Start with a star wife

Chapter 344 Please be a bit more reserved!

Chapter 344 Please be more reserved!

Do not play cards according to the routine!
Yu Zhile smiled wryly, wondering if this was Lao Zhang's bad idea, or Lao Yang's bad idea?

In short, it is impossible for Ni Qiqin to invite herself on a whim!

However, it is not a bad thing to lead everyone to count down to the New Year's Eve together, on the contrary, it is quite meaningful.

So Yu Zhile's kindness was hard to bear. Amidst the enthusiastic cheers and anticipation at the scene, he got up, regardless of his gentlemanly demeanor, and walked directly to the edge of the stage, then put his hands on the stage, and climbed up directly.

This scene made Qin Haiyu cover his forehead...

Husband, please be more reserved!

There are still more than two minutes left!
Your eagerness to get on stage doesn't match your handsome and steady appearance at all!

Sure enough, the viewers who watched the live broadcast at the same time were all fans of Yu Zhile, a real man's actions!

"Hahaha! This is Yu Zhile! It's true and not pretentious!"

"I laughed so hard, even the host was stunned. I didn't expect Yu Zhile to go out of the usual way and climb onto the stage directly instead of going around to the stage."

"Haha, I have a hunch! Yu Zhile is going to be on the trending list after climbing the stage!"


After Yu Zhile climbed onto the stage, he clapped his hands in fear. He didn't expect that his routine operation would cause so many audiences to cheer and boo!
But he thinks it's nothing, it's mainly to save time, otherwise he wouldn't have climbed onto the stage so rudely, after all, he wants to save face!
Ni Qiqin and the other three hosts, two male and one female, greeted her and jokingly said, "There are still 2 minutes left, it's enough for you to go around and walk over."

Yu Zhile said very emotionally: "Aren't I in a hurry to grab your camera and microphone?"

His response won many cheers and laughter from the audience. This man is so calm and handsome when he is serious, and so funny and funny when he escapes, it is hard to hate.

A male host laughed and said, "I am speechless for this answer!"

Another male host also smiled and said, "I'm speechless too!"

The hostess next to Ni Qiqin smiled and said, "Mr. Yu is unique because he doesn't follow the usual path!"

"Then we will leave the final stage to you!"

Ni Qiqin said, and handed her microphone to Yu Zhile.

Yu Zhile was not too polite, took the microphone and greeted the audience: "Audience, how are you?"

In an instant, the sound was deafening!
"it is good!"

At the scene, tens of thousands of spectators responded in unison!

It seems like they are all fans of Yu Zhile!Everyone responded to Yu Zhile so vigorously and enthusiastically!
Yu Zhile shouted at this time: "My friends in front of the TV, how are you doing!"

When he said this, everyone laughed!
Qin Hai wanted to cover his forehead again, why did her husband suddenly become so funny!Even if the friends in front of the TV say yes, you can't hear it!

However, the funny thing is that the audience at the scene directly replaced the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, and replied even louder: "Okay!"

Yu Zhile continued to hold the microphone and shouted, "My friends from the mountains and the sea, how are you?"

"it is good!"

The audience answered loudly again!

As the camera swept across, we could see the smiling faces of the audience. Obviously, Yu Zhile's greeting and interaction made the audience feel much happier!
However, at this time, Yu Zhile suddenly sighed with sadness: "In a blink of an eye, another year has passed!"

In an instant, the scene became much quieter.

Because everyone didn't expect that Yu Zhile, who was acting like a joke just a second ago, suddenly became serious, as if he had something heavy on his mind.

And when they heard Yu Zhile's words, the audience's mood began to become heavy and depressed.

Another year passed in a blink of an eye, and I felt like I hadn't done anything, just doing nothing, and the year just passed by like this.

While there was still enough time, Yu Zhile said simply: "Time is ruthless, it will not stay for anyone, it will keep going forward, and then gradually take away everything around us, leaving us with pressure from all ages, and finally Leave us with wrinkles, gray hair, and separation between life and death.

Today is a beautiful day, and it is actually a bit of a disappointment to say these words.But since I helped plan this New Year's Eve party, it must have some meaning besides entertainment.

So I hope everyone will not forget their original dreams after the entertainment, and cherish the time and the people and things around them!Life is just a few decades in a hurry. I hope that with our hard work and progress, we can make life without regrets! "

Speaking of this, there are only 30 seconds left before the countdown to the New Year's Eve, Yu Zhile glanced back at the countdown on the big screen, then smiled slightly, and said: "Okay, the last pot of chicken soup for this year has been filled, and since we If you can’t stop it, you can’t change it, then use the most enthusiastic and passionate attitude to meet the challenges of the coming new year!”

He yelled, "I'm ready, are you ready?"

At the scene, the audience once again burst into enthusiastic response: "Get ready!"

"Then count down with me!"

Yu Zhile started to get to the point, counting down the last 10 seconds!




The audience at the scene, together with the tourists who crowded the square outside the venue, counted down in unison!






All over the country, there are many people counting down at the New Year's Eve scene in other cities at the same time!




"Happy New Year!"

The fireworks all over the sky bloomed in the dark sky at the last second!
It announces the arrival of the new year, and at the same time, it also announces the successful conclusion of this New Year's Eve party!
Looking at the audience who were about to leave the stage, Yu Zhile was really emotional.

Another year!

He really felt that time was passing too fast!

It feels like I haven't done anything, and a year has passed by so quickly!

After returning the stage to the host, he waved goodbye to last year, bid farewell to the audience, walked directly to the edge of the stage, jumped off, walked towards his family, and then prepared to leave the stage and go home.

Qin Haiyu gave her husband a thumbs up. Tonight's husband is very inspirational and positive. Although she also feels that time passes quickly, it is inevitable, so she treats the changes in life with a normal heart , dealing with the passage of time.

As long as the family is safe, the years are safe!

She asked: "Husband, do you know what nicknames are given to you by netizens and fans?"

"What nickname?"

Yu Zhile was a little curious.

Before Qin Haiyu answered, her daughter rushed to answer: "Inspirational Godfather!"

Qin Haiyu gave his daughter a disgusted look!
Who made you talk?

so rude!

Yu Zhile was also surprised by this nickname, Inspirational Godfather?
That sounds pretty inspiring!
He felt that he seemed to have to do something to be worthy of this nickname!
(End of this chapter)

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