I'm not a big star

Chapter 85 Zhao Ying'er's Spring Festival Gala?

Chapter 85 Zhao Ying'er's Spring Festival Gala?

(PS: How about the official recommendation for next week? It’s very average. The collection is still [-] to [-]. It probably won’t be there next week... My friend said that the results of my book are among the same. Not bad, how should I put it... With the support of you big guys, this result has gradually improved. Thank you, bow, thank you. Well, I hope you can walk with me. After all, I am a person who is easy to feel Lonely author, hey...)
Chu Qing got off the moving car, and when he breathed the fresh air outside, he felt very happy.

He still couldn't forget that beautiful woman's eyes that were about to collapse and the panic she got out of the car early. Although his image seemed to be damaged a little bit, he didn't have to endure the bad smell after all during this journey.

All in all, very comfortable.

Of course, Chu Qing didn't spit out much dirt, he just spit out a few mouthfuls of acid water, and he could swear that he really didn't mean it.

It's a pity that the beauty's face changed drastically, as if she had been humiliated, she stood upright and trembled with anger, she wanted to scold Chu Qing, but she couldn't.

Well, the beauty has already begun to doubt herself about her attire, and feels that her attire is so shocking...


Of course Chu Qing was also very wronged, and he didn't want to.

If it wasn't for the smell of the perfume, would I vomit?If it weren't for the fact that the air in the car would be closed, would I be like this?
In short, everything happens for a reason, and there is no reason for depression.

Of course, Chu Qing didn't take these things to heart at all.

Because he is not far from home.

When Chu Qing came to a small city named Tai County in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, he looked at some familiar fields and some potholes and muddy roads, he felt very kind!

Yes, it is kind.

I, Hu Hanshan, no, it's me, Chu Qing, who is back!
He was very excited, dragging his luggage and ran all the way home, as if he had won a lottery.

Wet shoes on the muddy road?

No matter, this is the taste of hometown, this is the familiar taste of hometown in memory!

What is wet shoes?At worst, buy another pair, I have money now!

Well, rich, willful!

"Mom, I'm back." Chu Qing came to the Yuehu community in his memory, went up to the second floor and opened the door with a key.

"Why don't you say hello to us when you come back?"

"Yeah, are you hungry? I'll make you some instant noodles."

Chu Qing's parents were watching a TV series, so it was a great surprise to see Chu Qing push the door open at this moment. take baggage.

"Well, not too hungry."

Chu Qing looked around happily.

This is the feeling of home.

It's good to be home!

Although the decoration of the house is very ordinary, it is far from being as good as any set of commercial housing in big cities, and the furniture is also very old and looks a bit outdated. Even the TV is still a bulky big TV, far from the LCD TVs in big cities, The community is also an old community, and the exterior wall paint does not know how much it has fallen off. The overall look is very old...

However, Chu Qing was willing to stay in this place.

Some feelings are different, no matter how broken or ugly the home is, he is also home!
"It's different in a big city. I gained a lot of weight." Chu Qing's mother looked at Chu Qing and nodded repeatedly.

"Of course, big cities can't compare with our small county...It's normal to gain weight." Chu Qing's father also echoed.

Very warm, isn't it?


Staying at home these days makes Chu Qing very comfortable. Every morning, she stays in bed on time until ten o'clock, then washes up and gets up, and eats breakfast as lunch. In the evening, Chu Qing had dinner with her parents, hid in her room and turned on the light, took out a few books and read them seriously.

Of course, the two most famous books are "How to Be a Controlling Actor" written by Zhang Tielin, a professor at Yenching Film Academy, and the other is a very thick one called "Scene and Acting" ...

After all, after the winter vacation, he will go to Qianzhou to go to the crew of Naihe Mountain. Before joining the crew, he has to learn how to act. Some things are very important with practical experience, and theoretical knowledge is also very important.

Either don't agree, if you agree to other people's affairs, you must do well, this is something that is branded in Chu Qing's bones.

Such a fulfilling life naturally passes quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the New Year's Eve will come.

In the past, when Chu Qing's parents were in the countryside, there was always a little sense of the New Year during Chinese New Year, but since buying a second-hand house in a small county town and living in a community, this sense of the year has gradually faded away. up.

Everyone has their own lives, even if relatives come, it is just a symbolic walk, say a few auspicious words and give some red envelopes, that's all.

On the evening of New Year's Eve, Chu Qing received a call from Zhao Yinger, and it was when Chu Qing's uncle, second uncle and others came to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Zhao Yinger has been very busy, but she still finds time to call Chu Qing from time to time. On the contrary, Chu Qing, who is a bit lazy, doesn't call Zhao Yinger many times. Even if she calls, she basically asks some questions about the performance. After asking the question, Chu Qing hung up the phone.

Well, he is completely a fool with extremely low EQ...

Note orphans?
"Qingzi, Happy Thirty Nights!" Chu Qing heard a trace of tension in Zhao Yinger's voice when calling this time, and even the voice of blessing trembled slightly.

Chu Qing felt a little abnormal, more abnormal than ever.

"What's wrong?" Chu Qing asked casually.

"Can you talk to me? If you talk to me, I will feel at ease." Zhao Yinger hesitated and said again.

"Oh, yes, what's the matter with you?" Chu Qing heard Zhao Yinger's abnormality, and asked again.

"I'm going to sing on stage..."

"Isn't it normal to sing on stage? Why do I feel a little nervous?"

"The stage I'm going on is a bit big, and it can be seen all over the country. It's the first time I'm on such a big stage, and I don't know what to do..." Zhao Yinger felt very hesitant and flustered to Chu Qing at this moment.

"What stage?"

"Spring Festival Gala."


The stage of the Spring Festival Gala is really big enough that everyone from all over the country is watching.

If there is anything on New Year's Eve that everyone can pay attention to and watch, then it is only the Spring Festival Gala.

Is Zhao Yinger going to the Spring Festival Gala?

A big star is a big star, tsk tsk, it's different, he can be on such an amazing stage.

Of course, Chu Qing was not envious, nor did he think about whether he would have the opportunity to stand on that stage.

Nonexistent, impossible.

For the next 10 minutes, Chu Qing comforted Zhao Yinger. Although Chu Qing's comfort seemed a little empty, far less smooth and comfortable than those of the love experts, Zhao Yinger's anxious heart gradually calmed down. It's not as tense as before.

"Qingzi, why are you still on the phone, hang up quickly..."

"Yes, Qingzi, hurry up and hang up the phone, it's been almost half an hour, how much will it cost..."

"Brother, the Spring Festival Gala is about to begin..."

The urging voices of parents and the voice of my cousin came from inside the house.

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Yinger also heard the urging voice, and then, Zhao Yinger became anxious, for fear that Chu Qing would really hang up the phone.

"Can you chat with me for a while..." Zhao Yinger's voice was almost helpless.

It was also the first time Chu Qing heard such a helpless voice.

Chu Qing's heart softened...

"Oh, but the Spring Festival Gala is about to start, I'm going to watch the Spring Festival Gala with them later."

"But it's not my turn yet." Zhao Yinger shook her head.

"Okay." Chu Qing nodded, and continued to chat with Zhao Yinger, but basically Zhao Yinger was talking on the other end of the phone, while Chu Qing was listening, from time to time, ah, oh...

More than half an hour later, after Chu Qing heard an urging voice from the other end of the phone, Zhao Yinger reluctantly hung up the phone...

Chu Qing picked out his ears and made phone calls for nearly an hour, which made his ears a little uncomfortable. The urging voice was Chu Qing's life-saving talisman.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Qing walked into the room from the balcony.

"Who are you chatting with for such a long time? With your girlfriend?" Chu Qing's mother was gossiping, while her aunt and second aunt were also staring at Chu Qing.

"No, with a friend, an ordinary friend."

"Can ordinary friends chat for so long?" Mom obviously didn't believe it, and of course, everyone in the room didn't believe it.

"Um, this friend is a bit special." Chu Qing can only say this. If Chu Qing said that the ordinary friend he talked with just now can be seen on TV later, I don't know what kind of expression my mother will have...

Will be shocked?

I am very sure of that.

Well, it's better not to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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