Start with a star wife

Chapter 16 Singing on purpose?

Chapter 16 Singing on purpose?
It turned out to be me, no, it was I who asked Qin Haiyu to participate in "I Am a Singer" before time travel?

There is something wrong with this!
The daughter is still so young, and she doesn't look for a nanny or a servant. The couple are working so hard to bring a baby, but they still have to pay for the wife to participate in the show?
Yu Zhile couldn't understand it at first, but after thinking about it, he seemed to understand it!

Perhaps it was because Qin Haiyu was too tired to take care of the child, or because Qin Haiyu was very eager for the stage and singing after she was pregnant, so in order to let her enjoy the stage after a long absence and let her relax, so I spent Qian approached the program group and got the program group to agree to invite Qin Haiyu to participate in the program as the singer of the next episode!

Hmm, maybe that's what it means?
Otherwise, he really couldn't think of a better reason!

Yu Zhile was a little embarrassed, he brushed his teeth and washed his face, came out with the child, and then asked Qin Haiyu to catch up on sleep.

At noon, they finally had time to take a good rest.

After all, the baby will have to sleep for at least two or three hours when they fall asleep. During these two or three hours, they can also take a lunch break. By the way, they will teach Qin Haiyu how to practice the song "Little Lucky". extreme.

Since it was a show that I tried my best to spend money to find the program group to invite my wife to participate in, since it is not easy to break the contract, I can only continue to let Qin Haiyu participate in the second round of kick-off competition next week.

Although Qin Haiyu is eager to return to the stage and sing, she does not intend to participate in "I Am a Singer". After all, after participating in the show, it would be too hard for her husband to take care of the baby by himself.

But now that her husband has closed his pen and has made up his mind not to write novels, then she will not be able to live up to the show her husband arranged for her.

In fact, she failed to play the gymnasium for the first time. She did not sing well on purpose. At that time, all she wanted was to play two games casually, and then failed to play the gymnasium and went home to bring her baby.

In this way, she will not disappoint her husband's painstaking efforts to spend money to let her sing on the show, but also have a reason to go home to bring the baby because of inferior skills, it is the best of both worlds.

But now, thinking about her husband, in order to make herself happy, to return to the stage and sing again, she not only spent money to find a program group, but also gave up writing novels, and prepared such a beautiful and touching song for herself. If she doesn't sing well next time, then she will really have no face to go home and face her husband and baby.

Therefore, Qin Haiyu practiced this song "Little Lucky" very seriously.


In this way, the couple took care of the baby while practicing singing to show their affection, and soon ushered in a new Saturday.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Qin Haiyu's "I'm a Singer" episode began to air.

This is a local TV station, and because it is a local TV station, Qin Haiyu will participate in the program half-heartedly, otherwise, if it is replaced by a foreign country, it will take at least a whole day to record a program and go back and forth. In this way, she Absolutely unacceptable.


Yu Zhile watched TV earnestly. Following the appearance of the host, the singers would draw lots and take turns to compete on stage according to their serial numbers.

The competition rules of this show are very similar to the "I Am a Singer" that Yu Zhile has watched, even the name of the show is only missing the last word.

Of course, the biggest difference was that he knew neither the host nor the singer.

So he still has to spend time to get to know the stars of this world. After all, people and things in this field have changed. If he wants to adapt to this world, he must study these lessons.

Soon, the draw is over.

The order of the singers' competition has been revealed.

Since Qin Haiyu is a singer who kicks the hall, she was the last one to compete on stage.

This is the treatment of kicking singers, and it is also where other singers feel the most nervous and stressed.

After all, in this show, the singer who sang at the finale has a lot of votes bonus!

"The baby is asleep."

Qin Haiyu whispered, and Yu Zhile turned his head to see that Qin Haiyu was pulling down his shirt, which happened to make him miss the two balls of spring full of maternal love.

The little guy fell asleep while breastfeeding again, and Yu Zhile was once again envious and jealous.

Qin Haiyu carried the baby back to the room and put it on the crib to sleep, then tiptoed out with the door closed, sat down next to each other holding Yu Zhile's arm, and said softly: "Honey, I'll make you some good soup tonight .”


Last time I drank that pot of soup, I held it back all night, and finally fell asleep without even touching my hair!
Now this stinky baby is sleeping again, and when she wakes up, she feels like she is going to occupy his wife all night long, will she still give us a chance to make love?


But Yu Zhile still nodded in anticipation, and then the young couple stared at the TV, watching "I'm a Singer", while chatting passionately.

"Teacher Fan Di's singing skills are still amazing! Husband, guess what number of votes Mr. Fan Di got for this song?"

"How should I put it, he's actually showing off his skills on purpose, showing off his high notes! Many singers and even the audience think that being able to sing high notes is awesome, but that depends on the style of the song!

If it is a rock song, then I like his tearing high pitch very much, but as a folk song, deliberately adapting it and deliberately showing off his high pitch will not make people think that he is awesome and sings well, but will make people feel People think it's boring to sing like this!
If the audience and the jury were not trusting, then in the absence of shady scenes and the normal performance of other singers, then his vote ranking would definitely be at the bottom. "

As soon as Yu Zhile finished evaluating, Qin Haiyu suddenly looked at him with admiration, and exclaimed: "Wow! Husband, you are so good! If it weren't for me, Teacher Fan Di would really be at the bottom! His number of votes, It's just 51 votes more than me!"

Yu Zhile suddenly looked at her dumbfounded!
I saw that Fan Di got 421 votes after singing, which means Qin Haiyu got 370 votes!

He admired: "Honey, the total number of votes is 800, and you don't even get half of the votes! How bad is this singing!"

Qin Haiyu stuck out his tongue, and said frankly: "Honey, if I told you that I sang badly on purpose, would you blame me?"

Yu Zhile was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Singing badly on purpose? What do you mean?"

Qin Haiyu didn't dare to look him in the eye, and said weakly and helplessly: "I don't want to disappoint you in arranging the show, and I don't want to be promoted to waste time to participate in the show, so I deliberately sang badly, and then failed to kick the hall, then it's ok Go home and take care of you and the baby with peace of mind..."

Yu Zhile was inexplicably moved as he listened.

This is Qin Haiyu!
Gentle and considerate, understanding...

For such a wife, he really has no power to resist!
 Thank you for the 100 tip of [Rain and Smoke].By the way, I would like to remind you that the update time is [-]:[-] p.m. and [-]:[-] a.m. before the release. After the release, the update volume will be doubled. Please recommend it for collection.

(End of this chapter)

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