Start with a star wife

Chapter 340 Blame me for being too good!

Chapter 340 Blame me for being too good!
After changing their clothes, Yu Zhile and his wife had to go to the New Year's Eve party first.

It's not the rehearsal in the past, but because Yu Zhile co-planned the New Year's Eve party this time, so Yu Zhile has to help arrange and supervise a lot of work.

At this time, Yu Ziyuan clings to him and says coquettishly: "Dad, I'll go there with you first, and let my younger brothers and grandparents go there later, okay?"

Yu Zhile responded: "I know you can't sit still at home!"

Qin Haiyu said speechlessly: "If you spoil her like this again, she will go to heaven in the future!"

Yu Ziyuan sensibly took her mother's arm and said coquettishly while shaking it: "Mom, you are the best, take me with you!"

"It's useless to act coquettish!"

Qin Haiyu had a serious face, Yu Ziyuan continued to act coquettishly, holding on to her mother's arm, her little mouth pouted and acted coquettishly, and her facial expressions and movements when she acted coquettishly, in Yu Zhile's opinion, she was just acting like a coquettish wife Same time!
This is really carved out of the same mold!

In the end, Qin Haiyu couldn't beat his shameless daughter after acting like a baby, so he had to take his daughter to the scene of the New Year's Eve party first.

Yu Ziyuan winked mischievously at her two younger brothers, this girl is also restless, but fortunately, the two younger brothers are not as difficult to serve as before, otherwise she would cry in anger again.

But even so, the two younger brothers are still very wronged and sad. Every time the sister acts like a baby, she can go out with her parents, but it is useless for them to roll around like a baby and howl.

The status of this family is so low that it is simply the younger brother of the family!


After half an hour.

Arriving at the main venue of the cultural center, Yu Zhile and his wife walked in together with their daughter. Lao Zhang was busy. Yang Bing and his wife, who had participated in the elementary school New Year's Day activities together, rushed to the scene ahead of them and were arranging the New Year's Eve party work.

After all, they are the staff of the station, and they had to ask for leave to participate in their son's primary school New Year's Day activities, so they had to come back to work quickly after the participation.

Yu Zhile's family of three walked over. The couple hadn't spoken yet, but the daughter called out politely: "Hello, Uncle Zhang! Hello, Aunt Ni!"

Old Zhang smiled and said, "Hey, Yuanyuan is here! I heard that you sang a song called "Lu Binghua" in the school's New Year's Day event, which touched many parents!"

Yu Ziyuan said proudly: "The main reason is that Dad wrote this song well!"

Yu Zhile is so satisfied!

Good girl!
I don't hurt you in vain!

But you know how to be modest, and you know how to make your dad look good!

Ni Qiqin boasted at this time: "Yuanyuan's song moved me to tears, and it is now on the top searches! Netizens say that you will become an excellent singer just like your parents in the future!"

Lao Zhang stretched out his big hand and touched the little girl's head, then nodded and said, "Father tiger has no dog girl! You have to study hard from your parents, you know? If you want to become an excellent singer like your parents, isn't it An easy job!"

Yu Ziyuan nodded her head, and looked very obedient in front of outsiders, so when everyone saw that Yu Zhile and his wife had such a well-behaved, sensible and beautiful daughter, they were envious and jealous in their hearts.

Yu Zhile asked at this time: "Is there anything I can help you with now? How is the work arrangement going?"

Although Lao Zhang is now the deputy director, he and Yang Bing will be the chief director of this New Year's Eve party. He reported: "Everything is ready now, I only owe you the wind! You can go to the backstage first Take a break, we have arranged other tasks according to your planning ideas, and we promise not to let you down!"

Yu Zhile smiled and said, "Why should I be disappointed? Whether or not your New Year's Eve party is successful or not doesn't have much influence on me, does it?"

"The impact is huge!"

Lao Zhang said: "You participated in the planning of the New Year's Eve party this time! If it hits the street, it will lose your face!"

He coughed, and said in a strange voice: "At that time, the audience will mock you, saying haha, Yu Zhile is nothing more than that! Haha, Yu Zhile has fallen to the altar! Haha, as promised, there will be a miracle of ratings if Yu Zhile is there? Spicy chicken!"

Yu Zhile: "..."

Qin Haiyu: "..."

Yu Ziyuan: "..."

The three of them are speechless!
Lao Yang came over at this time and asked curiously, "Did you order spicy chicken? Isn't that bad? If it affects your throat, this party will be difficult!"

"..." Everyone was speechless.

Ni Qiqin rolled her eyes at her husband, and said, "Taiwan Zhang's spicy chicken is an insult to trash, it's not that we ordered spicy chicken!"


Yang Bing smiled awkwardly, gossiping: "Who are you insulting? What's going on?"


Lao Zhang pointed at Yu Zhile, and said, "He said that if our New Year's Eve party goes down the street, it won't affect him much! Then I said it would have a big impact! He participated in the planning of this party, and when the time comes If he is out of the street, others will naturally have to insult him!"

Yang Bing agreed: "Yes! This has a great impact! Therefore, our New Year's Eve party this time, either we will not make a big deal, or we will only be a blockbuster! Otherwise, it will not matter if we smash our signboard and ruin your reputation. It's a big deal!"

Yu Zhile said with a dry smile: "Why do I feel that you are trying to blame me in advance? If the party is a big success, you will be very happy. If it fails, then I will take the blame!"

Lao Zhang smiled maliciously, and Yang Bing also laughed and joked: "No way! Who told you to be hailed as a miracle in ratings? Even if we don't blame you, others will directly blame you. Put it on your head!"

"Well, it's all because I'm too good!"

Yu Zhile pretended to be emotional: "Melancholy, melancholy! Hey, it's not a good thing that this person is too good. If I can, I want to be as ordinary as you!"


Everyone is speechless!

Qin Haiyu suddenly felt a little ashamed!
Yu Ziyuan also felt that her father was showing off too clearly!

As a daughter, she actually has such a sense of shame at this moment. For the first time, she feels ashamed to be with her father...

slip away!

She went directly to the backstage to say hello to other celebrity seniors who arrived earlier, and she regarded this place as her own home. Her sweet mouth is so sweet that everyone praises it and everyone loves it!
Yu Zhile is also used to her daughter's social ability of casting a wide net and gathering contacts. Many of the people present are famous people, so it's not a bad thing to get to know each other.

Unknowingly, four hours later.

The New Year's Eve party is finally about to open!

(End of this chapter)

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