Start with a star wife

Chapter 347 Shocking the Music World!

Chapter 347 Shocking the Music World!

"I Believe", "The First Dream", "Dream Chaser"...

These three songs are all songs that Yu Zhile started to like in high school and college. Now these three songs have been released by him in this world, attracting the likes of so many people.

He thinks this is the same as inheritance!
Inheriting the musical will of a world!

Therefore, he released these three songs on the shelf tonight, and then said that these three new songs, which will be released for a fee on the entire network, will be fully invested in the college entrance examination education from June this year, and part of them will be used as scholarships to reward every student in the city. The top three students in the college entrance examination.

Because of this, after the Weibo was posted, so many fans and netizens praised it.

"Great! This is the real star!"

"Yu Zhile has invested more than 10 billion yuan in children's education over the years! There are libraries and music rooms sponsored by Yu Zhile in nearly [-] primary schools across the country. I didn't expect to start profiting for college entrance examination students now!"

"You deserve Yu Zhile to be so popular! You deserve Yu Zhile to be the only celebrity who can be included in textbooks!"

"Let's not talk about how good these three songs are, but because of Yu Zhile's character and spirit, I'm willing to buy these three songs even if they cost 10 yuan each!"


Qin Haiyu was very proud!
She glanced at her daughter, and then said earnestly: "Learn from your father! Do you know how to be useful to the world in the future? If you can receive your father's scholarship in a few years, mother will treat you well in the future." Not so strict anymore!"

"too difficult……"

Yu Ziyuan muttered weakly!
In every city, only the top three students get scholarships, but how many high schools are there in a city?How many masters there are!

She is only in the current elementary school, and it is so difficult to get the first grade in the exam, let alone the first in the city!

Qin Haiyu taught a lesson: "It's so hard! Others can do it, why can't you do it? People are forced out. If you don't force yourself, how can you be better than others?"

"Look, what your mother said makes sense!"

If it weren't for the children, Yu Zhile would definitely complain about his wife, saying that it might have been born by caesarean section, such as our second baby...

But such words are too young for children!

In private, you can say such inappropriate things to your wife with your wife, but in front of the children, Yu Zhile is still very serious!
Yu Ziyuan let out an oh, but said nothing.

She glanced at her younger brothers unbalancedly in her heart, because she is the older sister, and because she has to go to high school and take the college entrance examination before her younger brothers, so now she is being pointed and preached by her parents...

So angry!
But there's nothing you can do!

Yu Zhile said at this time: "I don't know how much the sales of these three songs will be? Can the money earned be enough to support the stinky girl to take the college entrance examination?"

It's January now, and my daughter will start junior high school in September, so there are still six years to go!
Qin Haiyu estimated: "It should be possible? The average sales of these three songs will definitely exceed [-] million. The most important thing is that more and more people will pay to download the songs in the future. In this way, there will be a steady stream of songs. income."

"There are still six years to go! If you can't support it, you can release new songs to make up for it!"

Yu Zhile stared at her daughter and said, "That's good, Dad will make a six-year agreement with you! After six years, if you refer to the college entrance examination and you can get in the top three in the city, Dad will grant you one wish unconditionally!"

Yu Ziyuan suddenly gained motivation, and asked tentatively, "Is it possible to wish for anything?"

Yu Zhile emphasized: "Then I have to consider whether your father can accept it! For example, if you want to go abroad to study in university, it is absolutely impossible to bring a partner home!"

Yu Ziyuan: "..."

Going abroad for university?What the hell is bringing an object home!

Qin Haiyu added at this time: "If you can really get into the top three in the market, Mom will grant you one wish unconditionally!"

As she said that, she looked at the two sons who were eager to try, and reminded: "You too! In a few years, if you can get such good grades in the college entrance examination, Mom and Dad will grant you one wish unconditionally!"

Of course, such words are a bit early for the sons.

What does the college entrance examination mean? They don't even have a concept yet!
On the contrary, Yu Ziyuan is motivated!

She even made up her wish, if she really got into the top three in the city after taking the college entrance examination six years later, then she would ask her father to arrange a concert for herself!

This is the wish that came to her conditioned reflex!

It's just so far away!
It takes eight months to start junior high school, three years after junior high school to start high school, and three years to start high school before taking the college entrance examination...

She felt that talking so much now was just on paper, even if she hadn't forgotten the six-year agreement, her parents would probably have already forgotten it!
Do you want to write a letter?

Yu Ziyuan thought to herself, but she was also afraid that she would not have the ability to get such a good grade in the exam, which would leave a black spot in her life.

Forget it!

The little girl also has her own big ideas!

eight pm.

Yu Zhile packaged three songs and released a new album!
Three songs, packaged and released together!
On the major music platforms they cooperate with, most of their songs are free to download and listen to for free, but some songs must be paid for to listen to.

Now, these three songs are!
Five yuan package to buy three new songs!

This is the selling price of Yu Zhile's new song album released this time!

A few months ago, after six years, he came back and released a new song "Time Boils the Rain". His single sales directly set the record for the highest single sales in history. The server suddenly crashed!

Now, he released a new song again!

And there are three new songs!

The traffic introduced by this is even more exaggerated!

It’s just that there is a lesson from the past, so this time the music platform is smart. It has already prepared the countermeasures for the release of Yu Zhile’s new song, for fear that the platform server will crash again, which will cause the traffic that should belong to them to suddenly flood to other music platforms .

With the new song and new album successfully released!
Many fans rushed to buy, and then commented and grabbed the sofa as soon as possible!
"I'm the first!"



"I finally waited for you, but fortunately I didn't give up!"


In the blink of an eye, a large group of sofa-scrambling fans appeared in the comment section of the three new songs!

Countless people thought they had snatched the sofa and were the first to post a comment, but they didn't expect that guy who killed a thousand knives to be so fast!
Five minutes later, the online sales of the new album suddenly shocked the entire music scene!
(End of this chapter)

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