I'm not a big star

Chapter 87 Is this Chu Qing's house?

Chapter 87 Is this Chu Qing's house?

ps, just released the conditions for adding more, there are big bosses rewarding, and the strength has been slapped in the face, today is the third update...

"You are not Chu Qing, where is Chu Qing?"

Hearing his little cousin's voice on the other end of the phone, he felt a little puzzled.

The TV was turned to mute by Chu Qing's parents. At this moment, except for the loudspeaker, everything else was completely silent...

"I'm his cousin..."

The little cousin looks cute now, a little out of his wits, and his voice doesn't know what he's talking about.

"Oh, cousin, hello, I'm Zhao Yinger, did you watch my performance just now? How about my red bean?" Zhao Yinger asked quickly after hearing the word cousin, obviously very excited at this time.

"I...read it, it's very good, very good...you, are you really sister Zhao Yinger?" The little cousin finally came back to his senses, but he still stuttered, after all, the voice on the other end of the phone really resembled Zhao Yinger's voice ...

Am I dreaming?

No, I'm sure I'm not dreaming.

But, did I really chat with Zhao Yinger on the phone?

"Of course I'm Zhao Yinger, isn't my name saved in your cousin's cell phone?" Zhao Yinger's voice sank slightly when she said this.

"Saved..." The little cousin nodded subconsciously.

"Just save it, where's your cousin?"

"by my side……"

"Let him answer the phone..."


Under the stunned eyes of all the family members, Chu Qing picked up the mobile phone from her little cousin and walked out of the balcony.

The whole family looked at Chu Qing's back and couldn't say a word.

"Did I hear you right... Just now, the person who called our Qingzi was the Zhao Yinger on TV?" Chu Qing's parents looked at their little cousin, a little uncertain.

"It should be, right..." The little cousin was also in a state of ignorance at this time, stammering, and looking at Chu Qing who was on the phone outside the balcony with some hesitation.

"If Zhao Yinger, who was singing, called Chu Qing, then...the lyrics we saw just now...maybe...I seem to have heard that the person on the phone said that Chu Qing wrote well..." Uncle Not sure, after all some stuff is just too crazy.The star of the Spring Festival Gala and my nephew, no matter how you look at it, they are the existence of the sky and the earth, no matter how powerful the imagination is, they can't be connected together, right?

The levels are completely different!
However, that's exactly what they said on the phone.

"Should be, no, our Qingzi...should have nothing to do with this big star..." Chu Qing's mother shook her head, feeling that what happened in front of her was too unbelievable...


The Spring Festival Gala has gradually come to an end.

Chu Qing chatted with Zhao Yinger outside the balcony for half an hour and finally hung up the phone.

Zhao Yinger on the other end of the phone was very excited and kept asking this and that, and even added Chu Qing's Q dog to ask Chu Qing to send an address.

As always, Chu Qing, um, ah, oh, occasionally answered Zhao Yinger's questions.

It's nothing to add Q dogs, anyway, Chu Qing doesn't have many Q dogs.

After chatting for such a long time, there should be no topic to talk about. After all, Chu Qing felt that Zhao Yinger and Zhao Yinger could only be regarded as familiar, but not really close. However, there was no intention of being cold on the phone. There are so many endless topics to talk about.

Chu Qing couldn't figure out why Zhao Yinger was so eloquent and could talk so well...

Chu Qing felt a little pain in his ears. Of course, the more headache was that after hanging up the phone, he didn't know how to explain to his family...

Of course, Chu Qing didn't mean to run away, after all, if "The Queen of the World" was released, sooner or later, the family would know what she was doing some time ago, but Chu Qing just didn't know how to start it.

Putting down her mobile phone, Chu Qing walked home from the balcony, and saw her parents, uncle, and the little cousin with shocked eyes.

"...Cousin, Zhao Yinger, is that... Zhao Yinger on TV?"

"Cough, cough... I'd better confess some things. It was indeed Zhao Yinger who called me just now." Chu Qing nodded.

"Then, the author of the song they sang, is it you?"

"Yes." This was not something to be ashamed of, Chu Qing found a place to sit down and nodded.

"How do you know the big star Zhao Yinger?" Uncle Liu Binger still felt that he was living in a dream, and asked subconsciously.

"Some time ago, didn't I send some money to my family, that's what I earned as an actor, um, and what I earned from writing things."

"Is there such a thing, what you write is the lyrics you write?"

"Well, yeah, I wrote a few songs, and someone took a fancy to my songs, so they sold some money."

"A few songs cost 10 yuan?" Chu Qing's father was still a little unsure, 10 yuan was indeed a lot of money for them, and they didn't quite believe that a song was worth so much money.

"In fact, it's a little more than this number..." Chu Qing didn't hesitate.

"How much is that?"

"More than 40..." Chu Qing replied honestly.

"..." Chu Qing's father opened his mouth, and with this opening, the cigarette fell to the ground. He didn't pipe the cigarette but looked at Chu Qing again, "You said that you were playing tricks in Hengdian, and it was the crew with Zhao Yinger? "

"Well, yes, besides, I'm a big player, the third male number... I also wrote the theme song, and I sang it..."

"You wrote it, you sang it?" Everyone stared at Chu Qing, even ignoring the sound of fireworks outside.

"Yes, and I'm going to Qianzhou to make a movie after celebrating the New Year here..."

"You still want to make a movie?" When he heard this, the uncle was dumbfounded, the aunt didn't know what to say, and the little cousin looked at Chu Qing with adoring and fanatical eyes.

Except for the little cousin who accepted it, the others couldn't turn the corner...

"Yeah, make a movie called Naihe Mountain..."

"Naihe Mountain..." Everyone in Chu Qing's family was shocked by what Chu Qing said.

In fact, they had to be shocked.

Because every word that Chu Qing uttered was unbelievable, as unbelievable as sparks hitting the earth.

Writing songs, singing, making TV series, making movies...

What kind of things has Chu Qing experienced in the past few months?
Is this still the Chu Qing they grew up with?

"Baby, you..."

"In short... I have made some money now, and I will make a lot of money in the future." Looking at this scene, Chu Qing suddenly felt that it would not end well, and coughed again and added.

After Chu Qing finished speaking, the hall was still silent, and everyone hadn't digested what Chu Qing had said to them.

"Brother... You, since you know Zhao Yinger, can you get me a signed photo of her?" After about 30 seconds, the little cousin's weak voice rang out.

"Well, if I meet her, I can ask her for one." Chu Qing replied.

"Thank you, Brother Qingzi, Brother Qingzi, are you a big star now?" the little cousin asked tentatively.

"No..." Chu Qing shook her head.

"But, you all know Zhao Yinger, and you know how to write songs, make TV dramas, and make movies. You will be a big star sooner or later, right? Huang Shanshan in our community always looks superior when she hears that she is playing tricks in Hengdian. You are better than her." Too much... See if she still stinking in front of us in the future..."

"Cough, cough... I can't say well about this, after all, the entertainment industry is just passing through the scene..." Chu Qing scratched her head a little.

"Let's go through the motions..."

If the people here were not from Chu Qing's family, Chu Qing would have been hanged and beaten long ago...

Go through the motions...

Are you going through the motions?

That night, Chu Qing's family couldn't sleep repeatedly.

Chu Qing shocked them too much.

Chu Qing knows that these things really need to be digested...

Of course, Chu Qing's family is also a low-key and honest person, so after Chu Qing confessed these things outside, they didn't spread them around the community like Huang Shanshan's parents, wishing everyone knew that she was a big star .

In the following days, Chu Qing kept a low profile.

Originally, Chu Qing thought that she could stay at home safely until the eighth day of the first lunar month, and then go out to Qianzhou...

However, when an uninvited guest came to Chu Qing's house on the fifth day of the first lunar month, Chu Qing suddenly became restless.

In other words, Chu Qing had a headache...

Today, the sun is shining.

"Hello, is this Chu Qing's house?"

"You are... you, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao... Zhao Yinger..." The little cousin who was playing on the computer at Chu Qing's house ran over to open the door when he heard the knock on the door, and saw a tall beautiful woman picking up the door. He took off his hat and almost fainted from excitement...

(End of this chapter)

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