Start with a star wife

Chapter 22 Come out to comfort others

Chapter 22 Come out to comfort others

"Thank you!"

When the votes came out, Qin Haiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

The host Ni Qiqin smiled wryly and asked, "Do you know what this number of votes means?"

Qin Haiyu said without hesitation: "I know! I did the math earlier, and the sum of the votes for the two rounds of teacher Fan Di happened to be No.4. Tickets, so I failed to kick the pavilion!"


Ni Qiqin thought that Qin Haiyu felt that he had succeeded in kicking the gymnasium, so he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

In the end, she never expected that what Qin Haiyu was looking forward to was not the success of kicking the gym, but the failure of kicking the gym!
She smiled bitterly again: "Why did you suddenly breathe a sigh of relief after knowing that you failed to kick the gym? It seems that you don't want to succeed in kicking the gym?"

Qin Haiyu showed a gentle and charming smile, and said: "Because I didn't plan to participate in the show, it was my husband who found the show crew without telling me, and then sold me out!

I couldn't beat him, that's why I came to participate in the show. Now that I failed to kick the pavilion, I can go home and take care of the baby with peace of mind! "

In the air, there seemed to be the sour smell of dog food...

Ni Qiqin smiled bitterly again, and said, "Then if one more judge and teacher voted for you today, or if the remaining three audiences all voted for you, what would make you successful in kicking off?"

"It's too difficult!"

Qin Haiyu said: "My vote count was too low in the last issue, so even if other singers performed abnormally in this issue, it would be difficult for me to enter the top four. But I didn't expect that today's performance would actually get Such a high number of votes!
If it is really unfortunate that I am promoted and the kick is successful, then I can only continue to record the program, let my husband work harder, and take care of the baby for a few more days.

But now I am very satisfied with the result. Although I failed, I got No.1 votes in this issue, so I am very happy. I didn’t screw up this concert, and I didn’t let down the song written by my husband to the readers. "

Ni Qiqin felt that she had eaten another mouthful of dog food, and said with a smile: "At first, I wanted to comfort you, but now I should wish you the best of luck for your defeat!"

"Thank you~"

Qin Haiyu thanked with a smile, Ni Qiqin then called the other seven singers to come on stage, and finally the big screen on the stage began to publicize the ranking of the votes of the eight singers for the first and second rounds.

No.1: Chen Yuzhong, with a total of 1258 votes.

No.2: Ye Fei, a total of 1231 votes.

No.3: Wu Xiaoqian, with a total of 1163 votes.

No.4: Fan Di, a total of 1119 votes.

No.5: Qin Haiyu, with a total of 1117 votes.

No.6: Huang Shaoqiang, with a total of 1098 votes.

No.7: Lin Qing, with a total of 1096 votes.

No.8: Zhang Qingsong, a total of 1091 votes.

Except for the first No.2, which averaged more than 600 votes per show, the difference in the number of votes of other singers is actually not very big.

No.4's Fan Di, today is also a battle with his back to the wall. No one thought that he would be able to directly kill No.2 from the bottom No.4!
If it weren't for his violent performance today, then Qin Haiyu would really be promoted!Then Zhang Qingsong, who is at No.8, will be eliminated by Qin Haiyu.

Now, the total number of votes for Qin Haiyu's kick-off in the first and last two rounds could not make it into the top four. The host Ni Qiqin invited all the singers to come out, and after publishing the ranking of votes, he could only regretfully announce that Qin Haiyu's kick-off failed.

But at this time, something happened that made the program group almost interrupt the recording of the program!
The veteran singer named Wu Xiaoqian suddenly said that he was going to quit the stage and let Qin Haiyu advance!

He said: "This stage needs excellent young singers. I'm already old and I can't sing for young people. I was really disappointed with Xiaoqin's last round of singing. I didn't expect the strength of the singers invited by the program group this time." So bad, but today her song "Little Lucky" slapped me in the face!

Her voice is truly divine!Her singing skills are very stable and excellent today. I can be absent on this stage, but if she is missing, I believe many audience members will feel as sorry as I do. "

Ni Qiqin didn't expect Teacher Wu to have such a high opinion of Qin Haiyu!

She presided over it calmly: "Mr. Wu, your request violates the rules of the program. The program team has to discuss it privately. Moreover, it depends on what Qin Haiyu thinks about this kind of thing."

Now, Qin Haiyu is also flattered!

It can be said that she grew up listening to Teacher Wu Xiaoqian's songs. When Wu Xiaoqian became famous, she was just in elementary school at that time!

In the end, I didn't expect that Mr. Wu would suddenly take the initiative to withdraw from the stage to help himself advance, and then praised himself fiercely!
But she accepted the other party's wishes. As for being abdicated and promoted, she was really unwilling and did not dare to accept such a heavy award!

Therefore, Qin Haiyu said gratefully and helplessly: "Mr. Wu, I accept your wish, but if I fail to kick the gym, it is a failure. I am really grateful that you are willing to withdraw to allow me to advance. But so First, you will make it very difficult for the program team.

And now I really just want to go home and take care of my children. Failure to kick the gym is not a sad thing for me. I really never thought about successfully kicking the gym.

One more point, I want to refute you!
Teacher Wu, your songs have influenced a generation!I grew up listening to your songs, so this stage can lack me, but it cannot lack you who represent classics and an era of music! "

Wu Xiaoqian frowned: "You really don't want to continue singing on this stage?"

Qin Haiyu shook his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, just as you said before, I am still young, and there will still be opportunities to go on stage and sing to my heart's content.

And in the sixth season, I also won the runner-up on this stage!So I have nothing to regret and nothing to look forward to.

Now, my mind is full of thoughts about my husband and daughter at home, and I just want to finish recording the show and go home. "

Wu Xiaoqian regretted: "Okay, then I won't discuss it with the program team! I hope you can keep the heavenly singing voice bestowed on you, and don't waste such a good condition just because you have children, otherwise it's really a pity, too much." wasted!"

"I will, thanks."

Qin Haiyu gratefully walked over and gently hugged Mr. Wu who might not be able to sing anymore in two years and was about to announce his retirement from the music scene.

After all, Mr. Wu is almost 60 years old, and it is difficult for him to sing in many high notes. This old man has really dedicated his whole life to music.

In the end, Teacher Wu suggested: "I hope the program group can create a voting resurrection link for the eliminated singers, and the singer with the highest number of votes can return to the stage."

So, after the recording of the program, the program team held a meeting, thinking whether to listen to Mr. Wu's suggestion?
Now that the show of this season has already been aired halfway through, will it suddenly collapse if there is a resurrection link?
At this time, Yang Bing suddenly raised his hand to express his support for Mr. Wu's resurrection voting session, and put forward many bad points and suggestions for amendments to the current voting session!
Director Zhang Qian listened, and suddenly felt that what this kid said seemed very reasonable!
He frowned and asked, "What's your name?"

Yang Bing replied nervously: "Music channel trainee planner, Yang Bing."

Zhang Qian replied in a deep voice: "Well, I will give you three days to plan a program plan according to what you said and submit it!"


Yang Bing replied excitedly.


After a while, Qin Haiyu returned home, and pretended to cry aggrievedly: "Husband, I failed to kick the court, come out to comfort him! Woooooo~"

 Thanks to [Zhan Tian Yi Ping] for the 1000 tip, thanks to [Zhou Continuation] for the 1000 tip, thanks to [Liuqi’s Cat] for the 1000 tip, thanks to [Big Ear Cat] for the 100 tip, and thanks to [Shu Mu Qiu] for the 100 rewards, thank you [L_G] for the 100 rewards, thank you [book friend 20190603210442082] for the 100 rewards, thank you everyone for your rewards, although I can’t make it to the front row of the signing list, but there are so many rewards Very comforting.

(End of this chapter)

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