Start with a star wife

Chapter 353 Essay "Helping or Not"

Chapter 353 Essay "Helping or Not"

When it comes to sketches, Yu Zhile can think of several classic masterpieces.

First of all, "Eating Noodles" is a classic sketch that many viewers who like sketches are familiar with. It can be said to be the first sketch in the history of the Spring Festival Gala. It marks the birth of the sketch, which is of great significance !
In addition, Yu Zhile also thought of "A Day of the Hero's Mother". In this sketch, the line "Sima Chuang smashes the crock, Sima Guang smashes it all" is really impressive!
There are also sketches such as "So Packaged", "Adventures at Work", "Laughing and Talking about Life", etc., which are all classics.

If it weren't for the fact that he had to perform skits at the New Year's party in high school, so he collected these classic masterpieces for learning, Yu Zhile would not have a soft spot for sketches, and he was so impressed by these classic sketches.

Of course, none of the skits mentioned above are suitable for the couple to perform together.

But Yu Zhile also thought of several suitable sketches. Based on his impressions and some of his own ideas, he wrote the two sketches "Can't Help" and "Romance".

In the end, Qin Haiyu felt that the skit "Can't Help" was better. Although "Romantic Things" is more suitable for the two couples to perform, but they are already romantic enough on weekdays, so there is no need to show romance to everyone on TV. look.

Considering the significance of the sketch, she chose the sketch "Should I Help You?" It just so happens that this sketch reflects a social phenomenon. When an old man falls, do you help him or not?
Under normal circumstances, many people will help.

But since the news of many cases of being blackmailed for helping the elderly, people's hearts have become cold.

In fact, it’s not just about helping the elderly. Since many beggars on the street were exposed as fake disabilities and made more money than most people from begging, no matter whether people see real beggars or fake beggars on the street , have chosen to turn a blind eye.

There are also online fraudulent donations using people's sympathy, etc...

Gradually, the inherent goodness of human nature has become weak.

But no matter how the society changes, there will always be people who stand up and lend a helping hand.

Yu Zhile limped and pushed a bicycle with a severely deformed front out of the stage, moaning in pain.

After the audience saw Yu Zhile's appearance, they applauded and cheered regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones.

He put the bicycle down and murmured bitterly to himself: "My biggest shortcoming is that I like to meddle in other people's business! No, just now I saw a car with the trunk open on the road. , I was chasing after me on my bike! I was thinking about telling people, but they braked suddenly, and I got into the trunk!"

As he said that, Yu Zhile performed his heartache to the fullest. He felt that he still had talent as an actor!
He continued: "I just climbed out, and a kind policeman came over and patted me on the shoulder and said, you are fully responsible! I paid him 200 yuan! Do you think I am meddling in my business! I swear, in the future If I meddle in other people's business, I won't be called Hao Jian, I'll be called very cheap!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as Yu Zhile pushed the front foot of the bicycle and walked away, Qin Haiyu staggered and fell out on the back foot!
In this skit, Yu Zhile plays the good guy Hao Jian.Qin Haiyu's performance is an old lady with white hair. Although she deliberately put on old makeup, the audience can still recognize her, and Qin Haiyu who put on old makeup gives people a kind of The charm of middle-aged and elderly women who still have charm!

If Qin Haiyu really becomes like this in her [-]s and [-]s, then she is really the type who has been beautiful since she was a child!
Seeing Qin Haiyu fell to the ground and groaning in pain, Yu Zhile, who had just finished his oath, glanced back, pondered for two seconds, turned his head and left, and said cruelly, "I didn't look at anything!"

The funniest thing was that he followed Qin Haiyu's rhythm and moaned in pain: "Ouch... Ouch..."

After walking a few meters, Yu Zhile stopped and said helplessly, "You won!"

After all, I still can't pass the test in my heart!

He set up the broken bicycle, trotted over and asked, "Auntie, are you alright?"

Qin Haiyu had his own voice changer, and with a vibrato, he asked back in an old man's tone: "79, fell to the ground with a bang, what do you think?"

Yu Zhile cared: "Oh, let's see if it's broken? Does it hurt?"

Qin Haiyu said in pain: "Oh, my elbow... oh, my boring cover... oh my waist..."

Yu Zhile listened, worried: "It's over, it's over!"

At this time, Qin Haiyu added: "Oh, it doesn't hurt..."

There was a burst of warm applause and laughter at the scene, obviously amused by Qin Haiyu's reversal.

Yu Zhile said unhappily: "I said aunt, it's been a while, so don't use the elimination method! Since it doesn't hurt, let's try to see if we can still walk?"

"I'll try..."

"Hey, slow down."

Qin Haiyu still maintained the posture of lying on the ground, and then lay down with his legs bent knees and walked, like a spinning top, lying on the spot and spinning.

Yu Zhile complained: "You can walk now! But you are walking according to the schedule!"

The audience laughed again, and Qin Haiyu said, "Why does my hip suddenly hurt?"

Yu Zhile said solemnly: "For sure! It was ground when it was turned just now, it's already good if it didn't burn out!"

At the scene, there was another burst of cheerful laughter.

"Come on, aunt, I'll help you up!"

Yu Zhile helped up the daughter-in-law who played the role of aunt, Qin Haiyu stared at him and said, "Oh boy, your face is bruised and purple, and you fell so badly!"

Yu Zhile said indifferently: "Hey, I'm fine."

Qin Haiyu grabbed his hand, patted him lightly and said, "You are a good boy, and you know how to help aunt up."

Yu Zhile was praised, and she couldn't hide her joyful smile on her face. This delicate facial expression made the audience click 666, shouting for Yu Zhile to change careers as an actor.

He said complacently: "I am addicted to doing good deeds, if it were someone else..."

The aunt played by Qin Haiyu grabbed his hand and added: "I ran away long ago after the collision!"

Yu Zhile's smile suddenly froze...

The applause and cheers of the audience burst out suddenly!

The audience watching the live broadcast were all amused by Yu Zhile and his wife's superb acting skills and skits!
"Hahaha, the lines in this sketch are too funny! Yu Zhile is so talented, this sketch is absolutely amazing!"

"I'm not looking forward to Yu Zhile's sketch in vain!"

"Reserved! This year's Spring Festival Gala's most exciting and funny skit belongs to Yu Zhile!"

"Really, Yu Zhile and his wife's acting skills beat most actors! If you don't act, you will be blind to such good acting skills!"

"Play a chicken show! Although the skit is very funny, what we want most is a new song! As singers, don't you and your wife have any B number in your heart? If you don't create new songs well, you actually learn from others to perform sketches! It's too much!"


At the scene, after a burst of laughter and applause stopped abruptly.

Yu Zhile gently put Qin Haiyu who was supported up on the ground, then stood up and looked down at Qin Haiyu who was lying on the ground, and said, "Auntie! You fell into a daze! And so dazed!" Sudden!"

He pointed at Qin Haiyu and said, "You fell by yourself! When you fell, I was ten meters away from you!"

At this time, he pointed to the broken bicycle parked there, and explained: "Look, that's my bicycle, the evidence is solid!"

Qin Haiyu looked up at the bicycle with his elbows on the ground, and said, "Oh, the rims of the bicycle are like that! After a long time of trouble, it turned out that I flew over from there! Can I still save it? "

After saying this, the audience roared with laughter again.

Obviously, no one expected that Yu Zhile and his wife’s skit would be so humorous and funny. Reversing the lines is like a car suddenly drifting downhill when it makes a sharp turn, which catches people off guard!

Yu Zhile looked at the bicycle, then at Qin Haiyu lying on the ground screaming, with empty hands, he said helplessly, "Oh, I'll go, this really looks like the scene of an accident!"

He quickly explained: "Auntie, it's not what you imagined! My car was rear-ended!"

Qin Haiyu said in pain at this moment: "Oh, my tailbone!"

Yu Zhile squatted down and said melancholy: "I'm talking about chasing after the tail, not the tail! I'm talking about the bumper, not the base of the tail!"

Qin Haiyu sighed: "It's over, the New Year's Eve, the root of his tail was smashed!"

She turned to look at the auditorium: "Okay, Sui Sui is safe!"

The audience applauded happily, and almost couldn't hold back their applause!
Yu Zhile didn't know what to do, and said patiently: "I said aunt, you should remember it carefully, no one really hit you!"

Qin Haiyu got up, and complained in a voice like an old woman: "No one hit me and I flew more than ten meters away. If you hit me, I'm going abroad now!"

Yu Zhile also complained: "It's not an aunt, what status do you have! You can go abroad without a visa! Besides, you didn't fly ten meters away!"

Qin Haiyu shook his hands and said, "How many meters has it flown! It's already at this time, is it more meaningful to you than the three meters and two meters?"

Yu Zhile waved her hands anxiously: "Okay, aunt, let's not talk about it! Let's look at the pictures and talk! Fortunately, cameras are installed in the streets and alleys now...where are the cameras?"

After finishing speaking, Yu Zhile looked up at the broken camera with a head removed from the electric pole, exposing a few wires.

And the audience is only now aware of this broken camera, and they are immediately poked at the point of laughter by this reversal.

"It's over, the head is gone! If this entanglement continues, there will be no head!"

Yu Zhile tightened the big military uniform he was wearing, and said helplessly, "I jumped into the Yellow River, and I can't be washed away!"

Qin Haiyu looked at the back of Yu Zhile who was leaving while talking, and said, "What's the matter, do you still want to leave?"

Yu Zhile turned around and said, "I'm sure I won't be in a hurry to go, I have to run!"

"Hey, you!"

Qin Haiyu watched Yu Zhile push the broken bicycle to "escape". At this moment, a voice came, and the passerby character played by Yang Bing walked out of the stage while making a phone call: "Hey daughter-in-law, I'm going home soon! , don't worry! Wait..."

As he said that, he found Qin Haiyu who was lying on the ground: "I saw an old lady fall down on the road, but no one came to help her! Why do you think the social atmosphere is like this now!"

He was on the phone with his wife, and said righteously: "I don't care about others, I care about it!"

This sentence of justice immediately ushered in applause and applause from the audience!
Qin Haiyu wanted to get up in pain, but Yang Bing approached and said, "Auntie, don't move!"

He pointed his phone at Qin Haiyu and took a photo with a click, then walked away from Qin Haiyu and continued to call his daughter-in-law on the phone, saying, "I'll post a Weibo immediately to condemn this behavior! Let parents retweet and comment! Daughter-in-law, remember to give me a thumbs up!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, stared at the phone as if nothing had happened, and walked away quickly while posting Weibo, thinking to himself: "Oh, this old lady fell badly!"

Yu Zhile witnessed everything from the side, then speechlessly punched and kicked the background where Yang Bing was leaving, and said contemptuously, "You don't want to give me a hand!"

The behavior of Yang Bing, a passer-by, simply reflects the psychological thoughts and behaviors of most of the onlookers in the current society after encountering an elderly person falling down.

Hao Jian, played by Yu Zhile, finally walked back and helped Qin Haiyu to sit up. He squatted down and said wordlessly: "As for me, I will send you to the hospital right away, but I beg you! Prove it for me Just say that I am an innocent passerby, okay?"

Qin Haiyu nodded, and Yu Zhile immediately stood up clapping his hands: "That's right!"

He recorded a video with his mobile phone: "I am a good person, Hao Jian. Just now, I was walking in front of me with my bicycle. For some reason, there was an old lady behind me. I let go of all my worries. Go and help her without hesitation!"

After finishing speaking, he used his mobile phone to record a video to Qin Haiyu, reminding: "It's your turn, close your chin so you look thinner."

Qin Haiyu said: "I am an innocent passerby, I was knocked down by you innocently, and you still want to run after it's over! Hehehehe..."

Later, her sarcastic laughter made the audience laugh too.

Yu Zhile put down the phone, and complained: "Auntie, you are so naughty, does your family know?"

Qin Haiyu chuckled: "Follow me, you're still young!"

"Okay, stop laughing, you won!"

Yu Zhile was convinced: "You are the one in the authorities who is confused now! I will wait with you for someone who understands the reason, and wait for him to give us a judgment!"

Although he was tired and helpless, he still took off his military coat and put it on the opponent's body when he saw the "aunt" who fell and was in pain.

Qin Haiyu said: "Conscience has been discovered!"

At this time, a passer-by on a bicycle passed by, and Yu Zhile called him to stop. The elder waved Yu Zhile over and asked, "Did you hit him?"

Yu Zhile replied: "No!"

"Then run!"


"Let me tell you this! I have helped three!"

As he spoke, the man cried, "Brother used to drive a big Benz!"

After finishing, the man cried and rode on his bicycle and slipped away!

Yu Zhile bowed to the other party, he walked back, squatted down and said to Qin Haiyu who was sitting on the ground: "Auntie, let me tell you about my family situation, let me put it this way! The thief came to my house, They all walked away with tears in their eyes! You have to throw me two bags of rice during festivals!"

Qin Haiyu listened to Yu Zhile's blah blah blah, and then said angrily: "It's too ink-stained! If you want to help you, help you, if you don't help you, leave, you make room for good people! I'll just pretend you didn't bump into me! You go, you escape!"

Yu Zhile was aggrieved and said: "How could I have escaped! You talk like that, can we still have fun in the future!"

Qin Haiyu then scolded: "You knocked me down, even if you say sorry! But not only did you not apologize, but you even bit me back! Let me tell you, you don't want to leave today!"

With trembling steps, she walked angrily to push Yu Zhile's broken bicycle, and said, "Even if I risk my life today, I will fight this bad social atmosphere to the end!"

Yu Zhile was surprised: "Auntie, you're fine! How did you get out?"

Qin Haiyu looked back: "I'm mad at you!"

Yu Zhile said: "Oh, this angry person can still cure diseases! I am Qigong!"

Qin Haiyu pushed his bicycle and called for someone to come over to comment. At this time, a policeman came over. Yu Zhile lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead. Qin Haiyu was about to explain to the policeman, but when he looked back, he almost fainted: "What are you doing?" It fell down!"

The audience was instantly amused by Yu Zhile's coquettish operation!
The policeman looked at Yu Zhile who was lying on the ground, then looked at the bicycle, and criticized: "Aunt, you are riding too fast! This bike is like this! You are racing fast! Look at you, you hit people! What has become of it?"

Qin Haiyu couldn't explain clearly, this reversal scene made the audience laugh non-stop!

At this time, Yu Zhile imitated Qin Haiyu's lines and movements at the beginning and yelled: "Oh, my elbow... oh, my bolenga... oh, my waist... ..."

"Ah, the rims of this car are like this! After working for a long time, I flew over from there! Can I still save it? It seems that I flew about ten meters away!"

Qin Haiyu said angrily, "Where did you fly more than ten meters away!"

Yu Zhile asked back: "Then how many meters did I fly? It's already at this time, is it really meaningful for you to compare the three meters and two meters?"

Qin Haiyu stomped his feet anxiously, and responded to the police: "What he said are all my words!"

"Well, comrade, let me help you up first!"

At this time, the police discovered that Yu Zhile was the young man he was rear-ending in a traffic accident!

Finally, the misunderstanding was resolved!
The truth is revealed!
Yu Zhile's skit also means that it will end soon!

Qin Haiyu remembered how he fell down, and took Yu Zhile's hand to thank: "Young man! Auntie misunderstood you so much that you didn't leave, and you still have to help auntie, good job!"

Yu Zhile finally poured chicken soup: "Auntie, if this person falls down and no one supports him, wouldn't this person's heart fall? If this person's heart falls, he won't be able to help him even if he wants to!"

With the incomparably enthusiastic applause and applause from the audience, Yu Zhile and his wife’s performance of the skit "Should I Help" came to an end!
On Weibo, after Yu Zhile's sketch appeared, a related poll suddenly became popular.

When an old man falls, do you help him?
①: Support.

②: No help.

(End of this chapter)

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