Start with a star wife

Chapter 20 Extraordinary Performance 【Please recommend for collection】

Chapter 20 Extraordinary Performance 【Please recommend for collection】

The stage of "I Am a Singer" is beautiful, and it can be seen that the program group spent a lot of money on stage design.

The studio and the sound system are very good, there is no noise or echo, but if you want to create a top-level music program, the sound and the accompaniment band need to be strengthened. For example, the accompaniment band should be richer, and a harmony voice should be added by the way It's perfect for a group.

Of course, if all upgrades are carried out according to this standard, then tens of millions of yuan will be added at every turn, which is enough to cause headaches for the program group.

With the current ratings and popularity of "I Am a Singer", in fact, it is already great to have this stage effect and sound effect.

After all, people can't lose money to create a program to benefit the people, can they?
On the stage, the hostess wearing a long white dress is the first hostess of Dragon TV in this world.

Yu Zhile has learned about the other party on the Internet. This hostess named Ni Qiqin is quite high-spirited, and she looks a bit like Cao Ying in "Oolong Breaks Through Love".

Of course, there was no eye-catching mole on her face like Cao Ying's.

After Ni Qiqin announced the number of Fan Di's votes, she began to host: "Now the seven singers have all competed for performances! The next one to compete on stage is Qin Haiyu, who failed in the first round of the previous round and ranked far behind in the number of votes. .

Combined with the number of votes and rankings in the previous period, it is really too difficult for Qin Haiyu to succeed in kicking the gym!
This time she brought us a song with the same name in the novel. It is said that this song was written by her lover for readers. I wonder if she can bear the pressure and interpret it perfectly under the encouragement of love. this song?

Next, let's invite singer Qin Haiyu to bring the competition song, "Little Lucky" with warm applause! "

Ni Qiqin's hosting skills are good, she hosts without script throughout the whole process, unlike other hosts, who are always holding cards and reading lines.

So she deserved to be the first hostess of this Dragon TV. As far as the host's language ability is concerned, this relaxed, clear and pleasant voice sounds very comfortable.

As she retreated to the side of the stage, the lights in the auditorium began to dim, and a dim yellow light was lit on the stage, illuminating the starlight tunnel that the singer walked out when he came out.

Soon, the looming figure walked out of the stage gradually and clearly in the passage.

Qin Haiyu was wearing a pair of light blue cloth shoes, a pair of ripped straight-leg jeans that were especially popular in Girls' Generation on her legs, and a slim white shirt on her body. Kind of youthful girly feeling.

It's hard to imagine that this is a woman who has become a mother!

With this makeup, she looks like a beautiful girl!
Yu Zhile watched Qin Haiyu come out from the side of the stage, and almost didn't recognize his wife, and was a little surprised.

The main reason is that Qin Haiyu didn't wear this outfit when she went out. It can be seen that in order to sing the song "Little Lucky" well, she even cared about what clothes to wear.

Especially the airy bangs full of youthfulness and the ponytail hanging behind her head make her look several years younger, as if she was back in college!
Holding the microphone in his hand, Qin Haiyu nodded calmly to the accompaniment band, indicating that he was ready and could start the concert.

Before this, she had never rehearsed.

Because when she rushed to the program group, there was only half an hour left before the recording of the program, and during this half hour, she changed her clothes, put on light makeup, and finished her hairstyle.

But as long as the band rehearses well, as long as the band doesn't make mistakes, then she doesn't have to worry about singing this song badly.

This is her stage skills, as well as her confidence in herself and her husband.

She raised her left hand to fix the ear that felt a little loose after bowing her head, and lowered her head slightly, listening to the familiar melody composed by her husband and accompanied by the band.

She is very accurate in every beat. In her eyes at this time, there is no audience, but only the stage!

She seemed to be integrated with the stage!
And in her heart, at this moment, she began to think about those beautiful college days...

Five years ago, on the evening of May 2020, 5.

There was a boy who composed a song called "The Sea of ​​Love". He sang this song at the door of the female dormitory with his guitar in his arms. It might not sound very good, but it was a touching song, and he suddenly confessed his love to her.

At that time, she didn't know what kind of boy the other party was, so she went out blushing and rejected him.

In order not to hurt the other party's heart, she vaguely said that she would not fall in love before graduation. If she really liked her, then she would confess to her after graduation.

At that time, the boy said happily: Then I will wait until I graduate to confess my love to you!

As a result, only one semester passed, the boy suddenly asked her out to the playground, and gave her a novel called "The Sea of ​​Love", saying that the novel was written for her, and then confessed his love.

The first confession, the song is called "Love Sea", the author is Yu Zhile...

The second confession, the novel is called "The Sea of ​​Love", the author is Zi Feiyu...

The song and the novel with the same name both imply that he loves Qin Haiyu.

But the second time he confessed, Qin Haiyu shyly refused, the reason was the same as the first time, but she accepted the novel, and almost read it all night by accident after returning to the dormitory.

From then on, she was tempted.

When Yu Zhile took the second half of "The Sea of ​​Love" and asked her to come out to confess her love for the third time, she immediately agreed.

At that time, Yu Zhile suddenly hugged her excitedly and cheered in circles on the playground. On that day, they hugged and held hands for the first time, and they were both nervous and shy to speak incoherently.

That evening, when she returned to the dormitory with the second half of "The Sea of ​​Love" that Yu Zhile had given her, her roommate suddenly asked her excitedly where she got the second half of "The Sea of ​​Love".Isn't this going to go on sale tomorrow?

Only then did she know that the novel written by Yu Zhile for her was actually a hit, and the online sales were so high...

Think about it, Qin Haiyu misses him very much!
That period of college time was the most memorable and happiest time in her life!It was also because of Yu Zhile's appearance that she came out of the years of depression and sadness accumulated after experiencing family accidents.

The lights on the stage reflected on Qin Haiyu's sweet and pitiful face.

"Mom and Dad, grandpa and grandma, I am living a very good and happy life now, you can rest assured."

Qin Haiyu picked up the microphone and began to sing this song written by her husband to the readers with affection.

This is an explanation, an explanation to the readers, and an explanation to the novel of the same name that has already been sealed.

The big screen in the background of the stage displays personalized lyrics, which is Yu Zhile's favorite place, so that the audience can watch the lyrics and listen to the song.

"I heard the raindrops falling on the green grass
I heard the get out of class bell ringing in the distance

but i didn't hear your voice

Seriously call me by name..."

Qin Haiyu has performed exceptionally!

Yu Zhile felt relieved when she heard the perfect heart-scratching beginning. The emotion in the singing was very good. Yu Zhile knew why Qin Haiyu was very emotional when she sang, because her tragic family experience made her very emotionally sensitive. , easily moved.

Therefore, she is especially suitable for singing this kind of sad emotional song!

Therefore, her song "Little Lucky" is easy to resonate and associate with people.

It's like returning to the lush era when I was a student!

The judges and the audience listened quietly to the last song on today's stage.

Due to Qin Haiyu's abnormal performance last week, they didn't have much expectation for Qin Haiyu's singing this time.

In addition, it was said that this song was composed by her husband who wrote novels, which made them feel that Qin Haiyu's singing this time might end in failure again.

After all, in people's perception, can a writer who writes novels write a good song?

I'm afraid it's the so-called song, which is full of moaning and non-rhyming lyrics!
However, Qin Haiyu amazed them as soon as he opened his voice!

Moaning without illness?

No rhyme?

It doesn't exist!
Qin Haiyu continued to sing, and she thought of the plot of the hero and heroine's first love breakup in the novel "Little Lucky", which was a plot that tortured countless readers.

This song was specially created for this novel!

She sang with an expression, while keeping in mind the singing skills her husband gave her.

So in order to avoid too frequent breathing sounds, she will naturally put the microphone far away, or turn her head away intentionally or unintentionally, during the interval between breathing.

Soon, the climax of the song arrived, and the audience's emotions were completely brought into the song!
"It turns out that you are the luck I want to keep most
It turns out we were so close to love
The decision to fight the world for me
The rain that accompanied me
It's all about you

A spotless sincerity..."

This moment!

The individual judges and teachers who were still whispering in front of the judges' seat all fell silent in unison!

They didn't expect this song to sound so good unexpectedly!

Qin Haiyu's singing brought them back to the student days when they were ignorant of love!
Some people think of their first love when they hear it.

Some people think of their first broken love when they listen to it!
The emotions in my heart, along with the song "Little Lucky", surfaced on my face insincerely.

"Lucky to meet you
But I have lost the right to cry for you
I hope that in the sky that I can't see
you spread your wings

meet your destiny
How lucky she will be..."

At the end of the last sentence, Yu Zhile found that several female audience members in the front row were crying. He didn't know whether the audience was really moved by the singing, or if they were the audience actors invited by the program group to stir up the atmosphere of the scene.

But Qin Haiyu's song "Little Lucky" is really beautiful and heart-warming!

Soon, just over four minutes of singing came to an end.

Yu Zhile was relieved to see Qin Haiyu's extraordinary performance at the scene, singing so beautifully and touchingly!

He looked deeply at Qin Haiyu on the stage. Although he could only see his side face, he felt more relieved when he saw that although Qin Haiyu sang touchingly, he did not cry.

I can go back!
Yu Zhile quietly left the studio, just as he quietly walked in.

Qin Haiyu subconsciously looked towards the entrance and exit on the left side of the stage, just in time to see the back of Yu Zhile leaving.

Why does that person look like my husband?

She was stunned for a while, and then thought that her husband was going to take care of the baby at home, so how could she come to watch her sing?
So she came back to her senses, picked up the microphone and said a soft thank you to the audience...

 Thank you [Flying Little Demon Tiger] for your 100 tip, and thank you [Moshang Nansheng] for your 100 tip.Let’s talk about the update time again. Before the launch, it will be updated at 00:[-] p.m. every night, and at [-]:[-] a.m., it will explode.

(End of this chapter)

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