I'm not a big star

Chapter 69 It's all looking for Chu Qing

Chapter 69 It's all looking for Chu Qing
A few months ago, Chu Qing never thought that he would become a multi-millionaire!
Pretentious face, famous?Let people admire?

Chu Qing is not interested in any of these things. What is he most interested in?It's money, it's money, lots and lots of money!

So after leaving the theater, he ran crazily towards the nearest agricultural bank, even the wind outside was a bit cold, and he didn't feel anything.

His heart was pounding, and he didn't know whether it was beating wildly because of excitement or because he was running too fast. In short, Chu Qing didn't care about these details at all.

Made a fortune?
Yes, get rich.

700 million is different from 1000 million. 700 million is millions, and 1000 million is tens of millions. One is in millions, and the other is in tens of millions!And he made 1000 million in such a short period of time, he felt that he was in heaven.

Then, he ran to the 24-hour self-service platform of the Agricultural Bank of China, took out the card and inserted it tremblingly, and then entered a series of passwords. The beating heart finally settled down.

These are real money.

Chu Qing took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm. He told himself that the money he would make in the future would only be more than this!

He is confident.

But 1000 million, what can you buy?
Go to my hometown to buy a villa!

Well, spend 500 million to buy a villa in the center of the small town...

No, buying a villa makes people feel insecure. It’s better to buy a commercial house. Well, I need to buy more stores for investment. It’s not bad to be a charterer without any worries...

How much is the storefront?

I remember, it seems to be a better storefront, like, more than 600 million and 100 square meters...

If it was 1000 million a few years ago, it might be very valuable or useful, but now...


Originally, Chu Qing thought that 1000 million yuan would allow him to live in a small town without any worries for a long time, but when he thought about the house price in his small town, Chu Qing made a bitter face.

1000 million is really not much money.


After calming down, Chu Qing took the card back and put it in the wallet, and then a gust of cold wind blew over, and he sneezed. He didn't feel the cold when he was excited just now, but when everything was put down, he felt very cold .

"Ah Choo, Ah Choo, Ah Choo."

"Is someone thinking of me or scolding me?" Chu Qing sneezed several times in a row, then wiped her nose feeling depressed.


In fact, it wasn't that someone was thinking about Chu Qing, nor was it that someone was scolding Chu Qing, but that Chu Qing had a cold.

Chu Qing, who rarely caught a cold since she was a child, developed a high fever. After returning to the dormitory, Chu Qing felt dizzy, and when she wanted to wake up the next day, she found that her whole body was weak and her forehead was very hot.

Of course, a cold doesn't just refer to fever. Along with fever, there are runny nose, cough, and headache. In short, this time the cold came very fiercely, so fiercely that Chu Qing didn't get better for several days.The fever subsided quickly, but what followed was constant coughing and runny nose...

Chu Qing felt that she was living in dire straits, that she had made a lot of money, but broke her body...

Chu Qing was very tragic, but the roommates in the same dormitory as Chu Qing were also unlucky with Chu Qing. Almost on the third day after Chu Qing caught a cold, the other three people in the entire dormitory caught a cold.

"On the order, let's go, Brother Qing, here, here, my blind thief 6, your female policewoman, don't be cowardly, just do it!"

"Okay, I want to believe you."

"Second, what the hell is going on with you, your brilliance is empty again? Crap!"

"You're fucking empty, I'm predicting, you understand?"

"I understand your face!"

"Fuck! This round is my promotion match for Bronze [-], don't cheat me, the opponent is getting fat now!"


Of course, the cold is not all bad. At least the four people in the dormitory have successfully asked the counselor for leave, and it is a very formal one that does not deduct credits.

They asked for five or two days off on Thursday, and taking two days off was equivalent to four days off. After all, there were weekends on Saturday and Sunday.

You can't do nothing when you ask for leave, right?So several people in the dormitory discussed together, and simply took advantage of these four days to raise the rank of the League of Legends. After all, if you always go out with a brass rank, you will definitely be ridiculed.

Zhang Tieqiao and the other two originally thought that Chu Qing was a big star, and with such talent, they must have been out of the same world as them. Maybe they would have a feeling of inferiority in front of Chu Qing, but during the period of getting along with Chu Qing Over time, they found that Chu Qing didn't have any pretensions, and they were very happy deep in their hearts when they were still obsessed with the game League of Legends as before.

Friendship has not changed because of the change of status, it is still the same as before!
League of Legends scores, let's score together!

So, after the four people in the dormitory had breakfast, they walked towards the "Guangming Internet Cafe" next to them in a mighty way, and opened a box for four people to sit in a box and prepare to fight him for a few days to get up the rank...

However, the level of Chu Qing and others is really low, so they have been stuck in the brass rank...

Well, anyway, it's hard work.


"Student, do you know where Chu Qing is?"

"You... Liu... Liu... Liu Feifei?" Chen Gang stuttered and looked at the quiet girl in front of him. At this moment, he became a little distracted, and his excited expression was beyond words.

Chen Gang felt that today was definitely his lucky day!

Nantah University's number one school belle, the number one goddess of literature and art actually took the initiative to talk to him...

He felt that his breathing was about to stagnate, and he was about to die of happiness.

"Student, let me ask you, do you know where Chu Qing is?" Liu Feifei frowned and looked at Chen Gang, who looked like a pig, she felt a little disgusted.

"Ah, Brother Qing, Brother Qing is in dormitory 302, oh, no, Brother Qing is not in the dormitory..." Chen Gang began to speak tremblingly, and even lost his order.

"Where is he then?"

"He, I seem to see the four of them walking towards Guangming Internet Cafe in the dormitory this morning."

"Guangming Internet Cafe?" Liu Feifei repeated these four words, a little confused, she couldn't connect Chu Qing with such a vulgar Internet cafe.

And she never thought that Chu Qing would go to that kind of place.

What are you doing there?
"Well, that's absolutely true!"

"Okay, thank you."

Seeing that Chen Gang didn't seem to be lying, Liu Feifei turned and left.

Chen Gang stood on the edge of the lawn and looked at the back of Liu Feifei leaving, his heart beat wildly again!
The goddess said thank you to me!

Haha, thank you, the goddess said thank you to me!

I am very blessed!

Even if you die now!
Although Liu Feifei had gone far away, Chen Gang still felt the fragrance of Liu Feifei lingering in his breath, and he felt that he was about to go to heaven.

Unknowingly, he walked out of the gate of Nantah University. Just as he was walking out of the gate, suddenly a red BMW stopped at the gate, and he raised his head subconsciously.

"Student, let me ask you a question." A tall goddess wearing sunglasses stepped out of the BMW...

Chen Gang's eyes widened, and he felt his heart beating wildly again, even crazier than before!

Slender legs, a curvy figure, plus smooth long hair and waist, and that cool temperament.


Absolutely a goddess...

"Student, do you know Chu Qing?" The goddess wearing sunglasses took off her sunglasses, revealing a pair of cold and beautiful eyes.

Iceberg Goddess!

At this moment, Chen Gang gave a definition to this BMW goddess.

Chu Qing?

Why are you looking for Chu Qing again?

"I know, I know, I know Chu Qing!" Chen Gang was very excited and nodded unconsciously.

God, why did you treat me so well today, let two top-notch girls talk to me in a row, and they were all looking for Chu Qing!

I'm going crazy with joy!

"where is he?"

"He...he, Chu Qing...he." This goddess gave Chen Gang such a strong aura that Chu Qing's tongue began to stutter a little and she couldn't complete a sentence.

"Where is it?" The goddess narrowed her eyes and took a slight step towards Chen Gang.


Chen Gang just felt his head explode.

Happiness, a huge, unprecedented happiness contained him, and he felt like he was dreaming.

"He, in the Internet cafe..." Chen Gang murmured.

"Internet cafe?" The goddess was dumbfounded when she heard this...

"Yes, surfing the Internet at the Guangming Internet Café a few miles away from here. I saw it with my own eyes this morning..." Chen Gang kept nodding his head like a kowtow.

"Oh, thank you." The goddess nodded, then continued to sit in the BMW and walked towards the Internet cafe...

(End of this chapter)

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