Start with a star wife

Chapter 364 You Are Invincible!

Chapter 364 You Are Invincible!

This guy is really perverted!
Lao Zhang stared at Yu Zhile's eyes without calmness.

I thought that the ratings after the second day's broadcast would drop compared to the first broadcast, but I didn't expect that the ratings after the second day's broadcast, not only did not decline, but it even broke 7!

The ratings are simply unbelievable!

Yu Zhile really set another ratings legend!And this time it's not in the field of variety shows, but in the field of TV dramas!

Lao Zhang is a bit confused, what is the current ratings?Can Yu Zhile come here as he likes?

Under normal circumstances, no matter how strong the star cast is, it is difficult to have such a high ratings!

What's more, Yu Zhile's drama doesn't have any star lineup yet!But I have to say that Yu Zhile alone is as good as ten first-line stars!
"You are invincible!"

Lao Zhang also didn't know what to say. He could only say that Yu Zhile had once again refreshed people's perception of him, TV dramas and ratings.

And this also shows that now is not an era of sluggish ratings, but there are too few good-looking TV dramas and variety shows, so people don't like to watch them, and the ratings generally become sluggish.

And the ratings legends created by Yu Zhile are actually brought about by the quality. Whether it is a variety show or the current "Family with Children", its reputation is ridiculously high!

It is precisely because of such a good reputation that it has attracted such high ratings.

Yu Zhile happily left the TV station and went home. When he told his wife the good news, she didn't seem to believe it.

Because the whole network felt that the ratings of their first broadcast of this drama were so high, it was entirely because the exposure before the broadcast was too high, so everyone watched it because of the popularity.

By the next day, the popularity will definitely drop, and the ratings will naturally not be as high as when it was first broadcast.

However, when the ratings of this time were made public on the whole network, those people were dumbfounded!
"Damn it! The ratings have broken 7! The ratings on the second day of the agreement must be lower than when it was first broadcast? This slap in the face is too hard!"

"Unresolved! Yu Zhile's ratings are too unresolved! Under normal circumstances, it must be lower than the ratings of the first broadcast! Now I can't understand it. Where did this show win? I don't think it's good. Yes! It's more relaxed, humorous, and the family looks better, besides that, what else stands out?"

"This face is so enjoyable! The ratings of the first broadcast yesterday were on the top of the hot search, so many people and even some celebrities in the circle who are chasing the popularity are sure that the ratings of the first broadcast of "Family with Children" have a huge impact." Moisture, it is said that at least half of the ratings of 6.68 are due to the popularity of this drama!

It is also reasonable to say that the ratings after the second day's broadcast will definitely drop a lot. As a result, the ratings after the second day's broadcast not only did not drop, but directly broke 7, I will ask you if you accept it! "

"A TV series created with care deserves such a good ratings! Don't compare those trashy dramas that only want to make money with "Family with Children"!"

"Yu Zhile has proved with facts that this is not an era of sluggish ratings! It is an era of sluggish TV programs and TV dramas! That's why he values ​​quality and pursues innovation, creating ratings legends that make his peers envious and shocked. !"


After the ratings of "Family with a Daughter" aired on the second day were released, Yu Zhile became a god again. Whether it is the star popularity list, singer popularity list, or any idol list, he is strong with crushing data We reached the top!

And the TV series "Family with Children", with its warm and humorous family plot, and the good looks of the family, quickly attracted countless audience fans, so that the popularity of this drama continued to rise!
At this time, the major video sites really can't sit still!
Everyone wants to take a sip of Yu Zhile's cup of soup!

They know that in the end, the highest bidder must win.And Yu Zhile has not chosen to cooperate with a certain video website for a long time, just waiting for a price that he feels suitable and satisfied.

Soon, the price will come out!

At noon, Yu Zhile had just finished whipping his wife when he received the news, and after confirming it, he proudly showed off to his wife: "How? I'll ask you now if you want to accept it or not! I'll ask you if you want to kneel down and sing "Conquer"!"

Qin Haiyu first gave a flirtatious look, then unreasonably reached out and pinched Yu Zhile's waist, and said angrily, "Isn't it just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse? What's so embarrassing!"

Yu Zhile whispered: "Didn't you say that I had a fever the day before yesterday? Did you also say that I had 2 million to [-] million in my dream? Tsk tsk, don't even dream now, [-] million yuan is just in hand, it's difficult!"

Qin Haiyu couldn't see it. Although it was a happy event, why couldn't he be happy?

Troubled silver!

She didn't want to talk to her while bullying herself, she was looking for her happy husband!
When I just had a good time, I was called Xiao Tiantian and cute, but now after I have a good time, I know to hit my wife and fight with my wife!

She glared again.

After Yu Zhile finished chatting, he patted Qin Haiyu's thigh, and said with a smile, "It's a great time for happy events! Wife, I packed up and went out, remember to add food tonight!"

"Add you big head ghost!"

Qin Haiyu said angrily.

Yu Zhile proudly held her small face and kissed her pouting mouth, then packed up and went out to settle the cooperation worth [-] million yuan.

The exclusive rights to broadcast "Family with Children" finally went to a certain family!Those who don't have TV to watch can finally watch it online!

This winter vacation, people seem to be dominated by the drama "Family with Children", but it is only broadcast two days a week, and there are only four episodes in total in two days. This amount of updates makes the audience not very happy to watch.

So after watching the first broadcast and the four episodes of "Family with Children" aired the next day, the ratings of the fifth and sixth episodes aired in the second week finally began to decline.

But what is relatively strong is that the ratings can still break through 6, so there is nothing to worry about.

It can be said that this year's No. [-] drama is undisputed, and there is no drama that can be used for comparison.

At this time, the Spring Festival is getting closer and closer.

During this period of time, Yu Zhile and his wife had to rehearse the Spring Festival Gala in addition to filming "Family with Children".

Yu Zhile originally thought that the plan would be carried out according to her own ideas, but she was caught off guard, and thus her daughter's first rebellion in adolescence was ushered in.

(End of this chapter)

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