Start with a star wife

Chapter 329 The concert is over

Chapter 329 The concert is over

The last song!
The concert is about to end!
Yu Zhile still enjoyed it very much. It was the first concert in his life, the stage was so cool and big, there were so many people at the scene, and the atmosphere was so lively!
He fell in love with this feeling!

For the last song, he wants to say goodbye and end this unforgettable concert perfectly.

He waved his hand and called out: "Hold up your mobile phones or light sticks, and wave them along with my rhythm!"

In an instant, in the auditorium, all the audience held up the fluorescent sticks or mobile phones in their hands, and then swayed them neatly and orderly with Yu Zhile's hands.

The music is on!

On the stage, the information of Yu Zhile's last song was exposed to everyone.

"Is there a song that reminds you of me"

Lyricist: Yu Zhile
Composer: Yu Zhile
Vocals: Yu Zhile
When seeing the title of this song, people can't help but think of a certain song by Yu Zhile.

In the auditorium, Qin Haiyu's first thought was "Love of Calla Taro", because this song left a deep impression on her!Thinking about the scene when her husband participated in "The King of Masked Singer" behind her back and then sang this song in the finals, she felt infinitely moved.

Time flies really fast!
She looked at her daughter who was holding up two fluorescent sticks and waving. She didn't know which song her daughter was thinking of at the moment?

She thinks it should be the theme song of "Where Are We Going, Dad?" After all, this song means a lot to her daughter.

The auditorium was so dark that only the phone screen light and fluorescent sticks could be seen, Yu Zhile sang:

"The lights went out

the moon is a lonely eye

quietly watching
who is sleepless

The familiar song from afar
Why are those voices so weak..."

At this time, it was almost ten o'clock!

If there is no accident, the two brats in the family will be driven back to the room to sleep by the mother.

He looked at the front row of the auditorium. Because the lights were dim, he didn't see his wife and daughter, and he didn't know if his daughter couldn't sit still and wanted to go back?
But soon it will be over and you can go home!
he sings:

"Is there such a song
will let you gently follow and

pull us past together
memory it will not be silent..."

This song is too suitable for all fans!

If this song is Yu Zhile asked them, is there such a song that they can gently follow along?
Then the chorus in front of them is the best answer!

Not just a song!

What they want to say is all the songs of Yu Zhile, they can follow Qinghe!
Therefore, when the second time was sung, the fans who succeeded in sneaking on the spot, when they received Yu Zhile's prompt to ask everyone to sing together, the most sensational chorus of the night broke out instantly!
"Is there such a song
will let you gently follow and

pull us past together
memory it will not be silent

is there such a song
will make you remember me

Make you happy and make you worry..."

Everyone hissed and sang!

After a crazy night, most of the fans at the scene had already sang hoarsely, as if they sang in KTV all night.

But they all had fun!

Before singing this song, they might not think of Yu Zhile when they listened to Yu Zhile's song.

But from now on, as long as they hear this song "Is there a song that reminds you of me", they will definitely think of Yu Zhile, and then think of this unforgettable moment now!
At the scene, the chorus continued!

In order to let everyone sing to their heart's content in the end, Yu Zhile added the chorus twice to this song!

He picked up the guitar and accompanied everyone.

The audience were all looking at the lyrics on the stage screen, led by Yu Zhile, and continued to sing this exciting and reluctant song!
"The song I'm singing now

tell you on my behalf
Even if the days pass by
We have walked together! "

Yu Zhile's voice was also a little hoarse. He played the guitar and sang along with everyone:

"The song I'm singing now

tell you on my behalf
Even if the days pass by
We have been! "

Qin Haiyu's mother and daughter also fully integrated into the enthusiasm of the audience, and they also sang loudly: "Even if the days pass by in a hurry, we have walked through it!"

Singing here means the concert is coming to an end!
The live audience couldn't bear it!

I didn't expect two hours to pass so quickly!
They haven't sung enough!
But there is no lasting banquet in the world.

At least the ending is good!
Everything that Yu Zhile wants to pass on to the fans is in this song!
Even if the days pass by in a hurry, we have walked through it!
This is not only a particularly precious experience in Yu Zhile's life, but also a particularly precious memory in the lives of the [-] fans and audience.

Three or five years later, when they suddenly hear this familiar song, they will definitely miss this moment and the past time.

Yu Zhile is actually very envious of these fans. When he was young, he also wanted to be like them and buy tickets to watch the concert of his favorite singer. Unfortunately, this wish has never been realized.

Now, I have a concert by myself!

Is this considered a trick of good fortune?

With a slight smile, Yu Zhile bowed deeply and said in thanks: "This is the end of tonight's concert, it's getting late, so I won't say much, everyone should pay attention to safety when leaving the stage, and don't be impatient and trampled.

Finally, in order not to be looked down upon by other fans, when we leave the arena, let's keep it clean and tidy when we entered, shall we? "

In the next second, orderly and deafening responses sounded!
"it is good!"

The fans are all observing their own positions, no matter whether it is the garbage made by themselves or the garbage made by others, they consciously pick it up.

At this point, the live TV broadcast is over!
Lao Zhang smiled and said: "This guy has a good fan management system! I don't know if the audience can really be as clean and tidy as they entered when they left the arena?"

Yang Bing said: "It's hard! After all, no matter where you are, there will always be some people with low quality."

However, the slap in the face was that after the audience left the arena one after another, he walked around the auditorium, but he really didn't find a single bit of rubbish!
Not even a bottle cap or a scrap of paper!There are even many young spectators who linger and look down to check the ground to see if there is any garbage that has been missed!
Yang Bing admired it!
Are current fans so obedient and so qualified?
Or is this only aimed at fans of Yu Zhile's fans?
Think about the concerts of other singers, the auditorium can be described as a mess after the end!
And Yu Zhile's one sentence directly made the audience consciously clean up all the garbage they made!


Is this Yu Zhile's influence and fan cohesion?
No wonder his comeback after six years was able to top the popularity list of singers in an instant!

No wonder the ratings of variety shows with him are unbelievably high!

Lao Zhang and Lao Yang looked at Yu Zhile with admiration again, and now they began to look forward to and wonder, how high will the live TV ratings of Yu Zhile's concert be?
(End of this chapter)

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