Chapter 66
On the way to the ticket inspection, Lao Liu really admired Lao Yu!
"I didn't expect you to have such a habit! Are you still a fan of your father? I think you are an old cow who wants to eat tender grass, and a toad wants to eat swan meat!"

Old Yu stared and said: "Fuck you! If you can't speak, don't make a sound! If I tell you that I prepared this for my daughter, would you believe it?"

"Ha ha!"

Old Liu smiled contemptuously, which probably means that I believe you a ghost.

What about my daughter?

I really thought I didn't know that you are an only child!


After checking the tickets and entering, the two old men walked slowly to the front row surrounded by a group of young people, and then sat down according to the seats noted on the tickets.

Looking at the big stage so close, Lao Liu secretly swallowed his throat and asked, "Lao Yu, isn't the ticket cheap?"

Lao Yu said casually: "It shouldn't be cheap, anyway, I didn't buy it with money, and I don't know how much the ticket costs."

Old Liu Ru was very uncomfortable sitting on the pins and needles. He secretly looked at Lao Yu's calm expression, thinking that this guy Lao Yu must be slapping his face to make himself fat!


He sighed, blaming himself for showing off his son a bit too much, otherwise Lao Yu wouldn't have deliberately called himself over to watch this party to show off in order to save face.

He shook his head, seeing Lao Yu recording a short video with his mobile phone and posting it to Moments to show off, and then the veteran, who couldn't hold back his pretentious trembling heart, took out his mobile phone and stylishly took a short video and sent it to Moments.

Not long after that, his son called me directly, and asked excitedly and enviously, "Dad! Where did you get the tickets!"

Lao Liu picked up the phone and said, "Hi! I'm watching the New Year's Eve party in the main hall of the Cultural Center! What? Tickets! Oh, this is a gift from an old friend of mine!"

His son said enviously, "Dad, when did you meet such a wealthy friend! This kind of VIP ticket has been sold to 2 yuan by scalpers!"


Lao Liu was dumbfounded, 2 yuan?
He secretly took a look at Lao Yu who was showing off in the group, and suddenly regretted coming to see this party with Lao Yu!

"It's a bit noisy here, I won't tell you!"

Lao Liu hung up on his son's phone, wondering if he should share his private money with Lao Yu AA?

But what he thought at the beginning was to take 2000 yuan and spread it out evenly, and it would be almost the same!
But now it seems that the ticket is far more than one or two thousand!
At this time, Yu Zhile came over.

"Dad! You're not late!"

Lao Liu was taken aback, isn't this young man the son of Lao Yu?

He looked at Yu Zhile, and when his eyes fell on the work badge Yu Zhile wore on his chest, he seemed to understand it all!

It turns out that Lao Yu's son works in a TV station!

So Lao Yu got this ticket from his son!No wonder this guy has a ticket for the occasion!No wonder this guy is old enough to come over to join in the excitement!

Lao Yu coughed, stared at his son, and asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

Yu Zhile picked up the job card and said nonsense, "Come here and be a temporary worker!"

Lao Yu asked, "Does your mother know?"

"Of course I know! She also asked me to urge you to go back early!"

As he said that, Yu Zhile took a look at the support card on his father's lap, and said with a smile: "Dad, you can do it! This father's fan is very good! Take it, I'll take a photo for you Send it to mom to see!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

Lao Yu quibbled: "I didn't buy this, it was given to me when I came in!"

Lao Liu began to feel sympathy in his heart!

Secretly complaining: This is embarrassing!He was actually caught by his son!When the time comes, go home and see how your wife will deal with you!
Yu Zhile stopped making fun of his father, he slipped backstage after saying hello, and kept staring at his wife all the time.

The two of them have been secretly flirting, if they were found out by someone who didn't know, they would think that Qin Haiyu was going to have an affair within marriage!


After half an hour.

The New Year's Eve party will start soon!
The staff took their positions one after another, and the boys and girls of the dance troupe lined up and walked out of the backstage, preparing to take the stage on both sides of the stage.

Qin Haiyu smiled in the direction of her husband, then walked towards the elevator in the middle of the stage, and then ascended to the stage in a high-profile manner.

After everything was ready, the lights of the main venue and the stage were turned off!
The scene was so dark that only the light from various fluorescent sticks, mobile phones and support signs could be seen.

As the stage darkened, the boys and girls of the dance troupe took advantage of the dim lights on the edge of the stage to the center of the stage, and stood in their own positions to start dancing.

On the edge of the stage, Yu Zhile asked, "Lao Yang, did you plan this opening?"

"Yes, what do you think?" Yang Bing asked back.

Although Yu Zhile didn't see the opening rehearsal, judging from the current situation, he already guessed what the opening process will be like, so he praised: "It's very good! The opening will directly enter the theme and directly drive the atmosphere of the scene, it will be boring Compared with other TV stations' New Year's Eve galas, the opening atmosphere alone has already won the starting line!"

Yang Bing said with a smile: "With your words, I feel relieved!"

Soon, big red numbers counting down began to appear on the big screen on the stage.

From 3 seconds to 0 seconds...

The lights on the stage and the background picture on the big screen instantly lit up the whole stage like a bonfire!
The melody of the opening theme song named after Mengniu Sour Milk began to sound shockingly!

On the stage, young boys and girls full of youth began to dance. Qin Haiyu slowly got out of the stage from the elevator in the middle of the stage, singing the theme song named after Mengniu Sour Milk with a sweet and melodious voice.

Yu Zhile closed his eyes and listened for a while, then moved his mouth to Yang Bing's ear and shouted: "The sound quality of this speaker is good! It sounds much better than the live scene of "I Am a Singer"!"

Yang Bing also shouted in Yu Zhile's ear: "It is necessary! This is a live broadcast!"

Yu Zhile nodded, and then looked at the seat where his father was sitting in the audience, and saw that people couldn't see him anymore, but there was an electronic support card with the words "Dad Fan" written on it in the lower right corner, cheering for Qin Haiyu But very eye-catching.

I don't know if my wife will guess that this is my dad when she sees this electronic support card on stage?

at this time.

The mother who is looking after her granddaughter at home is turning on the TV to watch the live broadcast of the New Year's Eve party.

Holding her granddaughter in her arms, she pointed to the daughter-in-law who had just risen from the center of the stage after a delay in the live broadcast on the TV, and said, "Did you see? Mom is on TV!"

The baby stood on grandma's lap, waving his little hands, squatting up and down as if he was very happy, and the saliva pouting in his little mouth was thrown out.

After the opening song was sung, two male and two female hosts, including Ni Qiqin, stepped onto the stage and began to announce the official start of the New Year's Eve party!

PS: There are nearly [-] recommended votes, please support if you have votes!Otherwise, I'll be buzzing!

(End of this chapter)

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