Start with a star wife

Chapter 10 Wife in the World No. 1

Chapter 10 Wife is number one in the world
Yu Zhile hates girls crying the most, especially the girls he likes.

Well, girls!

Although Qin Haiyu is a mother who gave birth to a child, she is only 25 years old now, and she looks like a young girl on the surface. Now she is so moved that she throws herself into her arms and cries, which is even more like a very emotional little girl. girl.

Yu Zhile was also surprised to see her like this, but Qin Haiyu with such a personality felt cuter and more charming than the Qin Haiyu in his impression when he had a crush on her.

Seeing her look so funny even when she cried, Yu Zhile couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Okay, okay, I'm already a mother, and I'm still crying, my baby can't cry like you!"

Yu Zhile rubbed Qin Haiyu's head, the soft hair felt very comfortable.

Qin Haiyu pouted, raised his head, looked at Yu Zhile with tears in his eyes, like a very wronged little girl, and said, "Husband, you have changed. You used to be reluctant to let me cry, but now you don't want to cry when I cry." Stop teasing me!"

"Yes, yes, let me think about how to coax you!"

Yu Zhile was both helpless and funny, he quickly had an idea, took the guitar and plucked the strings, improvised and sang:
"wife wife mua
a mua on the left
a mua on the right
A mua on the mouth..."

Yu Zhile originally wanted to eat Qin Haiyu's tofu while singing, and give her a few kisses to match the song, but he was still scared.

Seeing him playing and singing this rap, Qin Haiyu couldn't help laughing.

"Pfft, my husband, what the hell are you singing! Haha!"

Before, she was really moved and cried, but now she was amused by Yu Zhile's song "My Wife is the Number One in the World".

"wife wife hug
give you princess hugs
flying hug
hugging in circles..."

Yu Zhile continued to rap and sing, but he didn't expect that this stupid song, which disgusted him as a single dog at the beginning, would actually come in handy for him now!
Moreover, he sang quite vigorously...

"My wife is beautiful
Super beautiful when you smile
Super beautiful when tied into a ponytail
It's so beautiful in a dress..."

Hearing this, Qin Haiyu was so happy that she was about to fly. She wiped away the tears on her face, the corners of her mouth could not stop turning up, and her whole face was filled with a happy expression.

Her eyes were full of nympho luster!
She looked at Yu Zhile with admiration and admiration, as if she was saying how handsome her husband is when he improvises!

This song is so interesting!

so fun!


Yu Zhile stopped after singing this brainwashing song, looked at Qin Haiyu with a smile on her face, and asked, "How? Is this coaxing?"

"It doesn't count!"

Qin Haiyu snorted, pouted his tender lips, and said, "You didn't even kiss and hug!"

Hello!You are seducing me!
Yu Zhile was a little nervous again!
He looked at Qin Haiyu's pouting mouth on purpose, and then gave her a hard mua!

Qin Haiyu was as happy as a baby, stood up and spread his hands, and said coquettishly, "I still want to hug!"

Yu Zhile found out that Qin Haiyu is a tormenting little goblin!

You are already a mother, why are you still acting like a little girl who just fell in love?
He smiled wryly and said: "You are a mother, you are more difficult to take care of than a baby! I will hug you next time, and now I will learn "Little Lucky" from me!"
Otherwise, if I fail again in the next round and get eliminated, then I will be ashamed to tell others that you are my wife! "

"Honey, you despise me..."

Qin Haiyu's pitiful expression came as soon as he said it. Just now he was so happy that he was about to fly, but now he became pitiful in an instant.

Yu Zhile said: "If you don't learn songs from me well, then I will really despise you!"

Qin Haiyu immediately sat down obediently, mua on Yu Zhile's face, smiled again, and said happily, "I'll learn from you now, hehe..."

This face became simply invincible!

Yu Zhile looked at Qin Haiyu with admiration, so this is Qin Haiyu's real persona!
Why is she so playful and cute?Compared with the pure and quiet Qin Haiyu in my impression, he is a completely different person.

Maybe it's because she is facing herself, so she can release her nature, and she can be so coquettish and playful!

After half an hour.

Qin Haiyu has already learned to sing the song "Little Lucky". Her voice is really good, but Yu Zhile found that Qin Haiyu's breath is a bit lacking when singing. If you give her a microphone to sing, then you can definitely hear it. The sound of breathing is obvious.

This is a problem of lung capacity, and it may also be caused by giving birth, so when singing, the breath is insufficient, and the breath is more frequent and rapid.

He said, "Honey, I'll teach you a trick."

Qin Haiyu stared at him with beautiful eyes and asked, "What technique?"

Yu Zhile said: "Now you are singing a bit out of breath, and your lung capacity is not very good, so when you need to take a breath, you put the microphone farther intentionally or unintentionally, so that when the audience is watching the show, they don't have to hear the breath. That too frequent and obvious 'box box' sound."

"Wow! Husband, you are so professional!"

Qin Haiyu praised: "The judges and teachers in the program "I'm a Singer" are not as professional as you! You said that and I realized that my singing spirit is not enough now! Sometimes singing two or three lines in a row, I feel like I'm going to be out of breath!"

Yu Zhile said seriously: "One minute on stage, ten years off stage! It's because you haven't practiced your singing systematically for too long, that's why you regressed and you can't sing well!"

"Husband, you murdered me!"

Qin Haiyu said aggrievedly: "It's not because I gave birth to a daughter that I regressed. It's fine if you don't feel sorry for him, but you are so serious about murdering him..."


Start again!

This is a drama wife!
Yu Zhile was also very good at acting: "Honey, you slandered me! I pointed out your problem in a good voice, but in the end you didn't appreciate it, and you still slandered me to kill you!"

Qin Haiyu snorted: "I don't care, you are a murderer!"

Yu Zhile also hummed like her: "I don't care, you are just slandering others!"

On enchanting...

Qin Haiyu found himself defeated by her husband!

She broke through with a snort: "Honey, you hum so coquettishly! Haha!"


Finally made fun of her again!

It's not easy!

It's fine if you want to coax your daughter, but in the end you have to coax a giant baby wife!

Yu Zhile suddenly felt that it was too difficult for him, but this kind of life was quite satisfying and interesting to him.

"Continue to practice singing, I'm going to arrange music!"

Yu Zhile rolled her eyes, and from time to time, the couple's playful and funny voices could be heard in the study.

after an hour.

The sound of crying suddenly sounded.


Qin Haiyu hissed to make her husband calm down, then listened carefully as if pricking up his ears, and finally rushed out with a yah.

"Baby is awake!"

The back of her suddenly rushing to open the door made Yu Zhile dumbfounded!
It seems that I have to re-examine and confirm Qin Haiyu's personality...

 Thank you for the 100 tip of [Rain and Smoke], thank you [Mono] for the 100 tip, and thank you [Longhu's Lao Lou] for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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