking at each other?

Before coming to Bangzi Country, Chu Qing had planned various trips in Bangzi Country, but after actually arriving in Bangzi Country, Chu Qing felt that it was boring.

So there is often a big gap between dreams and reality.

Bangzi Country is not as good as imagined at all, it is too far away from Huaxia.

Chu Qing was actually a little disappointed.

On the night of the third day in Bangzi Country, Mai Xiaoyu and others dressed up and put on makeup, followed Chu Qing to the Bangzi Country KBT TV station to record the program "The Star Is Coming".

Although Chu Qing said that he was very calm about such a program, Mai Xiaoyu and others were very excited.

Although they are the kings in e-sports, it is the first time they have appeared on a variety show in Bangzi Country like this.

This is a step up to the sky for them!
"The Star Is Coming"?
Are they all big stars after the show?
The future seems brighter!
After appearing on TV, winning the championship, and then returning to China, Mai Xiaoyu felt that the compulsion of himself and others would definitely rise several notches.

It is also a bit ignorant for the person in charge of KBT TV station.

It is also the first time for the entire KBT TV station to have the variety show "The Star Is Coming" in the hand of an e-sports. The planner of the show "The Star Is Coming" is actually very resistant...

Isn't it a joke that you let several e-sports players participate in the show?

But Li Xiangji, the head of the station, has already spoken, what else can you ask him to do?
There is absolutely no way, okay?
As long as Chu Qing can participate in the show, it will be fine.

When the planner thought of this, he suddenly felt very comforted.

Since Chu Qing's self-written and directed "Sword Heart" became popular, his influence in the world has risen, and he is no longer the young boy who just stepped into Hollywood before. His status is absolutely detached!

Moreover, being able to invite an Oscar winner and a box office champion director to participate in the show is simply a great benefit for the show "The Star Is Coming".

This is a blessing in misfortune!

However, for some people, happiness comes too fast, almost to the point of a heart attack!

Like Lee Young Ki.

Lee Young Ki is the host of "The Star Is Coming".

When he heard that Chu Qing participated in the "Star Is Coming" program hosted by himself, he lost sleep!
I suffered from insomnia for two consecutive nights, and my spirit was as high as taking Viagra...

Before the show started, he put his hands in his trouser pockets from time to time, and after feeling the contents in his trouser pockets, he was slightly relieved.

There was Chu Qing's photo stuffed inside, and he wanted to take this opportunity to get Chu Qing to sign it.

Now Chu Qing's signature is priceless, and a signed photo can even be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars on the black market!
Hundreds of thousands!This is definitely a very scary number!

Of course, it is impossible to sell. He worships Chu Qing to the bottom of his heart. He listens to Chu Qing's songs every night and stares at Chu Qing's poster photos. He can't fall asleep if he doesn't listen to Chu Qing's songs or look at the posters. Sleep……

What way should I have to meet the "King of Entertainment" in my heart later?

Li Yingji fell into deep thought...


Chu Qing and others were led into the interior of the TV station by the staff. After arriving at the TV station, Chu Qing looked around subconsciously, feeling that the surrounding decorations and furnishings were quite luxurious.

Mai Xiaoyu and the others were very excited.

The female stars who come and go on the TV station are basically the heroines in the hit dramas!
You have to have a good figure, you have to have a good appearance, and you must be able to speak...

Of course, the excitement is the passion, and it is impossible for them to go up and ask for autographs. After all, these Bangzi Chinese female stars immediately surrounded their bosses when they saw their bosses, shouting Ouba Ouba one by one!

Chu Qing was embarrassed by being surrounded...

He couldn't understand what these female stars were talking about...

"Go away! Don't affect my brother Qing, if you delay brother Qing, you can't bear the responsibility!"

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyu stood up and stared fiercely at these female cousins...

Yes, in Jiang Xiaoyu's eyes, these people are female cousins...

Seeing Jiang Xiaoyu's ferocious appearance, these female stars were frightened immediately, and subconsciously gave way.

After more than 20 minutes, several people got rid of this group of enthusiastic "female stars" and came to the recording waiting room.

The show "The Star Is Coming" is about to start, and several hosts were mumbling on stage some words that Chu Qing could not understand The show begins...

"Brother Qing, I'm a little nervous, it's the first time I'm on such a show."

"There's nothing to be nervous about. Just follow the arrangement later. You can treat "The Star Is Coming" as our "Happy Camp" anyway, just bragging and playing games..."

"But, we haven't played "Happy Camp" either...and I don't know how to brag..." Mai Xiaoyu looked confused.

"Relax, I'm in charge of everything." Chu Qing straightened her clothes and showed a reassuring smile.

Mai Xiaoyu and the others breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Chu Qing's words. They felt that the inexplicable tension in their hearts following behind their boss disappeared a lot.

After they waited for a few minutes, as soon as the host announced, Chu Qing and others were brought onto the recording stage!

The moment Chu Qing stepped onto the stage, the whole stage was filled with the climax music of "To Die To Love". At the same time, stage lights of various colors shone on Chu Qing, adding a little bit to Chu Qing's whole body. Strange charm!

When Chu Qing just walked to the center of the stage, there was a group of screaming and excited fans below.

The enthusiasm of the fans frightened Chu Qing and made Chu Qing very moved. Just when Chu Qing was about to wave to the fans, something unexpected happened to everyone!

The host Li Yingji took out the photos and pens in his pocket, rushed to Chu Qing's side with lightning speed, shouted excitedly, and immediately knelt down on the ground...

"Qingzi, please sign for me, I am your fan, your most loyal and fanatical fan!"


The voice of Li Yingji kneeling on the ground was not soft, and Chu Qing, who was standing beside him, even heard the sound of the stage thumping.

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

Chu Qing was taken aback by Li Yingji's "enthusiasm"...

What's the situation?Is it the unique kneeling etiquette of Bangzi Kingdom?No, I've lived two lifetimes, and I've never heard of such etiquette in Bangzi Kingdom?

Mai Xiaoyu, who was standing beside him, also trembled. He looked at Chu Qing, and then at Zhang Feng who was also stunned.

"The boss' arrogance directly knocked the host of Bangzi to his knees?" Mai Xiaoyu murmured.

"It seems that something big is going to happen!" Zhang Feng murmured.

Others opened their mouths but were speechless.

"Qingzi, sign for me..." Li Yingji didn't care how shocked Chu Qing and others were, but immediately handed the photo and pen to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing subconsciously signed,

Although, until this time, it was still foggy.

What are you kneeling me for?
After signing the autograph, Li Yingji stood up excitedly, and hugged Chu Qing again. After the hug was over, he excitedly took out his mobile phone to take various photos.

The audience was in an uproar...

Even if the people below are all Chu Qing's fans, they are still shocked!

The host of his own country actually knelt down to the stars of other countries...

The other hosts were equally embarrassed.

What else is this show going to do?
I can't do it at all!
Seeing that the situation was wrong, Chu Qing immediately bowed to Li Yingji. When Li Yingji saw his idol bowing to him, his feet softened excitedly, and there was a climax. If Chu Qing didn't see Li Yingji kneeling down again, something big would happen If you help Li Yingji up immediately, I'm afraid Li Yingji will kneel again...


Chu Qing was overwhelmed by Li Yingji's battle.

I'm only on such a show, what are you doing with such a big gift?

As for, all the Chinese netizens who saw this scene had an orgasm in an instant.







(End of this chapter)

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