I'm not a big star

Chapter 77 Fire

Chapter 77 Fire
The amount of compensation is not a lot, and it adds up to a total of more than 3 yuan. However, when Chu Qing saw the items on the note of more than 3 yuan, he was stunned. These compensation items are unusual, or To say it's a bit unusual...

"City Street Garbage Cleanup Fee."

"Trash can destruction fee."

"City street lamp repair cost."

Chu Qing looked at the scattered fees, and his expression became more and more wrong. When he saw the last one...

"Maintenance fee for the glass fee of the community property?" He stared at the fee, and thousands of muddy horses rushed past him.

What do these things have to do with me?
Property glass repair fee?Could it be that he smashed the glass of the property?
Very confused, very at a loss.

Although 3 yuan is affordable for Chu Qing at present, Chu Qing will feel extremely heartache after the money on the real bank card has been transferred to [-] yuan.

Thirty thousand, not three hundred, let alone three thousand but a full thirty thousand!

3 yuan is equivalent to Chu Qing's living expenses for almost two semesters.

You can do a lot of things with 3 yuan, you can wash a lot of feet, take a lot of showers, and even buy an account for all heroes and skins in League of Legends.


The money just disappeared in front of him, and looking at the rest of the scattered bills on it, he wanted to cry without tears.

"What did I do last night?" Chu Qing walked out of the situation, the bright sun shone on his face, Chu Qing was at a loss.

I can't even think about what I did last night.

Although he knew that he would not suppress his nature when he was drunk, and he was very manic, but he shouldn't be so manic, right?

Not so manic, right?

Just when Chu Qing thought so, there was a scream from the corner, and then reporters with cameras came rushing from all directions...

"Qingzi, can you tell us, what song did you sing yesterday when you said that the trash cans were arranged in the shape of hearts and then sang to the moon?"

"Qingzi, is the title of this song the moon represents my heart? Is it your latest original song?"

"Qingzi, does your soul get another release when you drink? Has it been sublimated?"

"Hello, Chu Qing, is it a kind of performance art to put those hearts in the trash can and sing to the moon with a black tea bottle?"

Chu Qing obeyed Qin Ting's words and did not go through the front door but the back door. At first when she first walked out the back door, the aisle was very quiet and harmonious, but after Chu Qing took a turn and walked forward for a few steps... …

A large group of people rushed towards Chu Qing and surrounded him, even subconsciously blocking the way Chu Qing was walking forward.

Surrounded by these people, Chu Qing looked even more bewildered.

He didn't quite understand what the reporters were talking about.

Arrange trash cans in the shape of hearts and sing to the moon?

Sing that the moon represents my heart?

What is this ghost?

"Chu Qing, I'm Xiao Wang, a reporter from Yanjing Entertainment Evening News. Don't you have anything to tell us?"

"Qingzi, does your silence mean that you are perverted deep inside?"

"Chu Qing, are you a performance artist, or are you doing this for the headlines?"

"Chu Qing, you have been occupying the headlines in the entertainment circle these past few months. I don't think you need to use this kind of stuff to hype it up. Do you have something else to hide?"

"Qingzi, are you..."

"Qingzi, your hype is too bottomless...Although you have successfully made headlines, and I admit that you have made headlines, don't you feel ashamed?"

There were all kinds of voices, Chu Qing stood in the middle of the crowd and couldn't leave.

"I'm sorry, let me go, let me go, I was drunk yesterday, I really don't know what happened, sorry, sorry."

"Give it a go, no comment, really no comment, sorry, sorry."

Chu Qing saw that these reporters had a tendency to come rushing towards them and would not give up until they got some news, she was a little anxious, and hurriedly squeezed into the crowd, but many reporters didn't intend to let Chu Qing go, instead they surrounded him even more fiercely. These reporters surrounded Chu Qing and formed a crowded wall.

"Qingzi, tell us, tell us."

"Yeah, Qingzi, tell us what happened yesterday! Drunk? Are you drunk?"

"Someone photographed you and Wang Ying, the empress of the world, whispering on the corner of the street. What are you guys talking about?"

"Are you doing some improper business with Wang Ying?"

"Are you being taken care of by Wang Ying?"

"Qingzi, isn't it a little crazy for you to hype like this?"

"Chu Qing, do you think you can use any means to get headlines?"

Crowds of people surrounded Chu Qing, and the questions they asked became more and more harsh and irritable, even with questioning voices, Chu Qing, who had always been good-tempered, finally became angry.

"Give way, thank you!" Chu Qing's face began to flush slightly, although she was very angry, she still restrained her anger.



"Qingzi, I'm a reporter from Yanjing Daily. Can you tell me, have you exhausted all your means to get on the headlines? Is Wang Ying one of your means! Do you have other means?"

"Is there a strong hype team behind you?"

"I'm going to paralyze you!" Chu Qing finally became angry, looking at the microphone handed in front of her, she grabbed it and smashed it on the head of the Yanjing Daily reporter, and swears at him!
He usually doesn't get angry, and he doesn't swear at others, but when he is really angry and unbearable, he doesn't care who you are!
"Chu Qing, you dare to hit someone, take a picture, take a picture, you are lawless, I want to expose you! Fuck!" The reporter who was smashed was stupefied, and then yelled at Chu Qing.

"Exposure? Okay, exposure, I wish for it! Expose forcefully? Are you going to take a picture? Come on, shoot towards you." Chu Qing's face was livid, and Huo's eyes stared as if he wanted to eat people, and then he grabbed it again He picked up a microphone and slammed it at the reporter again.

"Okay, I swear, from today on, you don't want to be in the entertainment industry anymore." The reporter covered his head, his head bleeding.

"I never thought of being in the entertainment industry at all, get out of your way! Get out of the way!"

Chu Qing's clothes were grabbed by the reporter, Chu Qing was so angry that he kicked the reporter away, trembling with anger.And the reporter fell on the ground and stared at Chu Qing with resentful eyes, as if wanting Chu Qing to eat him.

"Click, click, click"

"Crack, crack."

The sound of cameras rang out one after another.

Chu Qing looked around coldly, then turned and pushed aside the reporters in front of him.

"Go away!"

Chu Qing's gaze was a little scary, and the reporter in front subconsciously moved out of the way...

After traveling to this world, Chu Qing got angry for the second time.

The first time was when I was writing "Zhu Xian", and the second time was when I was surrounded by so many reporters and all kinds of inexplicable questions rang out...

He smashed someone's microphone and burst into foul language.

Leave a back for these stunned reporters...

(End of this chapter)

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