Start with a star wife

Chapter 334 The first follower is cold

Chapter 334
"This action is very fast! It only took a week, and the follow-up show came out!"

If this variety show hadn't suddenly become a hot search, Yu Zhile wouldn't even know that he was holding a concert, and someone followed suit and made a variety show!
Qin Haiyu didn't expect such a variety show to appear in just a week, and the live broadcast will start tomorrow night!

In other words, it took less than 10 days for this variety show from planning to live broadcast.

This speed is indeed OK!

As the saying goes, you can follow the trend quickly, even if you are eating Xiang, you can catch up with a hot bite. Therefore, after the show came out, it really caught the attention of Yu Zhile's live concert and attracted the attention of many netizens.

However, it is not as popular as Yu Zhile's concert, which means that in the entire music world, except for Yu Zhile's concert, the concerts of other singers are nothing.

Especially this concert-type variety show can't keep the singer mysterious, otherwise the tickets for the live concert will not be sold!

So, the embarrassing scene came out!

After the identity of the singer in the first episode of the show was revealed, the concert can only accommodate up to 2 people. Tickets have been pre-sold for 20 minutes, and they have not been sold out yet!

Because the first episode of this program could not invite super popular singers, these singers also disdain to hold such a concert with the TV station.They knew that there was such a pervert as Yu Zhile, if they followed suit, not only would it be impossible to surpass Yu Zhile, but it would also become a black spot in their singer career!
Therefore, although the first singer invited by this program is a bit popular, when it comes to this person, he can't think of any masterpieces about him, which means that he lost at the starting line after following the trend.

Qin Haiyu complained: "This show feels like it's going to hit the street! If you can't invite super popular singers, the ratings will definitely not be high."

Yu Zhile agreed: "This should be a show that was decided on the spur of the moment with a fluke mentality, so in such a hurry, it is naturally impossible to invite super popular singers, let alone whether they have so much money Even if you invite the other party, the other party may not necessarily hold this kind of concert with them."

Qin Haiyu said with reason and evidence: "Because you are in front of you, other singers don't want to humiliate themselves, so even if this program is willing to pay them a good appearance fee, they are not willing to spend this bad money !"

"That's true!"

Yu Zhile is also not humble, after all, 10% ratings is not something other singers can achieve!

This is an ironclad fact, not his exaggeration.

The gap can be seen from the pre-sale of tickets for the first concert of this show.

And this gap is not even a star!
If you compare Yu Zhile to a star in the sky, then the other party's current situation is like a grain of sand on the ground, or even a dust smaller than sand.

The big gap is clear at a glance!
Yu Zhile really wanted to know, after the premiere of the show tomorrow, would it be possible to watch the first concert?Can you listen?
Now on the Internet, not many people are optimistic about this show, or not many people are optimistic about the singer who appeared in the first episode.


Dragon TV.

Old Zhang knocked on the table and said, "Look, what we thought at the beginning has been figured out by them now!"

Yang Bing smiled wryly: "This is a rush to the doctor! Can Yu Zhile follow suit? I feel that this show has already died down before it even started! The singer in the first episode is too weak, and there isn't even a well-known masterpiece. Don't you have to sing other people's songs at the concert? Is this kind of concert interesting? I think with my ass that this show is destined to hit the street! Unless all the singers invited later are very popular singers, there is no way to save it! "

Lao Zhang nodded slightly and said, "Indeed, the singer in the first phase is too weak, not even as good as a popular Internet celebrity singer. No wonder the [-] tickets can't be sold out in almost half an hour!"

Yang Bing can understand: "I think they are just to be on the safe side! It doesn't take much money to cooperate with this kind of singer who is not high enough but not low enough. Even if he hits the street, he won't feel too much heartache.

But if you invite those first-line singers, the investment cost will be high!Once the ratings are not good, it will be a blood loss!Don't talk about them, even our TV station can't make a fuss! "

"Watch it! When the ratings come out, you will know how far this show can go."

Lao Zhang was still a little looking forward to it, because this was a variety show that he wanted to work on at the beginning, but after thinking about it, the gain was not worth the loss, so he no longer had this idea.

Now that a colleague has come up with a program that has exactly the same idea as him, he really wants to know whether this program can achieve a fairly satisfactory ratings?

So it was eight o'clock the next night.

The high-profile premiere of "The Stars Concert"!
This premiere is a simultaneous live broadcast of the concert!

Although the results of the pre-sale of tickets were not very optimistic, after one day, [-] tickets were finally sold out even though the price was not high.

Through the live TV broadcast, it can be seen that the scene is quite lively.

It's just that compared with Yu Zhile's [-] live fans, it's not even a star!
The most disappointing thing was that the stage seemed monotonous and crude, unlike Yu Zhile's original concert stage, it was so luxurious and dazzling!

The most boring thing is that after the show's concert begins, what songs are the singers singing in the first episode!
Being able to have originality shows that the other party still has something.

But this original song has disappointed many audiences, whether it is the arrangement, the lyrics, or even the singing voice of the other party!
The songs sung later give people the feeling that they are not holding a concert, but participating in a show competition.

Comparable to Yu Zhile's concert, it soared three thousand feet in an instant!

The online comments are also heartbreaking!
"I really admire the singers on this show! It's fine for you to have a normal concert, but you seem a bit wise when you show Yu Zhile on the show!"

"The same singer, the difference is too big! The atmosphere at Yu Zhile's concert was so exciting, but this guy's concert was lifeless, just like mourning, it's so embarrassing!"

"Slip away, not only are your eyes hot, but your ears are also hot! I have to watch Yu Zhile's concert again to wash my eyes and ears!"


next morning.

After the ratings came out, many people were ridiculed.

Sure enough, not everyone can imitate Yu Zhile!
The first one to follow suit immediately became cold!
0.35% ratings!

Putting it together, it is roughly equivalent to one-thirtieth of the ratings of Yu Zhile's concert, and among them, Yu Zhile must have gained some of the ratings!
Seeing the ratings, Yu Zhile shook his head, feeling sorry for this courageous singer.

"I'm afraid this concert will become the biggest black spot in his career as a singer!"

But if the other party's goal is to become famous overnight, then he has indeed succeeded!

Although the ratings of this show were not good, the singer who held the first concert, taking advantage of Yu Zhile's popularity, became famous overnight!

 Thank you [book friend 161221195428365] for the 100 tip, and [Eriyi Sakura Lu Mingfei] for the 2000 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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