Start with a star wife

Chapter 97 Showing love and dying quickly

Chapter 97 Showing love and dying quickly

"Honey! The ratings of the second episode of "I Am a Singer" are as high as 1.74%!"

Although Yu Zhile was certain that the ratings of this program must be very good, he was still slightly surprised when he learned of the ratings.

The audience rating of the first broadcast was 1.21%, and the ratings of the second episode soared to 1.74%!

This increase span is a bit scary!
It is estimated that there will be a total of 15 episodes in three months, and the second episode already has such a high ratings. It is not impossible for the ratings to break through 2% next time!

Qin Haiyu was also surprised: "Dragon Satellite TV is going to be big this time! Now the variety show with the highest ratings should be "I Am a Singer", right?"

"Probably yes! I'll check the ratings of other programs!"

Yu Zhile looked it up, and then said: "This week, the variety show with the highest ratings is indeed "I Am a Singer"! Last night, "Brilliant Singer", which was broadcast simultaneously with "I Am a Singer", had an audience rating of 1.07%. One period is lower than the first period, and the next period will definitely lose 1%!"

Qin Haiyu said: "That's normal! "The Singer" followed the trend of last year's "I Am a Singer". Except for the support from the audience and fans of the traffic stars, I feel that normal audiences are already tired of watching this type of music program. .

"I Am a Singer" is excellent in all other aspects except for the lack of traffic stars, so it stands out! "

Yu Zhile nodded: "So the most important thing about music programs is music! Any program that deviates from the level of music, to put it bluntly, invites some traffic clowns to come out to attract attention. People will naturally get tired of watching too much."

Qin Haiyu thought about the fact that after the second episode of "I Am a Singer" was broadcast last night, the identity of the kicking singer became a hot search, and said: "Husband, what do you think of the dog head picture at the end of last night's "I am a Singer" program?" Who will be the mysterious singer?"

Yu Zhile spread his hands and said: "I'm also curious about who he is! The program group actually took my dog's head to save my life, and now the audience and netizens are saying that this mysterious dog's head singer is me! If I didn't know it well, I would doubt me Really participated in this show!"

Qin Haiyu also thinks so: "If you didn't stay by my side every day, I would suspect that you went to the show without telling me!"

Yu Zhile said: "Honey, am I the kind of person who abandons his wife and daughter to participate in the show?"

Qin Haiyu became dissatisfied when he heard it, and snorted: "Then what you mean is that I abandoned my husband and daughter when I participated in "I Am a Singer" last year!"

"Honey, that's not what I meant!" Yu Zhile quickly explained.

Qin Haiyu turned his head and went over, and said, "Don't listen or listen! That's what you mean! Anyway, I'm angry!"

Is this angry?

It's clearly meant to be coquettish!

Yu Zhile was also amused by his wife's fake anger, and felt that his wife at this time was more childish and cuter than a baby.

He leaned over and kissed Qin Haiyu's face, then straightly hugged Qin Haiyu, and said in cooperation: "My wife, I was wrong! Seeing that I am so active in kissing, hugging and holding high, Just forgive me this time!"

Qin Haiyu giggled, looked down at her husband who was holding her up high, crossed her hands and fingers around her husband's neck, and said happily, "A little higher!"

"Obey! Hug my wife tightly!"

Yu Zhile hugged his wife's legs directly, and then lifted her up high.

I have to feel that I can't coax my wife without any effort these days!

Fortunately, my wife is petite and slender, so she didn't find it difficult to hug her at all. If she was as fat as Xu Ling, if the kissing and hugging failed, the consequences would be even more terrifying than the scene of domestic violence!
At this time, the baby who was sitting on the ground and playing with a small toy suddenly looked up at the mother who was holding it high, as if she wanted to hold it high too, so she stood up, walked over with unsteady small steps, and pulled her Yu Zhile's pants, yelling: "Papa! Papa!"

Qin Haiyu and his wife were immersed in the atmosphere of showing affection. After hearing the baby calling Dad, they remembered that there was a small light bulb at the scene!

They just ignored it...

Qin Haiyu burst out laughing: "Husband, the baby seems to want to hug and hold it high too!"

Yu Zhile let his wife down, and after coaxing his happy wife, he immediately activated his baby daddy attribute, picked up the baby and held it on his head, causing the little guy to laugh happily in mid-air.

Thus, Yu Zhile suffered a tragedy...

He finally knew why people said that Xiu Enai was dying soon!

It's all right now, after showing off your love, the retribution will come!
Yu Zhile raised his arms sorely: "Good girl, dad is tired! Can't we stop? Can we go drive?"

As a result, the little guy fell in love with the feeling of being held high, and cried as soon as he put it down, which really made people suffer!
Qin Haiyu felt sorry for her husband for three seconds online, and finally had to rely on her to lift his clothes to feed her, so that her husband was finally relieved.

But Qin Haiyu started to suffer...

The baby now has several small teeth, so when feeding her, she will be bitten once or twice from time to time, and it really feels like being "heart-pierced".

But before the child is one or two years old, it is necessary for the mother to insist on breastfeeding the baby, so she will have to endure it for a few more months.

Another week passed.

The third episode of "I Am a Singer" began to air. When the identity of the dog-headed mysterious kicking singer at the end of the last episode was revealed, many people were disappointed!
"Bad review! It's not a dog author!"

"Oh, I'm disappointed! I thought Zi Feiyu was going to debut as a singer after closing the pen! I'm still looking forward to what kind of person is the author who writes such a beautiful pure love novel?"

"Well, the whole network has guessed the identity of the singer who kicked the hall wrong! But although he is not the author of the dog head, it is quite exciting! Seeing that every singer is so capable, I will not criticize the program group Rub the heat of the dog-headed author!"


Yu Zhile didn't expect that so many viewers and netizens would only watch "I Am a Singer" because of him!
It seems that he is really hot now!

But this is also a very normal thing.

The godfather of pure love is not in vain!

In the novel world, his popularity among readers is the highest!

Although it was announced that he had closed his pen, but with the songs of "Little Lucky", not only did his popularity not drop, but it was even higher than before!

Immediately afterwards, he appeared on Dragon TV's New Year's Eve party as "Mr. Panda". Although he still didn't show his face, he once again gained a lot of popularity with the five "Piano Music of the Night"!

Later, it was the nursery rhymes that spread all over the country, and the popularity brought by the publication of the first children's literature book in his life.

Then came the popularity of the birthday song!
Although he didn't debut, but with these works, his popularity can be compared to the first-line traffic star!

The most important thing is that after September, these children's literature works of his will be included in elementary school textbooks, and his popularity will only increase by then!
And the compulsion to include a work in a textbook is beyond comparison of other stars!

It is precisely because he is so popular and popular now that more and more people are wondering what he looks like?We are all looking forward to his debut, calling for his debut!

(End of this chapter)

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