I'm not a big star

Chapter 629 A touch of sadness

Chapter 629 A touch of sadness

Emily was one of the special guests at the Oscars ceremony.

Elvis was one of the performers at the Oscars.

The status of the two people in the world is detached, one is a famous international singer, and the other is the person in charge of a famous international clothing brand...

No matter which one stands up, it is big news, let alone two people stand up together for a young Chinese man!

So when the two of them broke apart as soon as they met, there was a burst of uproar and excitement in the whole scene.

Emily didn't want Aiweisi to touch Chu Qing, she wanted to tell Chu Qing a lot, and Aiweisi also didn't want Emily to touch Chu Qing's hair...

Both of them hate each other very much.

"Aiweisi, you bastard, from childhood to adulthood, why do you have to fight for everything I like!"

"Emily, you are the bastard, I came first, and, I am Chu Qing's female companion, okay, what are you doing out of nowhere, you have evil intentions!"

"What, what did you say, you say it again?"

"You! How about I say you have a ghost in your heart?"

"Hmph! On such an occasion, I'm too lazy to argue with you! Otherwise people will see it as a joke!"

"Me too! I'm too lazy to argue with you!"

The two looked at each other, and they saw annoyed fire in each other's eyes, but after thinking of this situation, they still held back the desire to quarrel again, and snorted coldly, each holding Chu Qing's arm.

The reporters were excitedly taking photos, not wanting to miss such a good opportunity.

The person involved, Chu Qing, had an embarrassing expression on his face, being held arm in arm from one side to the other without any intention of hugging.

He felt that it was a bit tormenting, and the whole person looked like a prop for showing off to the two women.

From the conversation between the two, Chu Qing knew that Ai Weisi and Emily knew each other, and they knew each other a long time ago.

After all, Chu Qing could clearly hear the four words they said "from childhood to adulthood".

It seems that the two have been in a competitive relationship since childhood.

The red carpet was hundreds of meters long, but in Chu Qing's view, it was like walking on a fire path spraying flames, and the heat wave was unbearable.

Although the smiles on the faces of the two women were as sweet as angels in front of the camera, and even made people forget their previous tortuous conversation, Chu Qing felt that the aura on both sides was getting more and more wrong, and even her arms felt a little painful feel.

Of course, Chu Qing felt very pained here, but the reporters and fans over there screamed excitedly.

They smelled a smell of gunpowder and a love triangle in the conversation between the two girls!

Take a photo, and then use your extraordinary talent and imagination to make a little adaptation of this matter, hehe, the headline is stable.

There is a picture at the beginning, the content is all based on making up this kind of thing, and they play Thief 6, not to mention that there is such a good material now, why don't they make headlines into flowers?
The Oscar stars walking the red carpet together, although everyone is smiling, no matter how you look at this smile, it has the taste of a pinched wry smile!
The Huaxia people stole all the limelight, so what's the use of the red carpet?
But the only thing that comforted them was that this Chinese man was quite self-aware, and instead of standing and posing like other stars on the red carpet for reporters to grab more limelight, he hurried into the red carpet...


Feeling a little embarrassed?
After entering the Oscar, watching the radiant stage and the star-studded auditorium, the two girls who were holding Chu Qing's hands finally let go.

"I'm going to the bathroom first!"

"Wait, I'm going too!"

After letting go, Chu Qing didn't feel the pressure suddenly lighten. He looked at the two people walking side by side towards the bathroom, but instead had the illusion that he would suffer disaster later.

Is this a sign of something?

No, this is an illusion.

This is definitely an illusion!


"Chu Qing, hello!"

"Uh, hello Hansen... Long time no see."

"Yeah, it's almost gone."

Chu Qing saw Hansen again, and Hansen was sitting on Chu Qing's left.

Hansen had a stubble on his chin, his face was slightly pale, and he looked much haggard.

Hansen felt more and more that it was a huge irony for the two of them to sit together!

Is this location arrangement intentional by the organizer?
He wanted to find a hole to get into.

Both of them are also filming "Jian Xin"

Moreover, his "Jian Xin" was released earlier than Chu Qing, and he invested a lot of publicity funds, but both the box office and word-of-mouth were smashed.

The failure of "Jian Xin" is the only Waterloo that Hansen has directed so far.

Even a trough.

This year is undoubtedly the darkest year in his directing career.

As for Chu Qing?
This is where the sarcasm begins!
Chu Qing's "Sword of the Heart" was sluggish at the beginning, and finally rose wildly. The global box office is second only to the global champion "Voyager"...

In any case, this result has nothing to do with fluttering.

Hansen was desperate when he thought of this.

Such extreme two results actually sat together.

I am special!
He can even think of what these unscrupulous reporters will write about them next...

The same "Sword Heart" but a different situation?

Losers and winners?
Although the two sides did not make any radical remarks on the Internet from the beginning to the end, Hansen still felt a slap in the face.

And the slap in the face hurts!

"Congratulations, Chu Qing! I guess you will be the protagonist of the Oscars tonight." Hansen let out a long breath and looked at Chu Qing with a forced smile to congratulate Chu Qing.

In any case, Chu Qing is the winner, so he should congratulate Chu Qing magnanimously.

Of course, he regretted it in his heart.

If he hadn't rejected Chu Qing back then...

If he had agreed to Chu Qing's request back then, wouldn't he be standing here with a happy face now?

Is it also eligible for the nomination for the Best Director Award?
Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"It's just a nomination award, not necessarily an award. After all, there are many powerful actors in Hollywood..." Facing Hansen, Chu Qing shook his head, with a long-lost smile on his face.

"Sure." Hansen shook his head, but he was a little disappointed after seeing Chu Qing's expression.

He fully expected that this young man would be nervous and excited waiting for the start of Oscar, but Chu Qing's expression looked neither proud nor nervous, a little too calm...

How can this be?

Could this be Chu Qing's acting skills, acting calmly on purpose?
What's the point of doing this?Even if your tail is up to the sky now, no one will say anything about you...

Hansen couldn't figure it out.

Chu Qing was naturally not acting.

In fact, in his heart, it doesn't matter whether he wins an Oscar or not. Anyway, it's like going through the motions, finishing work and going home to sleep...

No bells and whistles other emotions and intrigue operate.

In a word...

His mood is so good that it explodes.


The competition for this year's Oscar winner is fierce.

And every opponent is very strong, and the voice is also extremely high.

Johnson from Magical Heroes.

"Dragon Knight" Little Amir.

James from Thor 2.


These people are all well-known international superstars, and they have participated in countless Oscars.

Before Chu Qing stepped into this circle, these people had already become famous in Hollywood. It is no exaggeration to say that Chu Qing can only be called a junior among these people.

Of course, Chu Qing was an unpredictable variable to them.

Just like "Nightblood", which no one was optimistic about at the beginning, suddenly became a hit, not only making a high box office, but also directly allowing Chu Qing to snatch the Oscar winner.

Whether it was Johnson, Jims, or Amir, they were all staring at the calm Chinese man sitting in the front row.

No one will take it lightly.

This operation of brushing up four nomination awards in a row is too coquettish, right?
Of course, the directors who were also nominated for the Oscar for Best Director also stared at this young Chinese man.

Their eyes are naturally somewhat hostile!
This young man just went to grab jobs from actors, but now he is going to grab jobs from directors like them!

In case the best director is robbed by this young Chinese man, then they are still playing with wool!

Well, no, impossible, impossible!

How could this hairy brat win the Oscar for Best Director?
Totally impossible!
Where is the best director so easy to get?Some excellent directors have not won an Oscar for director after running with them for more than ten years.

Just this young man...

Do you think that's possible?

These directors shook their heads to stop the crazy thought.

Chu Qing seemed to have a premonition of something shaking in his body.

He looked around in a daze.

Although all he saw were friendly smiles, he always had the feeling that these people were hiding a knife in their smiles.

This is completely an illusion, right?
Chu Qing shook her head.

Must be an illusion.

at this time……

"Hello, Director Chu Qing, I am Chen Baoyi, an actor of Chinese descent, and I like your "Jian Xin" very much..."

"Uh, hello."

"Hello, Director Chu Qing, I'm Duke from Hollywood, and I have acted in that "Frozen"..."

"Uh, hello, hello."

"Hello Director Chu Qing, I'm your fan Kehan, I really like your movie "Darksiders" and I hope we can have a chance to work together in the next movie..."

"Uh, ok ok..."


The next scene on Chu Qing's side made Hansen feel very awkward when he began to sit and criticize.

An endless stream of actors whose names could be named bypassed Hansen and came to Chu Qing's side, introducing themselves...

At this moment, the dignified director Hansen is like a transparent person, being ignored by others...


Emily and Aiweisi came out of the bathroom.

The two are still so elegant and look so noble.

It's just that there was a trace of strangeness in the eyes of the two of them, as if they were never in contact with each other.

Although the reporters couldn't follow into the bathroom, is it important what happened in the bathroom?
No, it doesn't matter at all.

The important thing is that the two of them went in together and came out together, and at the same time, their expressions were very indifferent when they first came out.

There must have been a terrific argument going on in the bathroom.

And this is definitely a quarrel about Chu Qing, as for how to tear it up...

Well, again, that doesn't matter.

In short, tomorrow's headlines can be written with hype!
Just when the two women were sitting in their seats, this year's Oscars finally announced the start...

 Late update, sorry, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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