Start with a star wife

Chapter 303 Heavy Chapter Peak 【Part 1】

Chapter 303 Returning to the Peak 【First Update】

Nine p.m!

One hour after the release of Yu Zhile's new song "Time Boils the Rain", the entire Internet suddenly spread like a virus, and news about Yu Zhile's comeback and the release of Yu Zhile's new song were everywhere!
This scene is too hot!

No one expected that after six years, Yu Zhile would return with such an exaggerated posture!
At noon, with a Weibo post hinting at his comeback, he immediately became a trending topic.

Tonight, with a new song, he was once again exaggeratedly on the trending list, and the sales of online singles after the release of the new song also set a new sales record!
On the music platform, Yu Zhile has returned to No.1 no matter whether it is a new song list, a popular song list, or a singer list!
This phenomenon has made countless singers envious and jealous!

Now that the new song was released within an hour, the total number of comments on all major music platforms on the Internet has exceeded 500 million, which is an unprecedented number of comments.

Like a navy reviewer, it's so fierce and scary!

Even Yu Zhile felt that these comments were too many to be true!

But he knew that he didn't find the water army to manage the enthusiasm, and he didn't have the thought to manage himself, so through this amazing single sales performance, it is almost certain that these comments are fans who couldn't hold back after waiting for him for so many years. A form of following suit in which you want to vent.

Under normal circumstances, song reviews cannot be so exaggerated.

As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Looking at the comments on this new song, people can actually understand why there are as many as 500 million song comments in just one hour!

I saw that under the song comments, there would always be similar or copied comments popping up every time I refreshed.

"Welcome back!"

"Smelly fish! Remember what you said! Be together forever! Don't let down your fans, don't disappear for another six years!"

"The wind blows the snowflakes and whitens our hair. Suddenly I was moved to tears by this song. It has been six years in a blink of an eye. If I saw someone in the circle of friends share the news about the release of this song today, I would have almost forgotten The singer I used to really like is called Yu Zhile."

"Six years! Do you know how I have lived these six years! Promise me that I will stop making trouble, okay? There are not many six years in life. Six years ago your song accompanied me to take the college entrance examination. Six years later I'm married and a mother!"

"Innocent years can't bear to be bullied, youth is absurd, I don't let you down! Although some people complain about your song title, we know that what you want to express is that time is like boiled and evaporated rainwater. It is getting less and less and cannot be returned! So Can you stop being a fan like us? It’s going to rain, I really don’t want to wait for you for another six years!”


Looking at these comments, Yu Zhile's nose suddenly became a little sour, and his eyes suddenly became hot, and he was very moved.

"No more, no more!"

He murmured, Qin Haiyu beside him smiled and said with tears: "Honey, you will be moved by them and cry!"

She was also moved by these loving and complaining comments. As a celebrity, it is a very happy thing to be supported and supported by so many fans.

Yu Zhile had a bitter but touched smile on his face: "I didn't expect their reaction to be so exaggerated. Originally, they wanted to release a new song and come back. Even though it's been six years, it can still attract a lot of people's attention. It turned out that they were so enthusiastic and powerful, which made me feel flattered."

Qin Haiyu said: "This shows that they still remember you. They have been looking forward to your comeback and your new songs and works for the past six years!"

Yu Zhile sighed: "It's not me, it's us."

at this time.

In the room, the baby Yu Ziyuan, who was about to go to bed after taking a bath, was secretly holding her mobile phone and listening to her father's new song with headphones on.

She is 10 years old and is in the fifth grade. She understands many things. Before, she couldn't understand the songs of her parents, but now she listens secretly, as if she is afraid of being found out by her parents.

After all, many of them are love songs, which are not suitable for children of her age to listen to.

She listened to her father's song "Time Cooks the Rain" repeatedly, and felt very proud when she saw so many heart-warming comments.

"It sounds so good, as expected of my father!"

She suddenly changed her dream, and wanted to change her dream of being a cartoonist into a singer as good as her parents.

At this moment, Qin Haiyu opened the door suddenly, and scolded: "Stealing on the phone again! Don't sleep yet!"

"I can't fall asleep, I have to listen to a song to fall asleep..."

Yu Ziyuan muttered, Qin Haiyu walked over and took away her daughter's cell phone, patted her leg, and said angrily, "Hurry up and go to bed! You have to get up early for school tomorrow!"


Yu Ziyuan lay down with her lips pouted, weak and helpless with her back to her mother, lying on her side and closing her eyes.

Qin Haiyu patted his daughter's buttocks and said, "I was eavesdropping on your dad's new song just now!"

Yu Ziyuan denied it: "No! Dad's songs are not good at all!"

Yu Zhile's voice came at this time: "Well, milk tea is not good at all! Don't drink it in the future!"

Yu Ziyuan immediately explained: "Dad, I lied to you! Your song is the best! Many students in our class are your little fans!"

Qin Haiyu patted her buttocks again, and scolded: "You're just a little bit older, and you're still a fan! Go to bed quickly, and next time I find you secretly playing with your phone while sleeping, it will be confiscated from now on!"


Aggrieved, Yu Ziyuan pulled the quilt over her head to sleep, Qin Haiyu shook his head helplessly, and thought to himself: Look!What's the use of being cute and cute when you're young, but you're not cute and cute when you grow up!

She closed the door and walked out of her daughter's room.Then I went to the next room to take a look, and found that Erbao and Sanbao brothers had fallen asleep, which relieved me a lot.

"Honey, take a shower and go to bed!"

She reminded in a low voice, and then asked: "By the way, should I also send a reminder on Weibo, saying that a new song will be released tomorrow?"

"There's no need to bother my wife with such a trivial matter, just let me remind you!"

Yu Zhile began to edit the text, and then posted on Weibo: "Time is something that catches people off guard. Time is a journey that never returns... Tomorrow at the same time, my beloved wife Qin Haiyu will also release a new song. Thank you for your never forgetting !"

As soon as Weibo was released, it didn't take long for the news of Qin Haiyu's new song to be on the hot searches!
This is awesome!

It's not just Yu Zhile who quickly returned to the top after his comeback!

Qin Haiyu also returned to the top!

When they got out of the shower and were about to go to bed, Qin Haiyu had already been ranked No.1 in the popularity list of female singers by fans in just an hour!
(End of this chapter)

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