I'm not a big star

Chapter 7 Being molested by a big star?

Chapter 7 Being molested by a big star?

Chu Qing saw the big star Zhao Yinger, and she was less than two meters away from Zhao Yinger.

Zhao Yinger is very beautiful, so beautiful that it is suffocating.

Chu Qing will not be suffocated, because his aesthetics are a little different from others, and he doesn't like girls with makeup.

Although it is light makeup, it is also makeup for Chu Qing...

Of course, at this moment, Ruoyun, played by Zhao Yinger, is lying on the ground, with ketchup all over her body, cough, cough, it should be said plasma props.

At the end of this episode, Chu Qing showed her face.

Of course, this face is very simple, just a plot, that is, standing foolishly by the river with a hoe...

Then, Chen Gensheng, played by Chu Qing, saw Ruoyun floating down from the other side of the river, and was finally rescued by him.

It was a very simple plot, and Chu Qing played it very seriously.

However, seriousness is relative. Chu Qing felt that in this situation, as long as she listened to the director's instructions seriously, crying when she should, and laughing when she should, that would be fine.

"Hey, what is that?"

"Is that a woman?"

"I am a man, but this person is a woman, and a man's wife is a woman, so she is my wife?"

Chu Qing began to read the lines according to the script.


Look, what a silly line this is?What an insane dialogue.

What an illogical plot?
Simply bullshit.

Why is the person who floated down from the river his daughter-in-law?
It's simply unreasonable, I really don't know why this book is so popular...

After Chu Qing finished reading this line, she complained crazily in her heart, but on her expression, she still showed a dumbfounded look.

In fact, there is no need to deliberately imitate the dumb look, Chu Qing is usually a very dumb person.

"CUT, yes, one shot passed!"

Xia Baoyang, who is usually very strict, did not retake the photo at this moment. Instead, he smiled very readily after Chu Qing picked up Zhao Yinger, and praised Chu Qing once in a while.

Then, Xia Baoyang came to Chu Qing and looked Chu Qing up and down.

"It's a good material, very talented in acting, but it looks too tired and lazy. If you are not lazy, you might be able to achieve something. Okay, let's call it a day."

Good material?Acting talent?

Is it talent to stand here stupidly and say a few stupid lines?

Naturally, Chu Qing didn't know that her own performance was exactly in line with the plot, and it was similar to the original description, so it was exactly the same.

Chu Qing put Zhao Yinger down.

"Is this the first time you've hugged a girl? Or did you act it out on purpose?" Zhao Yinger didn't leave as usual, but looked at Chu Qing and asked strangely.

"First time." Chu Qing replied honestly.

"Oh, no wonder." Zhao Yinger showed a mysterious smile like an old driver, "It's also the first time I've been hugged by a strange man, you earned it."

"Um." Chu Qing scratched her head, a little embarrassed.

Whether it was before or after rebirth, Chu Qing had never talked about a girlfriend, and not only had she never talked about it, she had rarely talked to the opposite sex since she was a child, let alone hugged a girl.

"Are you shy?" Zhao Yinger was a little surprised.

"No." Chu Qing blushed slightly and looked away, Zhao Yinger's fragrance still remained in his hand.

"You must be shy." Zhao Yinger stared at Chu Qing, paying attention to Chu Qing with great interest.

In fact, she noticed Chu Qing a few days ago.

Others may not know that Chu Qing is the creator of the show's theme song, but Zhao Yinger does.

Although Zhao Yinger is the leading actress of this show on the surface, she also has another identity secretly, that is, the investor of this show and the best friend of beautiful writer Liu Ruoxi.

When she saw the lyrics of the theme song "All Over the World" and listened to the fuzzy recording version of this song, she felt a little bit convinced that Chu Qing should be a special man.

What's more, this special man actually does all kinds of dirty work in the crew, and he smiles hard every day without any complaints...

This made Zhao Yinger find it interesting, and couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

And then, when Chu Qing played with him, there was a very pure light in his eyes, and he didn't have the naked greed and possessiveness like other people.

Am I not attractive?
Zhao Yinger thought this way for no reason.

"No... I'm going to work." Chu Qing turned around in a panic and plunged into the crew, while Zhao Yinger looked at Chu Qing's back and smiled with great interest.

"You're so cute when you're shy."


Around ten o'clock in the evening, all the props in the crew were sorted out.

Chu Qing was as tired as a dog, and took a taxi to go to the hotel to take a shower and sleep, but just as he walked out of the set, he saw someone standing outside the door...

It's Zhao Yinger.

"Busy working?"

"Yeah." Chu Qing didn't know why, especially not used to being watched by Zhao Yinger like this, he had a feeling of wanting to run away.

He felt that he was not familiar with Zhao Yinger, so this way of talking like an old friend was very strange.

"Want to go back to the hotel?"

"En." Chu Qing nodded again.

"It's so late, you must not be able to get a taxi, why don't you take my car?" Zhao Yinger pointed to the car on the road.

"No need..." Chu Qing watched Zhao Yinger walking towards her, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

He felt that Zhao Yinger's eyes were a bit aggressive.

"What are you afraid of? I won't eat you." Zhao Yinger smiled again when she saw such an interesting man for the first time.

Usually when those men see themselves, they wish they could talk to them more, get close to them, and praise themselves to the sky, but when this man sees him, not only does he not look at him directly, but he is a little scared like a wolf.

Am I so terrible?

"Well, we don't know each other well." Chu Qing held back for a long time before saying this.

"Unfamiliar? Haha, why are you so interesting? Unfamiliar? Hahahaha, I laughed so hard." Zhao Yinger burst into laughter, without the slightest image of a lady in the camera...


Are my words so funny?
Chu Qing was a little depressed.

His emotional intelligence is not very high, so he can't figure it out.

"Okay, stop teasing you, I said, do you want to get in my car?"


"I'm kindly planning to take you for a ride, forget it, I'll follow you if I don't." Zhao Yinger rolled her eyes at Chu Qing, then turned around and got into a pink Lamborghini, stepped on the accelerator, and the Lamborghini sped away.

Chu Qing looked at the direction in which the Lamborghini was heading away, and spread his hands helplessly.

He felt that his self-esteem had been slightly hurt...

Of course, he is sure that this is just a subtlety!

"I'll have a car in the future too, um, it'll be better than this one."

But now...

Chu Qing decided to put his hands in his pockets and stood at the intersection, ready to wait for the taxi.

But when one is unlucky, one stays unlucky.


Chu Qing waited for half an hour but still didn't get a taxi.

There are even very few passing vehicles...

Am I going to walk back today?

Just when Chu Qing was about to walk back, dazzling car lights came from afar.

Chu Qing waved her hand quickly.

However, when the Lamborghini stopped in front of Chu Qing, Chu Qing regretted it a little.

This is Zhao Yinger's car.

"Yo, do you regret it now?" Zhao Yinger looked at Chu Qing meaningfully with a smile on her face.



"..." Chu Qing gritted her teeth, and finally decided to abandon that humble self-esteem, feeling a little humiliated and got into Zhao Yinger's car.

"Don't you just have to drive in the morning? He's obviously a shy boy, so why pretend to be cool?"


Chu Qing was silent.

Of course, neither Chu Qing nor Zhao Yinger noticed that when Chu Qing got into the car, a timid young man in the corner took a picture of them.

"Wow, superstar Zhao Yinger's mysterious boyfriend has been exposed, he's developed, developed, haha!"


(End of this chapter)

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