I'm not a big star

Chapter 633 1 Crazy

Chapter 633 Crazy One

After winning four Oscars, Chu Qing and his concert became the subject of discussion all over the world.

Many people who have never heard Chu Qing's songs began to try to listen to Chu Qing's songs.

When I heard it like this, I suddenly found it strangely pleasant to hear...

Then, they became interested in other careers of Chu Qing, an Oscar winner, and subconsciously searched for Chu Qing's other identities in the entertainment industry...

After such a search, all kinds of headlines about Chu Qing from his debut to now appeared irresistibly.

Some things are like the plague, once you catch it you will suffer.

The same goes for fans.

So unknowingly, they became a little bit interested in Chu Qing's concert.

Chu Qing's global concert?

When they saw the global concert, Chu Qing's headlines from his debut to the present came to mind.

I don't know what kind of earth-shattering things Chu Qing will cause in the concert.

These people are like the people who eat melons on Huaxia.com, some are fascinated by Chu Qing's songs, some are fascinated by movies, and some are fascinated by Chu Qing's "fancy headlines" news...

In short, the Oscars can be regarded as a springboard for Chu Qing!
Jumped Chu Qing to a very popular international position.


Global concerts are no ordinary concerts.

This requires a lot of energy and a lot of money, and the conditions for holding it are very harsh.

Most of the so-called "global" concerts of former superstars in China are held in places with a large number of Chinese people around Malaysia. They go around two or three countries and then return to China, and then declare to the outside world that they are considered global concerts.

Of course, they have no choice.

After all, the audience for Chinese songs is actually limited internationally. It is impossible for a group of foreigners to listen to you sing Chinese, right?

This is not realistic.

If it is really counted, Jia Yu, who broke out of Asia, can barely be regarded as one of the international singers.

However, Jia Yu also mainly sings Chinese songs.

Moreover, Jia Yu can only say that he rushed out of Asia, but not internationally.

It's not that she can't sing English songs, but that she doesn't have good English songs to sing to her.

Even if there are one or two songs, they are not tepid and can't make any waves at all.

Chu Qing is different from them...

Although Chu Qing only has a few English songs, these two English songs can be said to be popular all over the world.

Moreover, the global concert guest Chu Qing invited, Ai Weisi, is an "old world" herself, so in fact, Chu Qing is not very worried about some details.

Of course, at first Chu Qing felt that her global concert was the same as the so-called global concerts of other stars. She went around Malaysia and returned to China. After being invited to a concert in a country, I was shocked and stunned.

Looking at these countries...

The United States, the United Kingdom, France, Bangzi Country, R's own country...

Even a country needs more than 30 games!

If there is one game a day, it will take more than a month to open!

Nima, aren't you going to kill someone?

When Chu Qing thought about bouncing around on the stage with high intensity every day, her legs went limp...

Of course, the list of countries invited to these concerts has been screened by Wang Ying, Jiang Xiaoyu and others. Otherwise, other countries, large and small, will add up...

09 was really going to be spent in a bouncing concert...

Will Chu Qing make herself so tired and miserable?


After seeing these lists, Chu Qing shook his head again, and selected half of the countries, and finally settled on fourteen countries.

In fact, Chu Qing is still not satisfied with the fourteen countries.

He was a little worried.

Do I really have that many concertgoers?

If I don't have an audience, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me to be silent below?
The first global concert in history with no audience?
I play chicken feathers!
He wants to delete a few countries that he thinks are very speechless...

But the awesomeness has already been blown out at the Oscars. Even if you have tears in your eyes, you have to continue to blow it up. This is a completely helpless thing...

When Chu Qing thought of this, she really wanted to slap herself severely.

I am so...

It's okay to pretend to be B in Oscar!

"Verus, what's wrong with you, you..."

"I'm sorry, Jiang Xiaoyu, I can't help Chu Qing write a song. God, please forgive me. In the words of your Huaxia, how dare the light of rice grains compete with the bright moon? This... is really far away... ...I can't, I'm going back to my country, immediately, immediately..."

"Verus, you...you are an internationally renowned songwriter. It's not like you don't know the status of our brother Qing in the country, and you won't insult your songs." Jiang Xiaoyu thought Wei Ruth was worried about this, so he quickly persuaded him.

"God, Jiang Xiaoyu, why haven't you figured it out yet? It's not that I don't want to write, but that I can't write at all. You never told me beforehand that Chu Qing is a terrible songwriter! If you knew I, I won't come to Huaxia to shame myself! God, I'm really ashamed...I'm still talking about writing songs in front of him...Ah...I can't stand it..."

"Verus, Verus?"

"Sorry, I have to go, I can't stay here for a second... If I stay any longer, I think I'm going crazy, God! How can there be such terrible people in this world!"


Jiang Xiaoyu saw Verus leaving in a hurry and in a panic, and looked at Chu Qing's office speechlessly.

How did Brother Qing scare away this internationally renowned songwriter?

What did Qingzi do?

Jiang Xiaoyu originally thought that his brother Qing wanted to hold an international concert, and only two English songs would be absolutely impossible, so he invited Verus, a well-known songwriter in the world, to help his brother Qing write a few songs It's a more popular song.

At first, when Verus heard that he was writing a song for the Oscar winner Chu Qing, he immediately came to China from England, but two days later...


Verus seemed to be insane.


"Brother Qing, you are about to start your global tour in half a month. The venues in [-] countries have been prepared, and the pre-sale tickets are also empty. I asked Verus to help you prepare a few songs. Almost English songs... But, why did he run away?"

"I don't know what's going on. The chattering English made a lot of sense to me. After he finished speaking, I said that I also wrote a few songs...I didn't say anything else."

"That's it?" Jiang Xiaoyu was taken aback.

"Yes, and then... well, he just ran away..."

Chu Qing was also a little speechless, he was a little confused.

Do these international people have such a bad mentality?
"Brother Qing, have you written a song yet?"

"Well, I have written a few poems."

"Brother Qing, I mean, English songs... If Chinese songs are sung all the time at the concert, it's really not appropriate. After all, there are several countries where English is the main language in our tour this time... "Jiang Xiaoyu thought that Chu Qing wrote a Chinese song, so he quickly explained.

"What I wrote was English songs."

In the office, Chu Qing rubbed her eyes and looked at Jiang Xiaoyu who looked worried and said seriously.

"Um, English song? What song?"

"Look at it."


When Jiang Xiaoyu took the manuscript of the lyrics handed over by Chu Qing, Jiang Xiaoyu saw that there were two songs on the manuscript, one was "beat it" and the other was "You Are Not Alone"...

After reading the lyrics and score, Jiang Xiaoyu gasped.

Even though he knew that Chu Qing was a monster and a creative genius, Jiang Xiaoyu still felt unbelievable as if he had seen a ghost.

Are they really two English songs?

I really wrote it out!

Jiang Xiaoyu felt a little crazy...

The two songs written casually are both classics, and both have the potential to become an international hit.


Does Brother Qing always have so much talent in his head?
"Brother Qing...even if it's two English songs, I'm afraid it's not enough, you..."

"Well, there's another song I'm thinking about, um..." Chu Qing hesitated for a moment, and handed the half-written "The Fox" to Jiang Xiaoyu.

"Is this a dance song?"

"These songs above are all dance music..."

"..." Jiang Xiaoyu immediately stopped after reading a few lines of the lyrics and score.

Many songwriters can't write such good English songs in their whole life, but Brother Qing...

Just like picking it up...

Jiang Xiaoyu suddenly felt that he was too stupid to worry about Chu Qing not having English songs.

"Brother Qing, I heard that you wrote a song for Ai Weisi a few days ago?" Jiang Xiaoyu suddenly asked incredulously as if remembering something.

"Well, yes." Chu Qing nodded.

"Our company also has female singers who can sing English songs. For example, Xu Wanying's English songs are good..." Jiang Xiaoyu subconsciously continued. .

"The song I wrote for Aiweisi can't be sung by ordinary people." Chu Qing shook her head. "Xu Wanying is suitable for singing the kind of cheerful little girl's song, and she can't sing such a deep story."

"A deep story?"

""Yesterday once more" is a song with a lot of stories. Aiweisi's voice is very suitable for singing this kind of deep song... You can read the manuscript score." Chu Qing flipped through and finally found "yesterday once more" and handed it to Jiang Xiaoyu.

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at the manuscript subconsciously, and immediately opened his mouth.

"Oh, by the way, in addition to these English songs, I have also taken the time to write a few Chinese songs these days... I think there may not be a market for Chinese songs abroad."

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at the bunch of fonts that Chu Qing dug out. Although it was ugly, but after writing the manuscript in messy Chinese, Jiang Xiaoyu's eyes were already dull.

"Blue and White Porcelain", "Twilight", "Hair as Snow", "Ten Years", "Love Transfer"...

The title of a song lingered in Chu Qing's mind. After a hasty glance at the lyrics and score, Jiang Xiaoyu's heart had already set off monstrous waves...

These songs are all written by Brother Qing in this week
She wiped her eyes.

This is not a dream!
This really exists!
What a crazy person.


Probably crazy.

Jiang Xiaoyu wanted to pour a bucket of cold water on himself, and calm himself down.

Don't say that Verus is going crazy, if Verus sees this, he will definitely go crazy!

"I think, I don't need someone to help me write songs for the time being... um..."

Chu Qing sorted out the manuscript, then looked calmly at Jiang Xiaoyu who no longer knew how to describe his mood.

Chu Qing felt that the songs stored in his head could at least allow him to get through the concert.

After the concert, I immediately retire to enjoy life, it doesn't matter at all, does it?
Hold on one more time, it's all over!
Chu Qing smiled!
(End of this chapter)

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