I'm not a big star

Chapter 89: The Catastrophe of Hit

Chapter 89: The Catastrophe of Hit
(PS: Today's fourth update! I'm so exhausted...I regret it, can I?)

Chu Qing has never believed in such mysterious things as fortune-telling.

If a fortune teller tells you that you can make a fortune, you can make a fortune by lying at home and doing nothing?

If a fortune teller says you will have a bloodbath tomorrow, will you start preparing for the funeral today?
Fortune-telling and feng shui are traditional things handed down from generation to generation by the ancestors. There may be real fortune-tellers among the people, but most of them are cheating money.

Moreover, in this small place of my own, would there be a real fortune teller?nonexistent.

Zhao Yinger never tires of this thing, so she dragged Chu Qing to an old man with white beard and hair who seemed to be staggering a bit.

The fortune-telling stalls are generally small, with a few books on them, and a flag that reads the fairy guiding the way...

When Chu Qing saw the words "immortal guiding the way", he was a little happy, and remembered Zhou Yixian who wandered around and read everything in "Zhu Xian". This old man also looks quite immortal...

"Master, help us do the math." Zhao Yinger pulled Chu Qing to sit on a small stool beside her and looked at the old man with longing.

"What do you want?" The old man also looked at Zhao Ying'er and smiled.

"Master, what can you count?"

"Career, future, family, and marriage can all be counted." The fortune-teller looked at Zhao Yinger and smiled.

"Okay, then I'll do the math."

"Okay, tell me your birth date."

"it is good."

Chu Qing watched the old man start arranging the birthday characters for Zhao Yinger in a very serious manner. He seemed to have such a good hand when he started flipping through the book. Too professional.

Well, at least in Chu Qing's mind, he thought it was unprofessional.

His little cousin stood next to Chu Qing and looked at the old man with great interest.

About ten minutes later, the old man's face suddenly changed slightly, and then he looked at Zhao Yinger and Chu Qing solemnly, as if something serious had happened.

Then, the old man stood up abruptly and stared at Zhao Yinger very seriously.

It's time to start fooling around!

Chu Qing shook her head slightly in her heart, and added in her heart; please start your performance.

Chu Qing didn't feel sorry for the few hundred dollars, but looked at the old fortune-teller, wondering what the old fortune-teller could come up with.

"If you want to ask about the future, I can only say that the future is bright and limitless. If you do anything, you will be able to climb all the way to the top!" The old man stared at Zhao Yinger, Chu Qing didn't know if it was an illusion, he always It felt like the old man's cloudy eyes seemed to be sharpening.

Yo, the old man is still an acting school!

"Also, lady, if I'm not mistaken, your family, including the people around you, are precious people!" The old man said in a deep voice and his voice became a little shocked, "So, the family There is nothing to say about it, and I dare not say it.”

"Really? You're amazing!" Zhao Yinger was extremely excited when she heard this, and even became a little excited. She felt that the old man's calculations were accurate!
Chu Qing sneered in his heart, and he had to say that the old man's acting skills were really fake, and he had the kind of god-stick temperament that fooled the emperor to climb up in ancient times...

Looking at Zhao Yinger's attire, anyone who is not blind would know that she must be a wealthy family!

This kind of fooling, I will also...

Well, who wouldn't talk nonsense?

"Hehe, but, if you want to ask about marriage, ma'am..." When the old man heard this, he shook his head a little. "It can be said that the marriage is happy, or it can be said that there are many disasters. In short, it is not smooth."

After the old man finished speaking, he subconsciously glanced at Chu Qing and sighed slightly.

Chu Qing was speechless.

What are you looking at me for?You are fooling yourself, I watch my performance, and no one is delayed, that's great.

"Ah..." Zhao Yinger, who was originally full of joy, was extremely disappointed when she heard this, "Does the master have a way to crack it?"

"It's fate to meet you from thousands of miles away. Naturally, there is a way to solve it. As long as you are willing to give up everything, you can solve it easily." Seeing Zhao Yinger's eagerness, the old man laughed.

"Give up? Give up what?" Zhao Yinger didn't know why, but her heart skipped a beat.

"If you give up this relationship, everything will go smoothly and you will live a stable life."

"This relationship? I..." Zhao Yinger panicked for some reason.

"Some things are fixed in the dark and cannot be changed. In fact, even if I persuade you to give up, you can't give up. After all, this is your destiny." The old man shook his head, his voice began to sink.

"Fate? Many disasters? Many calamities. I want to ask, what kind of calamity is it?" Zhao Yinger lowered her head as if she had made some decision.

"These things are secrets, and it's not good to reveal them."

"how much is it?"

"It's not money, it's life. If that's the case, then well, let me tell you, the person who makes you unable to extricate yourself in this life is a very good person, but he has no brains. Being entangled with fate is also the destiny of Qingyun, you are actually very compatible!"

"Did he have a peach blossom robbery?"

"No, it's not peach blossom catastrophe, but peach blossom life. If it was ancient times, it would be an emperor, but it's a pity that in modern times...in modern times, you can only be a spectator who turns your hands into clouds and hands into rain. After all, the general trend cannot be changed. "The old man laughed.

"If I hold on to it from now on, can I cut off the peach blossom?" Zhao Yinger asked suddenly, gritted her teeth.

"Hehe, some things are fate, even if you stick to it, there is no point in waiting any longer. Don't worry, after the calamity is over, you will blossom and bear fruit. Well, the secret has been revealed so much, it's almost the same. "The old man then turned his eyes to Chu Qing, and there seemed to be another hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

"How much?" Seeing the old man's expression, Chu Qing thought that the old man was about to collect money, so he dug into his pocket.

"Don't panic, I'll help you look at the photos for free." The old man narrowed his eyes and stared at Chu Qing.

"No need... I don't believe this..." Chu Qing felt uncomfortable being stared at by the old man like this, and shook her head quickly.

"No, come here with your ears, I must say, otherwise, this fate will not be perfect."

"..." Seeing the old man's mysterious appearance, Chu Qing was speechless.

What can't be said in front of everyone is so mysterious.

He put his head next to the old man.

"Your life is so precious that you can't say it. Peach blossoms will come after you. However, it's not peach blossom catastrophe, but peach blossom luck. And you have a kind heart, and you will turn danger into safety every time you encounter danger. Please, cherish the people around you."

"..." Isn't that the same as not saying anything?

Chu Qing was speechless when he heard this.

"How much?" Chu Qing stood up straight and looked at the old man.

"It's been a lifetime, old man, I can see such a good fortune. I should be happy and not receive a penny, but if the fortune-telling business doesn't accept it, it will break the rules. Let's do it, one yuan..."

"Oh, 100 yuan, okay... what? One yuan?" Chu Qing was about to take out the money in his arms, and then he was taken aback when he heard this.

"Yes, only one yuan." The old man nodded.


This old man is mentally ill, and is he seriously ill?

Fudged for so long just for one dollar?

Or is there another conspiracy?But, it's not quite like it.

I have nothing to lie to.

Chu Qing rummaged through her pockets, found a dollar and handed it to the old man.

Well, this old man is definitely out of his mind.

The corner of Chu Qing's mouth twitched, seeing the old man carefully holding a dollar in his hand, and then carefully putting it in his pocket, he muttered mentally.

Give you a dollar, can you go to heaven?
(End of this chapter)

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