Start with a star wife

Chapter 88 is on the news broadcast!

Chapter 88 is on the news broadcast!

"Honey, post on Weibo!" Qin Haiyu reminded.

Yu Zhile asked suspiciously, "What Weibo?"

Qin Haiyu said: "The book is on the shelves! Send Weibo to remind readers and fans!"

Yu Zhile said: "It's useless! These fans and readers only follow Weibo after reading youth romance novels. Most of them are young people. Even if you send Weibo to notify them, it will have no effect on the sales of children's books."

Qin Haiyu analyzed: "Husband, you are wrong to think so! Although most of the readers and fans who follow you are young people, there are also many readers who are already married and have children!

And even if they are not married and have children, even if they have no children at home, I believe there will be many readers who are willing to buy books, because our book publishing is a charity! "

"Okay, then send a Weibo notification."

Yu Zhile took the phone and edited Weibo to notify the news that the book was on sale.

Qin Haiyu immediately reposted Weibo to help her husband promote it.

In terms of Weibo popularity, she actually has an advantage!
After all, after participating in "I Am a Singer", until now, the popularity of those new songs is still very high. Although it is no longer No.1 on the singer popularity list, it still enters the top ten every week.

As for Yu Zhile, his works are popular, and this person doesn't have much popularity.

After all, until now, he hasn't shown his face. Until now, readers and fans only know that he is Qin Haiyu's husband, but they don't know what he looks like.

After the microblog was released, many fans left comments and messages.

Qin Haiyu proudly said: "Hey! Husband, look, so many readers and fans have children! They all said no to buy, and don't want you to cheat their children!"


Yu Zhile was also speechless!

He waited to see that these guys couldn't escape the law of Zhenxiang!
Now "Two Tigers" and "Little Rabbit" have become popular all over the country. If you catch a child on the street, the other party will sing these two nursery rhymes.

So these parents who say they don’t buy books, even if they really don’t buy them, their children will still learn these works in the future!
Time, 10 minutes have passed.

10 minutes have passed since it was put on sale.

Yu Zhile couldn't wait to ask Zhang Xue: "How many copies have you sold now?"

Zhang Xue replied immediately: "Now the order volume has exceeded [-] copies! Maybe [-] copies can be sold in half an hour!"

Yu Zhile asked: "What about the offline bookstore?"

Zhang Xue: "From the morning of the offline store to the present, there are almost [-] to [-] in the whole country. The main sales volume still depends on the online."

This sales volume does not include donations!
Otherwise, this launch would have sold 20 copies!
Today, the 20 books donated under the name of the author "Zi Feiyu" are ready to be shipped to primary schools in poverty-stricken areas that have been handed over and registered in batches.

eight pm!

Yu Zhile's new book publishing behavior of "public welfare books, helping love" has been on the hot search, attracting the attention of many netizens.

Many people liked and reposted it, so within half a day after his book was put on sale, 90 copies had already been sold online!

The publishing house began to print additional copies crazily, but they did not expect such exaggerated publishing results!

In previous years, only a handful of children's book publications sold 90 copies a year, but now Yu Zhile's book has published 90 copies in less than half a day. This sales volume can be described as abnormal!

In the publishing world, even the best-selling manga can hardly sell so many copies in a day!
So not only Yu Zhile was surprised, even the publishing house felt that this sales volume was unscientific!
But thinking about how popular Yu Zhile's readers are, Qin Haiyu's singer is so popular, and this book was published as a public welfare activity, so everyone can understand why books are so popular these days.

Of course, the premise is that Yu Zhile's book is also attractive. Whether it's pictures or stories, the introduction materials that can be seen on the Internet are quite good.

Now that every family attaches great importance to children's education, it is not difficult to understand why there is such a high sales volume.


Five days later.

The new semester is here!
After exactly one week, Yu Zhile's book has sold 800 million copies!

At this time, the publishing house arranged for people to send the first batch of 20 books donated by Yu Zhile to primary schools in poverty-stricken areas.

The publishing house also donated an equivalent amount of children's stationery for this purpose, which was praised by the majority of netizens.

In today's Internet-developed world, when the first batch of children's books and stationery donated by Yu Zhile arrived at the first primary school, related video news began to catch fire on the Internet.

More and more people began to pay attention to this public welfare activity, and more and more people began to buy this book published by Yu Zhile.

Many elementary schools in the city have even launched public welfare activities to voluntarily purchase books, so that Yu Zhile's book has almost become the second Chinese textbook for many elementary school juniors!
Even the news network began to report this public welfare news, giving Yu Zhile and the publishing house a thumbs up!

When Zhang Xue learned about this incident, she was so excited that she quickly sent a text message to know: "Big brother! You are on the news broadcast!"

When Yu Zhile saw the message from Zhang Xue, he was in disbelief!
He said with a surprised face: "Honey, the editor said I was on the news network!"

Qin Haiyu was stunned: "Really? Hurry up! Turn on the news broadcast and watch!"

Yu Zhile tuned to CCTV Channel [-], and then played it backwards. After searching for more than ten minutes, he really found out that he was on the news network and was nominated by the news network!
And not only the author's name "Zi Feiyu" was mentioned, but his real name was also mentioned!
Qin Haiyu was pleasantly surprised and said, "Husband, you are so amazing! It's actually on the news network!"

"Oh!" Yu Zhile suddenly sighed.

Qin Haiyu asked suspiciously: "Husband, why are you sighing? Isn't it a good thing to be on the news broadcast?"

Yu Zhile sighed again: "Oh! I just want to be a good person in a low-key way, but the news broadcast doesn't allow it!"


Qin Haiyu smiled and said: "I think you are so cheap and good-looking! Now that the news broadcasts are all on, the hosts all praise your book stories are very educational! I feel that starting from the next semester, the Chinese textbooks for lower grades may These fables of yours are going to be published!"

Yu Zhile said: "If this is the case, then I really have to change from the godfather of pure love to the godfather of children!"

Qin Haiyu looked forward to it: "In the future, when the baby goes to school and reads the stories written by his father in the textbook, he will feel proud when he thinks about it!"

As the words fell, the baby in Qin Haiyu's arms suddenly clapped his little hands happily, and cried, "Baba! Baba!"

This scene made Yu Zhile and his wife amused.

It was as if the daughter understood what they said and was applauding her father!

(End of this chapter)

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