Start with a star wife

Chapter 170 It's like a failure to kick the pavilion [Part 3]

Chapter 170 It seems like a failure in kicking the pavilion [third update]

After singing "Just Love You", it means that the first round of competition for this episode of the show is over.

The 500 audience at the scene began to vote for Yu Zhile's competition, and the seven singers in the backstage were all very nervous.

Although strictly speaking, Yu Zhile has passed away, but the singer who has passed away is also the king of singers!And the most popular singers are just singers!
Therefore, they didn't dare to underestimate Yu Zhile at all, and they didn't feel that Yu Zhile had passed away after more than a year of disappearance, so coming to kick the hall would not pose a threat to them.

On the contrary, in the eyes of other singers, Yu Zhile's threat to them is too great!

This song "Just Love You" is equivalent to Yu Zhile telling everyone that the king is back!The King of Singers is back!Yu Zhile is back!

Therefore, when the results of the votes for the first round of competition were announced, the singer with the last votes was about to cry, and the singer who was second to last No.3 was also very nervous!
In terms of the number of votes, Yu Zhile is currently No.476 with 1 votes!
There is almost no need for a second round of competition, and it can already be announced that Yu Zhile has successfully kicked the pavilion!
When Yu Zhile returned backstage, the seven singers could only smile wryly.

But they were still convinced after losing to a monster like Yu Zhile!

Immediately afterwards, the second round of competition began.

According to the competition system, Yu Zhile was still the last singer to appear on stage.

So after another hour of waiting in the background, he finally waited until he came on stage again.

Seeing his back as he left the singer's house, the rest of the singers sighed one after another.

"Hey, I guess I was eliminated this time! I was too nervous in the second round, and I didn't sing very well."

"Wool! You have such a high number of votes in the first round, how could you be eliminated!"

"Stop arguing, I must be the one eliminated! The second-to-last vote in the first round, the mistake in this round of song selection is probably the last-to-last one!"


Before the recording of the program, everyone was full of spirit and confidence!

Now everyone is sighing, saying that they are the ones to be eliminated. Thinking about it, they feel so pitiful!
on the stage.

When Yu Zhile walked out, the information of the song he was going to sing was displayed on the stage screen again.

"Mom and Dad"

Lyricist: Yu Zhile
Composer: Yu Zhile
Vocals: Yu Zhile

The judges, teachers and audience are looking forward to it again!

After a year, Yu Zhile really prepared a lot of original songs for his return this time!

The singers in the background didn't know what to say at this moment.

When this unfamiliar song came out, they already knew that Yu Zhile had come to beat them up for this episode of the show.

On the stage.

When the accompaniment sounded, Yu Zhile held the microphone in his hand, lowered his head slightly, counted the beat in his heart, then picked up the microphone and began to sing:

"I used to wonder
How many times do you have to say the same thing?

those repeated stereotypes
Only when I grow up will I know if I need to…”

This song "Mom and Dad" was sung by Yu Zhile to his parents, but also to his daughter and son.

Because he is also a parent!

It is also because I am a parent that I can understand the nagging of my parents and the old-fashioned greetings that I was tired of hearing.

Just like the song said, over the years, except when he was a child, he rarely hugged his parents, and he didn't even say any words of concern, but this didn't mean he didn't care about his parents.

However, after he had a child and became a father, he could better understand and understand the feelings of his parents pulling him up.

Like the lyrics!

Praise this kind of ordinary, one or two sentences can't be finished!
Everything Yu Zhile wants to say to his parents is in this song!

He sings passionately:

"Mom and Dad gave me a lot
Enough for me to run around in this age

enough for my life

Youthful frivolity cannot be squandered

He also told me like a friend..."

In the judges' seat, the four judges, three men and one woman, were all moved by Yu Zhile's song "Mom and Dad".

The female judge's eyes were red, she was staring at the stage intently, she didn't know if she was looking at Yu Zhile, or at the background screen behind Yu Zhile showing the lyrics.

In the auditorium, many girls in the audience were in tears.

Perhaps this song reminded them of their parents, and made them realize that they owed their parents just as the song sang.

Many viewers are feeling nostalgic. When they were young, they always lied to their parents that they had no money, but when they grew up, they always lied to their parents that they still had money.

Someone thought of a video that moved many people to tears. It was an old man who went to repair his mobile phone, and then the boss told him that the mobile phone was not broken and there was no need to repair it.Finally, the old man burst into tears and asked in a murmur, "Then why don't my children call me?"

At this time, Yu Zhile's song made the audience think of their parents.

Some people can't wait to call their parents right now. In fact, they don't have anything to say in their hearts. They just want to call back after hearing this song.

Yu Zhile sang in a low voice:

"Mom and Dad always say that the ups and downs experienced

is the joy of spending youth
this time this season

Reminds me of this song..."

After the song was sung, when the singing and the accompaniment stopped abruptly, many people could be heard sobbing.

The singers in the background, except for the top four singers in the first round of votes, the other three singers at the bottom all sweated for themselves.

Because Yu Zhile must have succeeded in kicking the pavilion!

Didn't you see that the audience all sang and cried for him?

Immediately afterwards, after the audience voted for Yu Zhile, Yu Zhile waved goodbye and walked backstage.

Yang Bing, who was waiting for Yu Zhile at the entrance of the passage, said, "Calm down, I guess you will be No.1 in this wave and succeed!"

Yu Zhile smiled and said, "Then am I considered a young sword?"

Yang Bing corrected and said: "The wording of the sword is not old is wrong. In your situation, it should be said that it is the return of the king!"

Backstage at the Singer's House, the other seven singers stood up to congratulate Yu Zhile in advance and said polite words of admiration after seeing Yu Zhile walk in.

Director Zhang took a sip of the drink for the titled show, and then said: "Now that everyone is here, let's start announcing the ranking of votes this time!"

Since the third season adopts the inked style of the first season that makes people want to beat the director to death, when Director Zhang said that the ranking will be announced, everyone knows that there will be suffering in the future!

He said: "Combining the number of votes in the two rounds of competition, I decided to announce the No.1 singer with the total number of votes first, and he is Yu Zhile!"

This time, Director Zhang didn't have ink stains at all!
Therefore, this neat ranking made the singers and program managers like Yang Bing a little confused!
Ni Qiqin was surprised: "What's the situation this time? It was announced directly? No reversal? No suspense?"

Director Zhang was surprised and said: "Isn't it clear who No.1 is? What else can there be suspense about reversal? Now, let's announce the No.2 singer!"

Yu Zhile is also convinced, and announced that I am No.1 so soon?This is too sloppy and boring!
Anyway, give me a little sense of tension and excitement!


Why does it feel like a failure to win No.1 in the kickoff?
There is no sense of satisfaction at all!


PS: A lot of shit happened a few years ago, and it was difficult to fix the update time. What I can do is to keep updating, at least three updates a day, and four updates and five updates as much as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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