Start with a star wife

Chapter 28 Are you so confident in me?

Chapter 28 Are you so confident in me?
on Weibo.

""Little Lucky" is now available for download! The lossless sound quality is superb! Download and save it now while there is no charge!"

"Ahh! I searched every music software many times today, and now it's finally released! I love this song so much, it can be played on loop!"


In the book review section.

Readers of the novel of the same name "Little Lucky" are also sharing the latest news.

"Attention all book fans! "Little Lucky" is available on all major music platforms, and you can download and listen to it now!"

"The dog author didn't write novels well, but went to write songs! For the sake of this song being so good, I forgive you!"


Yu Zhile took turns refreshing the song pages of "Little Lucky" on the major music platforms. He couldn't see the number of downloads, nor the number of plays of the song, but the number of comments had increased a bit scary!
Netease Cloud Platform, this is Yu Zhile, which looks a bit familiar at first glance, and it is easy to be regarded as a music software of NetEase Cloud.

What he likes most is that this music platform actually has a barrage function!He clicked on the barrage and chose to display a large number of barrages, and in an instant, the entire screen was covered by the barrage text!
And this was only uploaded for 10 minutes!
Unexpectedly, when they did not take the initiative to promote the release of the song, so many fans poured in in just 10 minutes!
The comment area, now seems to be flooded with a group of navy, refreshing can add hundreds of comments.

In just a short time, the number of comments on "Little Lucky" on Wangyin Cloud has exceeded [-]!

At this moment, with the momentum of thunder, he is rushing towards the comment breaking!


Kuge music platform.

"Little Lucky" is also a mess. Although compared with Wangyinyun, a music platform that has exploded in recent years, it lacks a lot of novelty and freshness, but as a solid and solid platform, the popularity of Kuge is still not high Lost to Wangyinyun.

Therefore, in about 10 minutes, the number of comments on "Little Lucky" on Kuge is about to exceed [-]!
In addition, the other two slightly less popular music platforms also have a lot of popularity, which shows that the song "Little Lucky" has really exploded overnight!

Yu Zhile is certain that this song will become popular in every school and every street in a short time!

And it won't be long before some music platform wants to contact them, wanting to buy out the exclusive copyright of this song, and prevent other music platforms from releasing this song.

Yu Zhile was disgusted with this kind of competitive behavior, because he thought of the painful experience of being forced to install several music software because he liked a certain singer and a certain song.

Therefore, considering Qin Haiyu's move of uploading all songs on major music platforms for free since his debut, Yu Zhile does not plan to engage in such troublesome things as exclusive music licensing cooperation now and in the future.

One is that he is not short of money, and the other is that a singer he likes, just like his wife, is loved and sought after by so many fans because of the fact that the songs are not charged. Such high cohesion and influence.

So when the album was released, countless fans and fans gave their full support, setting an astonishing sales volume of the album!
Yu Zhile turned off the four music software. Taking advantage of his mother and wife taking care of the baby, he planned to take the time to compose a song and compose the song for his wife to sing next.

Today, Yang Bing's program planning plan should be submitted. If there is no accident, if the director of the program group has no problem with his mind, then most of them will modify the program according to what he told Yang Bing.

In fact, he also wanted to suggest that the other party learn from Director Hong Tao's way of announcing the singer's vote rankings, but after thinking about it, forget it.

After all, if you can't imitate the essence, then it's not the highlight of the show, but full of slots.

"Honey, I'm making up a new song, call me or come up and call me if you have anything to do."

Yu Zhile yelled, and after hearing Qin Haiyu's response, he closed the door of the study and played music inside.


Yang Bing sent a message, saying excitedly that his revised program plan was hired by the director. From the next issue, "I Am a Singer" will undergo rectification, and then announce the launch of the resurrection session of voting for eliminated singers!

Yu Zhile smiled knowingly when he saw the news, and it really unfolded according to his own ideas!

"Congratulations! The response and evaluation of the next program will definitely be good. When the ratings and broadcast volume increase, you can be promoted and raise your salary!"

Yang Bing replied: "Old Yu, thank you so much this time! Thanks to your suggestions, otherwise if I modify it according to the original idea, I guess it will be self-defeating and become a joke now!"

Yu Zhile asked: "How many episodes of "I Am a Singer" will be recorded this time?"

Yang Bing said: "Under normal circumstances, there are 13 episodes, and the eighth episode will be recorded in two days. Every two episodes, a singer will be added and a singer will be eliminated. That is to say, before the finals, there will be a total of Six singers will participate in the voting resurrection round."

Yu Zhile understood: "It will take a month!"

"Yes." Yang Bing replied.


Five days later.

The National Day holiday is over, and my mother has to go back to teach again.

The daily life of Yu Zhile's family of three is back on track.

Every day the husband and wife are flirting, and the baby is laughing and crying every day, but it is also happy and envious of the dead.

It's Saturday again.

When the eighth episode of "I Am a Singer" was broadcast, the host Ni Qiqin was explaining some changes in the program from the very beginning.

Qin Haiyu looked at the TV and said in surprise: "This is a big change in the program team! The jury has no right to vote, and the results of the live voting for singers are not announced until the end! This has been maintained for so many seasons." I didn't expect the rules to be changed suddenly now!"

Yu Zhile, who had already known about it, said: "It's the right thing to change! The judges' vote itself is meaningless. Among these judges, nine out of ten voted for singers with colored glasses. For example, Mr. Wu, even if he sings out of tune How many judges dare not vote for him?
It would be much better now that the judges' votes were replaced with likes, instead of the same as in the past, the judges' votes almost determined the singer's vote ranking. "

Qin Haiyu nodded, and said: "This change seems to be much better than before, especially if the audience votes and the ranking of the votes is announced at the end, it will be more exciting for the audience! For the singer, it will not Because the number of votes for the previous singers was too high, I was under pressure."

When it came to the resurrection link, Qin Haiyu was a little surprised again, and said: "The program team actually launched the resurrection link as Mr. Wu said! So I still have a chance to participate in the counterattack of the finals! "

Yu Zhile said: "It's not that there is a chance, but that I can definitely participate, and then counterattack!"

Qin Haiyu couldn't hide his smile, blinked his beautiful eyes, and asked with fluttering long eyelashes, "Husband, are you so confident in me?"

Yu Zhile said bluntly: "No, I am very confident in the song I prepared for you!"

Qin Haiyu: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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