I'm not a big star

Chapter 618 Can this game still be played?

Chapter 618 Can this game still be played?
The follow-up impact of Lee Ying-ki's kneeling is a series.

Not only Li Yingji himself was scolded by the public as a shit, but even Chu Qing was pushed to the forefront of the storm in Bangziguo.

Basically, while cursing Li Yingji, the angry people will also scold Chu Qing a few words. Of course, these scoldings are basically making a fuss about Chu Qing's appearance and clothing, meaning that Chu Qing is not handsome enough, not trendy enough, and looks tired. , the dress is too dull, not at all what a mainstream star should look like, in short, it doesn't conform to the aesthetics of the Big Bangzi Country at all.

The audience here was delighted with the scolding, while Chu Qing's fans in Bangzi Kingdom over there were utterly annoyed after hearing the scolding. How could they tolerate their idol being scolded like this?How can this be!So the fans banded together to lash out against these people who scolded Chu Qing...

Chu Qing is not handsome enough?They took out stills of Chu Qing in "Jian Xin" and "Machina", don't you think he's not handsome enough?

You say Chu Qing is not trendy enough?Take a screenshot of the cover of the issue of CCQ in the United States! CCQ is known as a world trendy magazine, representing the trend of art trends in the whole world, don't you think it's not trendy enough?
You say not enough mainstream stars?You go to the world star rankings to see if Chu Qing, who ranks in the top [-], is mainstream enough and popular enough?

As for words that do not conform to Bangziguo’s aesthetics, Chu Qing’s fans are becoming more and more wrong. I don’t know when Chu Qing’s fans of Bangziguo suddenly felt that the stars of Bangziguo looked so motherly. Some of them don't conform to the aesthetics, but they are brainwashed by Chu Qing's appearance, thinking that Chu Qing is the real handsome man...

In short, the initial incident of kneeling has gradually turned into a scolding war on the Internet. Chu Qing's fans of Bangzi and Bangzi's blacks have been spraying on the Internet for several days, on countless post bars and major portal websites. There were scolding battles everywhere, and it was miserable for a while, and even this scolding battle made it to the entertainment headlines in Bangziguo. More and more people knew that Chu Qing, the brainwashed star who came from China and won the Oscar winner, was in Bangziguo was kneeled by someone and caused a big storm...

Then they looked at Chu Qing's profile...

Be nice!

Is this man Superman?

After seeing Chu Qing's resume, it naturally caused a shock. After the shock was over, a small number of people who had been watching the fun became Chu Qing's fans inexplicably, and then, like other fans, made headlines every day to see Chu Qing. Did you start messing around?


Although Chu Qing did not intend to do this series of things in Bangziguo, no matter what, Chu Qing has become famous since the incident of kneeling in Bangziguo...

Of course, Chu Qing has been very low-key these days. Basically, except for writing novels in hotels or going to the competition venue to watch games, she never wanders around in the rest of the time...

Now Chu Qing finds that as soon as he walks out the door, there will be a bunch of crazy reporters behind him, and as long as the bodyguards around him are a little negligent, these reporters will rush in and ask Chu Qing all kinds of speechless questions. After being hit by the bodyguards and lying on the ground, these reporters still raised their microphones, and it seemed that they would rather die than submit.

Bangzi Kingdom is very small, compared with the territory of China, it only has one area.

Entertainment in Bangzi Country is well developed.Large and small entertainment companies are full of high-rise buildings, and there are countless entertainment practitioners, managers, reporters and paparazzi.

The local small entertainment industry is well developed, so the reporters in Bangzi Country are under great competition pressure. Entertainment headlines, newspaper sales and headlines are all things that these people are desperately fighting for. As long as there is a little chance, they will I will never let it go...

And Chu Qing's appearance made these entertainment reporters very excited in an instant, big news, big headlines, big news...

They seem to have seen the promotion and salary increase, marry Bai Fumei, and the time has come to reach the pinnacle of life!
This made Chu Qing very stiff, and his mood was completely gone from the excitement he had when he first came to Bangzi Country, but his head hurt.

About a week after the kneeling incident, the public opinion in the entire Bangzi Kingdom slowly calmed down, and Chu Qing's headlines in Bangzi Kingdom were gradually replaced by other news...

After seeing the news that was no longer her own on the headlines, Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, feeling better for a while!
As long as Toutiao is not himself, then his influence in Bangzi Country will become smaller and smaller.

This is not a good thing for other stars, but it is definitely a good thing for Chu Qing!
In the days that followed, Chu Qing kept to the three-point line of the competition field, hotel, and restaurant, and refused to participate in other activities...

Since Mai Xiaoyu and others appeared in the "Star Is Coming", they have also become well-known e-sports stars in the entire Bangzi Country. Every time they play a game, the audience below will scream and cheer , the limelight overwhelmed FK, the top e-sports star in Bangzi Kingdom...

Of course, the CQ team is also very powerful, basically all the way is triumphant, and the other teams that played against the CQ team are basically beaten by CQ, and even some countries such as the North American team were psychologically shadowed by CQ. The R team was also beaten and cried!
December 12th is the most anticipated battle for all e-sports fans!
The CQ team officially played against the host team STK team in the Bangzi Country.

Last year, STK lost to CQ and was humiliated for more than a year in China. This year STK vows to regain its glory!

And CQ is also fully prepared, vowing to shave STK's head.

The records of the two teams are exactly the same, they both hit the finals with a record of complete victories!

During the pre-match interview, the two sides were full of gunpowder!

"This year, we are still champions! Even if STK has one more FK, there is no hope!" Mai Xiaoyu faced the camera, coldly.

"The CQ team is indeed a strong team, but this year's STK is invincible, and CQ will lose!" FK pushed his glasses and stared at the camera proudly, showing a smile.

"What? What do you think the final score will be? I don't know. I'm just a melon-eating spectator who came to watch the game. Why don't you interview the spectators next to me?" Chu Qing was preparing to watch the game, and the camera and microphone Inexplicably, he turned to him, looking at the camera, he felt awkward for a moment, and didn't know what to say for a while...



The game starts soon.

Both sides have reasons not to lose!

Mai Xiaoyu of the CQ team and others prepared a series of dirty routines to disgust the STK team, and the STK team also prepared a series of routines to fight back against CQ.

Chu Qing, who was sitting below, looked at the expressions of each contestant as usual.

Everyone in the CQ team smiled strangely, while the STK team frowned.

Starting from the BAN people, the whole game is completely abnormal...

The CQ team did not BAN mainstream heroes as usual, but BAN lost insignificant heroes such as Juggernaut and Great Inventor.

This made everyone in STK look bad!

They have seen the video of the CQ team playing against the R team, and they know that the CQ team is completely playing the R team as a human machine.

But what do you mean now?
Do you treat us like a human machine?
The subsequent hero selection also made STK a little confused.

Mid laner Angel, top laner Aatrox, jungler Zac, support Kieran, ADC Dazui...

"What, what kind of routine is this, a resurrection routine?"

"Why are there still people using this routine?"


No one in STK would have guessed that the CQ team would have such a lineup. Basically, it is no exaggeration to say that if this lineup is well protected, basically no one can die. Can be revived and exploded...

"At least, we can still play in the early stage!" The mid laner FK player calmed down after seeing this lineup a little surprised.

STK's lineup is slightly early, while CQ's lineup is late. As long as CQ is crushed in the early stage, the wave of pushing to the high ground is over.

However, they seem to have forgotten that the CQ team is a team that can withstand pressure!

The game will start soon!

In the early stage, STK was really fierce. In less than 10 minutes, they pulled out all the outer towers and wiped out all the wild areas of the CQ team. Even after 10 minutes, they took Baron and went to the high ground in the middle. Removed one of the incisor towers...

However, everyone in STK didn't have the joy of winning on their faces, instead they were all a bit dignified!
This game is weird!
How weird?

In more than 20 minutes, although the economy has opened up by nearly 1, the head ratio is 0-0!

What is the concept of 0-0?
Quite an exaggerated concept, a situation that has never appeared in the history of League of Legends!

If you can brush it, you can brush it, if you can't, let it go!

Soldier line?

Just like wild monsters, you can swipe as long as you can, if you can't swipe, continue to wave...

The CQ team is like a tortoise, they don't fight you at all, even if they catch a person to death by chance, hey, the support time is huge, and they revived this person again...

After 25 minutes, they felt that something was wrong with this lineup, and almost everyone had a brother Chun!

STK slowly began to be difficult to play!

They attacked CQ several times, but CQ's defense was like an iron barrel, no matter how hard you hit, they couldn't break it!
Three and 10 minutes later, STK found that he couldn't beat it at all!

FK felt it was a torture.

Mai Xiaoyu is so wretched, he runs away as soon as he sees him, he doesn't give him a chance at all, and the others don't give him a chance either...

After 35 minutes, the CQ team suddenly started to counterattack like taking an aphrodisiac in the dragon group...

STK is weak!
It is the early lineup itself, how can you beat the late CQ?By the way, here comes a 0 for 5
After the big dragon team lost, the CQ team made great strides, attacking the high ground of CQ all the way. Although STK defended well, it was completely useless...

The crystal exploded!
After the crystal exploded, everyone in STK couldn't react to the 0-8 record.

Shave your head?

What the hell!

In this kind of finals, we were shaved off by the CQ team playing routines?
FK closed his eyes, he felt as if his career had encountered the darkest day!
Can this game still be played?

During the post-match interview, Mai Xiaoyu was very confident facing the camera.

"Excuse me, how did you come up with this dirty routine?"

"Uh, I thought of it when I was playing games with our boss, Brother Qing."

"Oh? Can you tell me?"

"This is a very hopeless story..." Mai Xiaoyu fell into a deep memory, until now recalling the scene at that time, he still has lingering fear...

(End of this chapter)

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