Start with a star wife

Chapter 1 Traveling to 5 years later?

Chapter 1 Traveling to 5 years later?

A pink little foot suddenly kicked on her face, causing Yu Zhile, who was taking a nap, to mutter impatiently: "What are you doing!"

He raised his hand subconsciously, as if a mosquito was buzzing in his ears in a daze, and then gave himself a slap without thinking about it.

It feels bouncy, soft...

It seems to be photographed on tofu?

Immediately, wow!
The piercing cry woke him up!
Yu Zhile woke up suddenly, and then he was stunned!

Whose child is this!
How to sleep in my bed!

Hold the grass!

This is not my bed!
How can there be such a spacious and comfortable bed in a university dormitory!
"Wow woo woo..."

The crying of the baby made Yu Zhile unable to calm down and think about the strange events before him.

He sat on the bed, looking at the little baby who just slapped his little feet and cried bitterly, and the sound of crying was echoing in his whole mind.

I saw that the little guy was crying very hard, and two small white front teeth could be seen from the wow-wowing little mouth, indicating that he was about six or seven months old.

Yu Zhile tried hard to think back...

I remember that I was staying up late to write songs, and then I was too sleepy, so I lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Immediately afterwards, he was slapped on the face by something, and then he slapped him subconsciously, and finally he was woken up by the ear-piercing cry!

So, did I fall asleep and was brought here by some guy who killed a thousand swords?
He lifted his shirt and looked at it.

Fortunately, the kidney was not poached!
So who brought me here?What is the purpose of the other party?

Could this be a campus kidnapping case?
But I'm not the second generation rich!
Robbery is impossible!
Then there is only robbery!

After all, good-looking people will face this kind of risk!
Thinking of Jie Se, Yu Zhile realized that what she was wearing was not her own clothes!

He was dumbfounded!

Is it really robbery?
My day!No wonder I wake up feeling so tired and weak!

Yu Zhile found that he seemed to be unclean!He was very sad and angry, and now he just wanted to be alone, but the little guy lying on the bed kept crying, so that he was so angry that he was so angry that he was quarreled.

As a result, after he glanced at the little guy ferociously, he immediately lost his viciousness. He even suddenly had the urge to pinch this little face in his heart, and then he hugged it and rubbed it against his face. Bouncy little face!

This little guy looks so cute!

He suddenly wanted to hug the child's mother!

Thinking of this, Yu Zhile was dumbfounded again.

Could it be the child's mother who soiled me?

Fuck!Then this child sleeps with me, doesn't it mean that he asked me to come over to take over the offer?

Yu Zhile thought carefully and was terrified!
He looked at this strange room seriously!
The sky-blue ceiling is decorated with many small crystal chandeliers. Before it is lit, it gives people a feeling like looking up at the stars and the sea!

Just from this exquisitely decorated ceiling, Yu Zhile knew that this was a rich man's room!

Look at the tall and wide silver-white wardrobe in the corner, it is worth a lot at first glance!
Even the powder blue curtains give people a luxurious and noble feeling!

The second is the big bed he just left. The three-piece bed set on it also symbolizes that it is not cheap from the packaging.

But even if it was Bai Fumei, it was impossible for him, Yu Zhile, to bow down and give up his dignity as a man to accept this green offer!
Afterwards, he looked up along the not-cheap big bed, and found a rather large photo frame on the wall beside the bed. Inside the photo frame was a wedding photo filled with happiness and sweetness.

Just one glance, Yu Zhile was stunned!
He is too familiar with the male and female protagonists in this wedding photo!
Even if it turns to ashes, he can still recognize it!
Because the groom who is too handsome to have friends in this wedding photo is himself!
What surprised him the most was that the bride in the wedding photo was not the goddess he had a crush on, and then wrote poems and songs for her, and planned to pursue Qin Haiyu?
Yu Zhile is now more dumbfounded the more he looks at it!
What is the matter with me now?

What's up with this wedding photo?

What's up with the crying baby lying on the bed?

Yu Zhile's head is getting bigger!
At this time, he found a mobile phone of unknown brand beside the bed, which looked very luxurious anyway, and took it over to look at it suspiciously.

Iris unlock?

Is this a new phone?

What the hell!

Unlocked successfully?What the hell!

Yu Zhile just took the phone and tried to press the power button, and then saw the identification process of iris unlocking suddenly appeared on the screen of the phone, and the result showed that the unlocking was successful in the next second!
Immediately afterwards, what made him even more dumbfounded was that the time displayed on the phone screen was September 9rd?
Yu Zhile suddenly realized that things seemed to be getting more and more wrong!
He can be sure that it was more than three o'clock in the morning on May 5 before he went to bed!

Because he just wanted to compose that song before May 5th, and then confess his love to the goddess Qin Haiyu who had a crush on him for a semester on the beautiful day of 20!
As a result, the time displayed on this phone is actually September 9rd?
Yu Zhile, who had read a lot of novels, suddenly suspected that he could not be time-traveling, right?

He took a deep breath, clicked on the calendar and looked at the date and year.

2025 years?

Yu Zhile's face was full of astonishment!
Could it be that I have traveled to 5 years later?

His hand holding the phone started to tremble!

He turned on the front camera and took a look, then pinched his face, feeling the real pain that was not a dream!

" this me in five years?"

Looking at the selfie on the phone, Yu Zhile looked a lot more mature, and his beard hadn't been repaired for a few days, and he had added a bit of vicissitudes, secretly swallowed.

"So I woke up and transmigrated to myself five years later? And the me five years later is already married to Qin Haiyu?"

Looking at the happy wedding photo on the wall, it stands to reason that Yu Zhile should be very excited!
Because he wanted to marry Qin Haiyu even in his dreams!

When he first met Qin Haiyu, he even thought of the names of his son and daughter!
But now knowing that he and Qin Haiyu are already husband and wife five years later, although he feels rejoiced and secretly happy, he is more at a loss!

Because he doesn't have any memories of when he was in love with Qin Haiyu in his mind!
He didn't even know how he managed to catch Qin Haiyu!Not to mention how they got married!

"I need silence!"

Yu Zhile's head is getting big now, and the script is a bit messy, so it's hard for him to figure it out for a while, and it's even a little hard to accept!

"I haven't been in a serious relationship yet! How come I have a wife all of a sudden?"

On the bed, the sound of the little guy crying made Yu Zhile's mind even more messy!

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned to look at this little guy who looked so cute even when he was crying!

Could this be the child born to me and Qin Haiyu five years later?

He swallowed again!

I'm not ready to be a dad yet!Why do you like being a father?
He walked over nervously, bent over, with hands trembling strangely, took a look at the little guy's pants and diaper, and then his breathing became short of breath!

This is my daughter?

(End of this chapter)

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