I'm not a big star

Chapter 638 Shocking the audience

Chapter 638 Shocking the audience
"5000 years of wind and rain

How many dreams are hidden

yellow face black eyes
The same is the smile

Eight thousand miles of mountains and rivers

like a song
no matter where you come from

Where will it go..."

The original name of this song was "Chinese", but China in this world is called Huaxia, so naturally, Chu Qing changed the name of the song to "Huaxia People".

The title of the song was changed, and the Chinese people in the lyrics were replaced by Huaxia people, and the rest of the word remained unchanged, so the impact on the song itself was not great.

Standing on such a world-class stage and singing this song, the tension and sense of restraint in Chu Qing's heart before going on stage completely disappeared!
He lifted his head proudly.

I am Chinese, a Chinese!

No matter in the original world or this world, the blood of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor is flowing in his body!
How many vicissitudes and ups and downs has Huaxia experienced in the past 5000 years?

This song, forever, is a classic!
He took a deep breath!
"The same tears, the same pain

past suffering

we stay in our hearts
The same blood, the same species

future dreams

Let's develop together! "

Chu Qing raised her hand!

A thick, heavy voice came out of his throat...

5000 years of wind and rain, 5000 years of turmoil, the hometown of this dragon, this great country has always guarded its pride.

This is a very special song!
In addition to Americans present, there are also some overseas Chinese!

They stood up when they heard Chu Qing sing the song "Huaxia People".

Then, he sang along like crazy, even with tears in his eyes.

They have been away from the motherland for many, many years.

Although they have adapted to life in the United States, they don't think much about the motherland in normal times.

But this song sang into their hearts and touched the most vulnerable part of their hearts.

They are Chinese people, with the blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang, and they are the descendants of the dragon.

At this moment, they miss one thing so much.

They, homesick!
And after those Americans listened to Chu Qing's song, although they couldn't understand the lyrics, the heavy melody made them feel particularly touched.

So, they all stood up like those people.

followed by humming.

"holding hands

Regardless of you and me
walk forward with head held high

let the world know

We are all Chinese..."

In the night sky, there are twinkling stars.

Chu Qing looked up at the stars proudly, as if she was declaring something.

The melody became louder and louder, and the voice became more and more emotional. When the light shone on Chu Qing, everyone felt that this scene was amazing!
Chu Qing's singing skills have reached the peak, every word, every word, every note is controlled so impeccably!
This is an extremely terrifying existence!

"Qingzi's song makes my scalp tingle, it's too scary!"

"Yeah, this song is really scary!"

"Inexplicably, I am a little proud of being a Chinese!"

"Yeah, I am the same, and I am also proud of being a Chinese."

"In this life, we are all Chinese, and in the next life, we will be Chinese!"

"Yes, after listening to this song, I suddenly found that I have no feelings for the stars of Bangziguo!"

"Me too, by the way, the host of Bangzi Kingdom has knelt down to us Qingzi, don't you know the explanation?"

On the live broadcast platform, all major live broadcast websites, including CCTV, which has always been very serious and never broadcast this kind of concert, also broadcast this concert for the first time at this moment.

Almost as long as the Huaxia audience with Internet access was staring at this concert, all the live broadcast platforms were packed!

In fact, Chu Qing's song is really worth the money!
At the first concert, people only saw the best, only the burning point!
But this time people saw the pride and countless emotions and passion.

This is a sense of identity, and at the same time, I feel excited about being a descendant of Yanhuang.

on the stage.

After a song, Chu Qing bowed to everyone.

"Thank you everyone, thank you!"

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief and sorted out her emotions at the moment.

The feeling of singing this song made him feel very comfortable. After watching the thunderous applause below, he was very happy.

This is the feeling that everyone is looking at, and I am the king who controls everything in the minds of these people!
After bowing and sorting out his emotions, Chu Qing closed his eyes again, and the lights scattered.

He walked backstage.

A few minutes later the music sounded again...

The melody of the next song begins.

The next song is an English song.

In Chu Qing's heart, it is a song that she once admired, and it can be said to be a great English song.

This song, called "beat it", is one of Michael Jackson's famous songs.

Chu Qing came out, changed a piece of clothes, put on a hat, and the temperament of her whole body changed at this moment.

Chu Qing is best at playing this move.

"Are you ready for the medical staff?"


"How many?"

"There are more than 200."

"What, just over 200? Not enough, not enough at all, you find a way to increase it to four hundred."

"What, four hundred? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

"Yes! It's four hundred."

Backstage, Jiang Xiaoyu stared at the staff with a solemn expression.

No one knows better than her how terrifying Chu Qing's song "beat it" and the moonwalk are!

When he saw Chu Qing dancing this dance in the training room, even she herself felt her heart beating like crazy!

Moreover, during the first Chu Qing concert, the audience fainted. In this concert, Jiang Xiaoyu felt that there would definitely be more cases of this kind!
Therefore, she stared at these staff very seriously, and asked the staff to quickly find more medical staff to prevent emergencies...

After all, it's okay to pass out at a concert, but if something like a dead person happens, it's a lot of fun.

So, she had to be a little more cautious.


The song "beat it" is completely different from the first song "Huaxia People"!
The prelude of this song came out of nowhere like a trumpet. Chu Qing was wearing a hat and standing on the stage.

When the melody gradually became cheerful, he threw his hat suddenly, picked up the microphone in his arms, and performed a mechanical dance!
His action made all the audience cheer.

"They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it! "

Chu Qing twisted her body!

His physical fitness is very good, twisting his body, his whole body has a strange sense of rhythm, and even this sense of rhythm has completely coincided with Michael Jackson in his mind!

The audience in the audience saw Chu Qing's dance and screamed crazily when they heard the song!

Chu Qing followed the rhythm of the song, danced, twirled, and frantically interpreted the story of the song.

He was already immersed in it, and he even completely forgot that he was having a concert.

He remembered the scene when he learned from Michael Jackson many years ago.

At that time, I was crazily obsessed with Michael Jackson, and I also learned his dances and moonwalks clumsily!
The past is unbearable, the bumps and bumps at that time were nothing.

but now……

Come on, come on all!
Let's all get up!

I am completely different!

The lights are shining and the melody is crazy!
"Wow, what a dance!"

"Chu Qing, I love you, I love you to death!"

"I can't stand it, my heart, my heart!"


"God, did I see you? It's terrible, this is really a magical Chinese man, I love you, I want you!"

When the sound reached its climax, countless audience members held their hearts, and some of them fainted from excitement on the spot!

Because of the preparation in advance, these fainted audiences were carried to the medical staff.

However, as the performance on the stage became more and more crazy, Chu Qing became more and more immersed, and more and more audience members fainted below.

The audience who didn't faint screamed, talked nonsense and shed tears!

This song is crazy for Yamen!

Trembling madness, despair.

Even the working medical staff excitedly smoked a few.

"Long live! Long live, long live Chu Qing, long live Chu Qing!"

When the song was about to end, Chu Qing suddenly turned around, twisted her body, and then waved her hand...

He continued to slither, and gave a wicked smile at the same time!

"My God! What do I see?"

"I... can't believe it, what kind of dance is this?"

"Fuck, he's clearly moving forward, why does it feel like he's retreating?"

"This... terrible!"

"I can not stand it any more!"


When Chu Qing took a spacewalk on the stage, all the audience stood up and screamed excitedly!

At the same time, more and more viewers fainted from excitement, and these medical staff are getting more and more busy!

On the stage, Chu Qing was in very good condition. He felt that he had completely imitated Michael Jackson's dance steps, and even, because of his excellent physical fitness, he felt that he had surpassed something!
Everyone is staring at the stage, even the backstage staff are staring at the stage!

Chu Qing controls everything like a king, no one can stop her!

All kinds of bullet screens such as "I'm dizzy!", "I can't take it anymore", "Is this God descending?" appeared on the live broadcast platform like crazy...

Before the concert, many people questioned whether Chu Qing could control the concert...

But now, no one questioned Chu Qing at all!
This is a pinnacle, a pinnacle that no one can refute!
At the same time, two short songs also broke a record!
Then the concert will stun the audience record!
It's a song.

"Chu Qing, Chu Qing, Chu Qing!"

"Long live Chu Qing!"

The audience shouted Chu Qing's name like crazy, and they even wanted to kneel down to Chu Qing if they could!

They suddenly understood Li Yingji's mood at that time!

Yes, that's the crazy mood!

After two songs, Chu Qing bowed to the stage, then walked backstage...

Backstage, Aiweisi, who has never been stage-frightened, became nervous after seeing the atmosphere on the stage at this moment!

Everyone below is shouting Chu Qing's name heartbreakingly, so will he come on stage at this time...

Will someone throw a banana peel, or be kicked off the stage?

After all, the audience seemed to only want to hear Chu Qing sing.

(End of this chapter)

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