Start with a star wife

Chapter 14 The situation is too dangerous!

Chapter 14 The situation is too dangerous!

"Honey, eat!"

An hour later, Qin Haiyu came out with three dishes of side dishes and a small pot of soup.

Yu Zhile just finished watching the latest issue of "I'm a Singer", and just learned about the host and singer's name information on the Internet, and his mind hasn't fully digested it yet.

He hugged his daughter who was sitting on his lap, pulling his clothes and biting a pacifier, and got up and said, "Okay, I'll go get the bowl!"

Qin Haiyu coquettishly said: "No, you have to wash your hands first!"

Yu Zhile smiled and said, "Yes, old woman."

Qin Haiyu failed again, couldn't help laughing and said: "Good boy, old man!"


Yu Zhile was defeated: "Honey, let's be normal!"

"Hee hee, give me the baby, you go wash your hands, and then take out the bowls and chopsticks."

Qin Haiyu returned to normal, hugging the baby was a loving kiss, Yu Zhile felt that the reason why the baby's face was so soft and cute was because of Qin Haiyu's kiss!

He is so envious...

But after thinking about Qin Haiyu's stewed tonic soup, he has big things to do tonight, so Yu Zhile is not so envious!

He went to wash his hands, and then came out with two sets of bowls and chopsticks. Qin Haiyu put the baby on the baby chair, gently scratched the baby's little nose with his index finger, and said softly, "Good baby, daddy!" Mom will give you grandma after dinner."

If it weren't for the first sound of "Grandma", Yu Zhile would think this is a horror story!

Qin Haiyu filled the soup and said, "Honey, the soup is still very hot, drink it slowly."

Yu Zhile wanted to ask what kind of soup it was, and then thought if it was a soup he drank frequently, wouldn't Qin Haiyu be puzzled by asking this?
So he didn't ask any questions at all, and blew a few times on the meat of an unknown animal in it, and then chewed it slowly.

He took a small sip of the soup and said, "My wife's soup is really delicious!"

"Drink it slowly, it's still hot!"

Qin Haiyu served a bowl of rice.

Seeing that she didn't have soup to drink, Yu Zhile was sure that Qin Haiyu was serious!
This should be the aphrodisiac soup specially for men!

Otherwise, why didn't Qin Haiyu drink it?
Well, it's a pity that the soup was not stewed too much, otherwise it would be full tonight!

After Yu Zhile drank half a bowl of soup, he thought that tonight he might be as tired as moving bricks on a construction site, so he ate heartily, ate two big bowls of rice, and finished three whole bowls of big tonic soup, which made his whole stomach feel sore It swelled up!
Eat up!
He finally launched the disc operation!
Qin Haiyu noticed that her husband's appetite had grown a bit, and he thought that he would have to cook a little more in the future, otherwise he wouldn't be able to eat enough...

Yes, she left all the food for Yu Zhile to eat, so that now she is not [-]% full, but seeing her husband eat so deliciously, she is very satisfied and happy.

"Husband, go and make milk powder for the baby. I'll just clean up the dishes."

Yu Zhile resolutely reprimanded: "No, leave this kind of rough work to me in the future! Go nurse the child!"

Qin Haiyu smiled angrily: "Okay, okay, then I'm going to nurse the baby."


Another problem avoided!

Milk powder?
What is going on!

How many spoons of milk powder?

How many degrees should the water temperature be controlled?

This is too difficult for him, okay!
That's why Yu Zhile stopped the menial work of tidying up the dishes so decisively, thinking in his heart that he would secretly take a make-up get out of class tonight and learn how to make milk powder online, otherwise he might not have such a good opportunity to push it next time Take off.

While he was actively cleaning the bowls and chopsticks, Qin Haiyu had already gone out to collect his clothes and came back, and then poured milk powder in the hall, ready to feed the baby.

When Yu Zhile came out after washing the dishes, Qin Haiyu was still sitting on the sofa with the baby in his arms, carefully holding the baby bottle, feeding the baby tenderly and lovingly.

Yu Zhile's gaze always inadvertently ignores the baby, and then falls on Qin Haiyu.

Maybe it's because he doesn't have any feelings for this daughter for the time being, but he has deep love for Qin Haiyu.

The little guy was sucking with a pacifier in his mouth, sucking vigorously, it was obvious that he was hungry.

Yu Zhile sat down, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch the baby's soft pink face, it felt so comfortable, it was simply irresistible.

Qin Haiyu immediately cursed fiercely: "Don't pinch the baby's face all the time! The reason why the baby likes to drool is because you often pinch her face!"

"You can't blame me!"

Although Yu Zhile has never been a father, she still knows the reason why the baby often drools!

He said: "The reason why the baby drools is because she is in the period of eruption, and when the deciduous teeth erupt, they push out the gums, which will cause mild swelling and discomfort of the gum tissue, stimulate the nerves on the gums, and stimulate the salivary gland reflex. increased secretion, so it is normal for the baby to drool, and it has nothing to do with pinching the face!"

"Then don't pinch your face!"

Qin Haiyu hummed: "The baby is so cute, how can you pinch her little face!"

Yu Zhile smiled and stretched out her hands to pinch Qin Haiyu's cheeks, saying, "It's because you are cute that you want to pinch your cheeks! For example, my wife looks as cute as a baby, and I can't help but want to pinch your cheeks. "

Qin Haiyu smiled angrily and said, "Slick tongue!"

Yu Zhile pinched Qin Haiyu's face twice and then let go. Although the touch was not as soft as the baby's face, it was still very comfortable to pinch.

Qin Haiyu's skin is very good, soft and pink, either natural beauty or well maintained.

But she has bags under her eyes and dark circles under her eyes. It can be seen that she often does not sleep well, which may be the reason for taking care of the baby and waking up frequently at night.

Yu Zhile wanted to ask why he didn't find a nanny to take care of the baby?

But if you talk too much, you will lose, so he doesn't ask about this kind of thing, so as not to arouse Qin Haiyu's suspicion.

At this time, Yu Zhile thought of his mother.

Thinking about calling home?
Although this is no longer the original world, but a parallel world five years from now, the relatives, classmates and friends around him have not changed!

It's just that he traveled through time, and during this blank time of 5 years, he didn't have any memory. If he called home rashly, he wouldn't know what's going on at home now?

As for my mother, since I work as a primary school teacher in my hometown, it is September now, so naturally I don't have time to help them take care of their children.

As for Qin Haiyu's family...


Who are the father-in-law and mother-in-law?I don't know what it looks like!

Before I crossed over, I hadn't confessed my love to Qin Haiyu...

Yu Zhile felt a big crisis!

If one day I meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law outside, and then I don't even bother to look at them, and I don't even say hello, wouldn't it be cool?
Sure enough, my current situation is too dangerous!
In addition to teaching my wife to sing, I also have to make up a lot of homework!

Yu Zhile found an excuse to slip away: "Honey, it's hard work for you to take care of the baby, I'll go into the study to take care of some things!"

 Thank you for the 100 tip of [Bu Gu Zhen Xin], thank you for the 100 tip of [Jin Laoxi], thank you for the 100 tip of [Make her laugh and cry], and thank you for the 100 tip of [Qingfenglan_月_].

(End of this chapter)

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