Chapter 50
When the phone was connected, Yu Zhile directly revealed his identity and explained to the other party that Qin Haiyu wanted to endorse Mengniu Sour Milk.

The manager of the advertising department of Mengniu Group didn't know where Yu Zhile got her phone number, but when she heard that the caller was Yu Zhile, Qin Haiyu's husband, she said in a polite tone, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yu, Mengniu Sour Yogurt has no idea of ​​celebrity endorsement for the time being.”

Yu Zhile said: "Not yet, it means that you have no plans to compete for the yogurt yogurt market for the time being. If there is such an opportunity, I think you will definitely not let it go."

Manager Chen's gentle voice with a mature woman's charm came out: "The pure milk of the Mengniu brand now has celebrity endorsements, but the effect is almost no advantage compared to that without celebrity endorsements."

Yu Zhile agreed: "It's normal. Celebrity endorsements can at best increase the consumption of some fans. Naturally, such endorsement advertisements will not have an exaggerated increase in product sales."

Manager Chen asked curiously, "Since you think so, why did you contact us and want to endorse our yogurt?"

Yu Zhile asked at this time: "Manager Chen, do you usually like to listen to music?"

Manager Chen replied: "I will listen while driving."

Yu Zhile said: "Then you should have heard the song "Little Lucky"?"

Manager Chen replied: "Well, this song is very popular now, and you can often hear it in the streets and alleys."

Yu Zhile said: "Then if there is a pop song specially created for yogurt yogurt that is also very popular, and it is particularly brainwashing and easy to remember, to endorse your products, what do you think is the combination of such a star plus the endorsement of the work?" What will happen?"

Manager Chen froze for a moment, what does this mean?
Celebrities plus endorsements?

Never heard of it!

Moreover, such a song was created especially for yoghurt yoghurt?
And will it be as popular as "Little Lucky"?

And it's brainwashing, and it's easy for people to remember?

She originally wanted to evade the other party and stop wasting time talking about such meaningless endorsement cooperation with the other party, but now thinking about the popularity of "Little Lucky", and the same after the finals of "I Am a Singer" She was a little tempted by Yu Zhile's talk about the very popular "Sakura" and "Later".

Yu Zhile saw that the other party seemed to be thinking, and said: "You can think about it carefully, and then discuss it with the superiors. If you think it is not necessary, then I will find other brands to cooperate."

Manager Chen pondered, "I want to listen to the song you mentioned first."

Yu Zhile replied: "Although this song has been created, it has not yet registered the music copyright, so I can't send it to you for the time being, but I can send this song to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the earliest.

Therefore, during this period of time, you can discuss the endorsement method I mentioned, and by the way, pay attention to the song data of the three songs my wife sang recently. Upload the two songs "Sakura" and "Later". "

Manager Chen replied: "Well, I will discuss it with the leaders. Of course, the point is that the song you mentioned that is specially composed for yogurt must have investment value."

"Okay, then I won't bother you, goodbye."

Yu Zhile hung up the phone, he firmly believed that the song "Sweet and Sour is Me", in today's era where the Internet is so developed and short video software is so popular, it will definitely become popular all over the country.

Although this is a slobbery pop song, the melody is nice and the lyrics are popular and brainwashing enough.

There are so many brain-dead songs on the market that can be popular all over the country, and their popularity is so wide, which shows that there is a reason for the popular music.

Some are good, some are brainwashing, and some are just plain disgusting.

And "Sweet and Sour Is Me" is in the middle of being nice and brainwashing. The reason why this song was so popular at the beginning was because the show "Super Girl" was very popular, and Zhang Hanyun, who became popular on this show, relied on this song The yogurt endorsed by the song has sold well all over the country.

Although the times have changed now, the essence of the song has not changed, and in the era when the Internet is more developed and short video software is so popular that it has penetrated into almost all families, Yu Zhile believes that "Sweet and Sour is Me" will definitely become popular All over the country, loved by countless people.

He turned on the music platform and uploaded the two songs "Sakura Grass" and "Later" one after another.

Since the finals of "I Am a Singer" were broadcast, countless viewers and fans have been urging them to release the song. Now that the song has not been released, these two songs have already dominated the hot search charts on these music platforms.

The song "Later" has won the love of more listeners, so not long after the finals aired, it has firmly occupied No.1 on the hot search list.

It's a pity that although they were able to find a song called "Later", it was not the song "Later" sung by Qin Haiyu, so those songs with the same name were sprayed horribly.

After all, there is no harm if there is no comparison. It is also "Later", Qin Haiyu's "Later" is so beautiful, and the lyrics are so empathetic.

As for the other "Later", it's okay if the lyrics are not good, and it's still so ugly. In such a comparison, it will naturally be scolded by many grumpy guys.

Soon, after the songs were released on major platforms one after another, the next thing to wait was the review.

Yu Zhile clicked on his Weibo, notified that the song had been uploaded, then logged into his wife's Weibo account, reposted his own Weibo, and told all fans who followed Weibo about these two songs in the form of dog food. The song has been published and is waiting for review.


Bull Group.

Manager Chen, who had just finished lunch, turned on the computer and looked at it after returning to his office.

According to what Yu Zhile said, she paid attention to the data of the last three songs composed by Yu Zhile and sung by Qin Haiyu.

"Little Lucky" is still very popular!
Even though it has been a month since Qin Haiyu sang this song when he kicked off the gym, the popularity of the song is still frighteningly high.

Now, the No.1 on the new song list is still "Little Lucky", and the No.1 on the daily, weekly, and monthly charts on the download list is also "Little Lucky", which shows how popular this song is!

She clicked on singer Qin Haiyu's homepage, and found that "Sakura" and "Later" were indeed released!

Although she didn't watch the program "I'm a Singer", she prefers to watch short videos in her spare time, and Qin Haiyu's process of singing these two songs in "I'm a Singer" was edited into short videos and posted on It was uploaded on various short video platforms, and was liked and reposted by many people, and it has been on the video hit list for a long time.

She moved the mouse and clicked to play "Later", then glanced at the play page of this song, and was immediately shocked by the amazing data!

(End of this chapter)

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