Start with a star wife

Chapter 42 Killing a monster with one punch

Chapter 42 Killing a monster with one punch

After having dinner with his parents in his hometown, Yu Zhile packed dinner for his wife, and then drove home with the baby who hadn't woken up yet.

On the way, Yu Zhile also smiled when he received a voice message from his wife.

"My wife who is an actress!"

He sighed, because he couldn't spare his hands to reply to his wife's message while driving, so Yu Zhile commanded the mobile phone system and called his wife directly.

As soon as the phone was connected, the wife began to cry and said, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Yu Zhile laughed and said, "It's too fake! Wife, your acting skills are getting worse and worse!"


Qin Haiyu said disgustedly: "Where is it fake? They really didn't win the championship! Boom~~"

"This time it's even more fake!"

Yu Zhile almost couldn't hold back and said that he was going to kill a monster with one punch!

Seeing that he couldn't continue acting, Qin Haiyu asked, "Honey, are you back yet?"

"Well, on the way! It will take about an hour to get back."

Qin Haiyu said happily: "Hee hee, then I'll go home and prepare a surprise for you! Don't call while you're driving, hang up! I love you, mua~"

Yu Zhile shook his head with a smile. We already know the result. We already know that you have won the championship. What surprises can there be?
after an hour.

Yu Zhile finally returned home, Qin Haiyu waited for a long time, and hurriedly opened the door to welcome her husband and daughter back.

She was still wearing the blue pleated skirt that Yu Zhile had prepared for her, and her hairstyle and makeup were still the same as when she was singing on stage.

Delicate, beautiful, fairy-like.

As soon as Yu Zhile got out of the car, he saw Qin Haiyu trotting over with his hands behind his back.

She couldn't hide the excitement and joy on her delicate and beautiful face, and then, like a little girl, she suddenly revealed the championship trophy hidden behind her back, and she accompanies herself: "Deng dong dong dong! Husband, I won the championship!" La! Praise me!"


Yu Zhile squatted down and hugged her straight, and said with a smile, "But this is all within my expectations, so I'm not surprised at all!"

Qin Haiyu put his arms around his neck, then lowered his head and kissed him on the forehead, smiling very tenderly: "Are you surprised now?"

"Well, there is a little surprise this time."

"Hee hee, husband, put me down, the baby is still in the car!" Qin Haiyu possessed himself, and said happily in Yu Zhile's ear: "I have another big surprise for you tonight!"

"How big is it?" Yu Zhile looked up at his wife who was held very high by him.

Qin Haiyu spread his hands and gestured in mid-air: "It's so big!"

Yu Zhile put her down, and joked: "If it's not so big, you will be fined to kneel down on the keyboard, durian, and instant noodles tonight!"


Qin Haiyu patted Yu Zhile on the shoulder, then handed the championship trophy to Yu Zhile, finally opened the car door, took out the sleeping baby and kissed her twice lovingly, saying: "Baby, mom won the championship today by singing! Are you happy?"

Yu Zhile took off the stroller, and then took out the packaged meal from the cloth pocket behind the stroller, and asked his wife to taste the delicious meal that his mother specially made for her while it was still hot.

Afterwards, while eating, Qin Haiyu talked endlessly about how many votes he got when he sang "Sakura Grass" in the first half, how many votes he got when he sang "Later" at the end, and how many people were touched, even the host Ni Qiqin was sung to tears by her!

Speaking of Ni Qiqin, Qin Haiyu suddenly complained: "Husband, let me tell you! Ni Qiqin really deserves a beating today! When the ranking of the votes was finally announced, she was so smeared that we all wanted to beat her up, especially Ye Fei, she almost exploded with anger!"

So, Qin Haiyu began to imitate Ni Qiqin, recreating how Ni Qiqin whetted his appetite and announced the ranking of votes at that time.

Hearing this, Yu Zhile was a little confused!

Isn't this what Mr. Hong Tao in "I Am a Singer" is good at?

Is this the part of Yang Bing's modification?
He didn't expect that the show "I'm a Singer" would actually show the shadow of "I'm a Singer" in the finals!

He commented: "It's interesting to announce the rankings like this! But it's really easy to offend singers. After all, some people can't take jokes. Besides, although Ni Qiqin is the first sister host of Dragon TV, she has a great reputation and status in the entertainment circle. They are not very tall, so her kind of jokes will be more disgusting to others.

If it were an old master of Mr. Wu's level, other people would not be disgusted with this kind of joke, and would even cooperate with it with a smile.But on the whole, it is much better to announce the ranking of votes in this way than to announce it directly after singing!
With entertainment and interactivity, this program will not appear too boring. "

Qin Haiyu nodded, and said: "I also think it's very interesting, but the process is too nervous and crazy, and I feel that people with such ink stains really deserve to be beaten!"

"It's quite embarrassing, but most of the audience should like this kind of link."

Yu Zhile thought of the scene when he was watching "I Am a Singer". Back then, Teacher Hong Tao was so inked and deserved a beating!

那时候每到这个环节,观众们都是又爱又气,那弹幕上表示要揍洪涛老师的人很多,但却没有观众希望砍掉这个环节,而这个环节也因此成为了《我是歌手"One of the highlights.

After listening to his wife talking about how many votes she had won and the ranking of the top four, Yu Zhile began to say: "By the way, wife, let me tell you something."

"what's up?"

Qin Haiyu looked at him curiously.

Yu Zhile reached out to remove a grain of rice stuck to the corner of his wife's mouth, then stuffed it into his wife's mouth, and said, "Next, if there is an advertisement and I want you to endorse, I want the other party to sponsor a competition."

"what match?"

Qin Haiyu was curious again, she looked at her husband while eating the good food cooked by her mother-in-law.

Yu Zhile said: "It's not a big game, it's just a chess game for all the people in my hometown county."

Qin Haiyu said wittily: "I know! It's our dad who wants to hold a chess game, right?"


Yu Zhile smiled and said: "You guessed wrong! It's not that Dad wants to hold a chess competition, but I want to give him a whole game like this and let him participate. While satisfying his hobbies, I can also promote chess culture ,fine."

"Well, Dad likes to play chess. If there is such a game, he must be very happy! And it is also a good thing to promote chess culture! I will call Lingling now and ask her to help me find a suitable advertising endorsement !"

Just as Qin Haiyu got up to get his cell phone, Yu Zhile directly pulled her to sit down and said, "Don't worry, you eat first! It's not worthwhile to find advertising endorsements now. After the finals are broadcast, there may be many advertisers in person It's at the door!"

(End of this chapter)

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