Chapter 361
The evening of July 12.

Yu Zhile did not participate in Dragon TV's New Year's Eve party this time, and his failure to participate meant that Qin Haiyu would not be able to participate either. In this way, this year's Dragon TV's New Year's Eve party will give the audience the feeling of something is missing.

But compared with other TV stations' New Year's Eve New Year's Eve party, Dragon TV's New Year's Eve New Year's Eve party is still regarded as the first brother in the eyes of the audience, mainly because after the first two years achieved extremely high ratings, this year is even Yu Zhile didn't participate, and the star lineup was still too strong!
It was also because Yu Zhile did not participate, so Taili used the appearance fee prepared for Yu Zhile to invite two more first-line popular stars to help out!
That's right, although Yu Zhile has never actively asked for a price increase, Dragon TV did not lower the appearance fee because of his easy-talking, but doubled the price of a regular first-line popular star!
This price also shows the sincerity and emotional intelligence of the TV station. After all, Yu Zhile can be said to have revitalized the ratings of Dragon TV by himself, so if even the appearance fee cooperation fee is as low as possible, it would be too inhumane up!

Therefore, with the help of an invincible star lineup, this year's Dragon TV's New Year's Eve New Year's Eve party ratings still lead the forefront, dominating this year's New Year's Day with a ratings as high as 6.91%!

This ratings can be regarded as a success for Dragon TV, because there are always people who tease and complain that their TV station will have no ratings without Yu Zhile. Although this is true, they want to prove that even without Yu Zhile, they Compared with other TV stations, it is also very awesome!

Of course, it's better to have Yu Zhile!
Because if there is Yu Zhile, then they are the most awesome existence!

Right now, there is only one month left before the Spring Festival.

As the winter vacation is approaching, the final exam is also approaching.

So during this period of time, the filming of "Family with Children" has slowed down a bit, mainly to give the children a review time to prepare for the final exam.

At that time, during the winter vacation, you can spare a lot of time to shoot day after day.

And when that time comes, this TV series that everyone is looking forward to will also be broadcast on Dragon TV at 07:30 every weekend.

Taking advantage of the slowdown in the filming of "Family with Children", Yu Zhile and his wife could just spend some time grinding out the sketches and rehearsing for the upcoming Spring Festival Gala.

Time passes day by day.

The primary and secondary school exams are over and the holidays are over.

The new year will be ushered in two weeks later, and "Family with Children" will premiere on Saturday the day after tomorrow!
Over the past few days, this drama has filmed a total of 43 episodes. If four episodes are broadcast every week, it will be enough to broadcast for ten weeks. Therefore, Yu Zhile is not in a hurry under the shooting schedule.

Especially during the one month of winter vacation, they can shoot continuously for half a month. As long as there are no accidents, the shooting efficiency of this half month is higher than that of the previous two months.

After all, there are four weeks in a month, and there are at most two days of shooting every weekend. In this way, the total of two months is only a dozen days of shooting.

At this time, the promotional video of "Family with Children" began to appear on the Internet.

Yu Zhile wrote the lyrics and composed the music, and a theme song sung by Yu Ziyuan was well received!
The sentence "Your childhood seems to be the same as mine, a small shoulder with a big schoolbag and go to school" directly brainwashed the entire network!
Yu Zhile and the TV station didn't even need to spend money to advertise!
Now is the Internet age, the most powerful advertising effect is the popularity of the whole network!

And it doesn't cost a fortune!

Yu Zhile and the TV station didn't even buy the popular search, and just swept the entire Internet by relying on hard power!

Yu Ziyuan was playing with her mobile phone, and after a while she suddenly said, "Dad, I have a roommate who also wants to be an actor in filming. Is there any arrangement for a suitable supporting role? I think she is quite talented as an actress. A showman!"

Yu Zhile didn't say anything, and replied to her daughter: "If a passer-by plays a trick, you can add it at any time, and there will be no characters with lines that appear on the scene for a long time."

Yu Ziyuan immediately said: "It's okay to play tricks!"

"Then arrange it for you, lest your roommate speak ill of you."

Yu Zhile agreed nonchalantly, the job of being an actor is not for everyone, especially children.

But it doesn't matter if it's a side role, because the audience doesn't care whether the acting is good or bad.

Qin Haiyu said at this time: "This promotional video was released not long ago, and now the entire Internet is full of news about "Family with Children"!"

She turned to her daughter and her two sons and said, "After this show airs, the three of you will make your debut as actors and starlets, and you have to pay attention to your image and behavior in the future, and set a good example, you know? "

Yu Ziyuan knew it. Even if "Family with Children" hadn't been aired, she would already be a star in school, and there was no student in No. [-] Middle School who didn't know her!

Yu Zhile stared at the two sons, and said, "Especially you two! The son inherits his father's career, just don't lose face of me! Otherwise, I will turn my face around and deny my son!"

Qin Haiyu stretched out his hand angrily and patted his thigh. How could a father say that about his son!


Two days later.

Saturday night at 07:30!

The original "Family with Children" tells various interesting stories between parents and three children after two divorced families get married.

However, Yu Zhile's version of "Family with Children" has revised the setting of divorced families.

It was also because of this that he spent so long on getting the script right!
Right now, "Family with Children" is starting to premiere, and Yu Zhile's heart is also starting to get nervous.

Although he is very confident in his work and the quality of this drama, after the premiere, he will inevitably feel nervous, for fear that this drama will not please the audience after it airs I like it, I am afraid that the ratings will not be too ideal.

At this time, countless viewers are watching this TV series in front of the TV.

A handsome and stable father, a gentle and strict mother, a quirky daughter, a humble and humorous elder son, a cute and cute younger son...

The family setting is so determined!

After the three children appeared on the stage, with their respective personalities, they attracted many audience fans!

However, if the audience knew that the three children Yu Zhile did not have such personalities in real life, they would definitely be extremely shocked!

Unexpectedly, everyone in Yu Zhile's family is a playwright!
What kind of music family is this? It's clearly a family of actors!
 Entertainment writing is too easy to get weak in the later stage. There are many things to write, but it feels meaningless to write.Now that this book is starting to finish, the next updates will be relatively slow.

(End of this chapter)

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