Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 108 The Mysterious Short Man

Chapter 108 The Mysterious Short Man

"Brother Lin, you have quite a lot of friends with you."

Although Wang Gui is the owner of Wang's restaurant, this private high-end restaurant.

But he still cares about young talents like Lin Feng.

It wasn't because Lin Feng and Qin Lang had known Wang Gui since they were in junior high school.

What he cares about is Lin Feng's current achievements.

In his early 20s, he owned the world's number one mobile game company.

It can be said to be a hero out of a boy.

The future of such talents is limitless.

"Well, I brought some big stars today." Lin Feng simply responded, and walked into the restaurant with all the stars of the men's running team.

This is a very simple hotel, the decoration inside is not very luxurious.

It is very simple.

It feels a bit old-fashioned.

But the sealing is better.

That is, the distance between the single room and the single room is far.

It is very suitable for those big people to talk about business.

As the big stars of the men's running team, Fatty, Boby, and Zeng Xiaoxian.

How could this Wang Gui not know them, but the people who come and go in his Wang's restaurant are either business tycoons or top stars.

In or is a high-ranking official.

The identities of celebrities are considered relatively low.

"One look at this Wang Gui, one knows that he is someone who has seen the world." Zeng Xiaoxian murmured in his heart.

Not because of anything.

Just because Wang Gui met big stars like Fatty and Boby, there was no disturbance at all.

"This way please, everyone, this is a box that Lin Feng's brother likes to sit in very much."

After Wang Gui pointed to an elegant and independent box over there, he said hello and went to the back kitchen, because only his two brothers were cooking, so naturally he had to hurry up and get busy.

At this time in the afternoon, there are still quite a lot of people eating.

Next, the waiter replaced Wang Gui's task and started serving tea and water to the stars.

At this time, a relatively short person walked out of the door.

His appearance is not very ugly (in my opinion), but he is a little festive.

He was accompanied by two tall and thick men who looked like bodyguards.

Seeing the man coming, the restaurant waiter hurried up to greet him.

"Sir, please come with me. The box that our boss Wang arranged for you is over there."

The short man didn't speak, just nodded slightly, and followed the waiter into a box named Violet.

"My stomach feels a little uncomfortable." Zeng Xiaoxian said hello and walked out of the box.

I haven't eaten this meal yet, and my stomach starts to feel uncomfortable.

Lin Feng just wanted to say, lazy people shit a lot.

But how could such indecent language be spoken on this occasion.

Just as Zeng Xiaoxian walked out of his box, he met the short man who was about to enter the box.

That short man seems to know Zeng Xiaoxian too, after all, who doesn't know a big star.

But he didn't take the initiative to say hello.

As for Zeng Xiaoxian, seeing that person's appearance, he was slightly taken aback.

At this moment, Wang Gui put on an apron and came forward with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Ma, this way please. As you know, only two brothers and I are cooking in our restaurant, so we don't have much time to greet you."

The short man known as Mr. Ma smiled politely and said, "You two brothers should teach more people how to cook, but since it is the rule set by your ancestors, it is not easy to break it."

"Isn't that right? The rules of the ancestors must be obeyed. Mr. Ma, please sit down. I will go to work first."

After Wang Gui said hello, he went into the back kitchen.

It can be seen that even the helm of the Alibaba empire is here.

Wang Gui still dealt with it with a relaxed face.

Not the kind of servile flattery.

It means that many of the people from this place are bigwigs of this level.

It can be heard from their conversation.

Papa Ma still often comes here to eat.

Mr. Ma is also from Jiangnan, so it is normal to come and go here.

"President Ma, are you coming here for dinner too?"

Zeng Xiaoxian still went up to greet him proactively.

"Are you the one who starred in the love apartment?" Papa Ma smiled politely.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you, Mr. Ma, to watch our TV series? I'm that little-eyed Zeng Xiaoxian." Zeng Xiaoxian opened his little eyes as he spoke.

Lin Feng and everyone in the box naturally heard the conversation between Mr. Ma and Wang Gui.

At first, many people wondered, why is this person's voice so familiar?

Because Mr. Ma has attended speeches many times.

It's not surprising that his voice is familiar.

But after hearing that this short man was called Mr. Ma, everyone understood that this Mr. Ma was the one from Alibaba.

Lin Feng was not very excited, one of the two pony brothers was his best friend.

Although Lin Feng is not a person who is used to strong winds and waves.

But he has the system.

In the future, his achievements will definitely be much higher than those of the two pony brothers.

There is nothing to be envious of.

However, the stars couldn't resist leaving the box.

"Mr. Ma, you are eating here too." Boby stepped forward to greet him.

She and Mr. Ma are already familiar with each other, and they can be said to be partners.

She is an advertising queen.

There are many endorsement advertisements every year.

Tmall's flagship stores in many places have Boby's endorsement.

Not to mention those hot items.

"Ms. Yang, hello, you are eating here too." Mr. Ma smiled at her.

Whether it's Zheng Kai or Brother Chao, even the big black bull, they all stepped forward to say hello.

Fat Di is a person who doesn't like to join in the fun, she just followed behind everyone and smiled politely at Mr. Ma.

Seeing that everyone had gone out, it was impossible for Lin Feng to stay in the box by himself.

"Mr. Ma, hello." Lin Feng showed a harmless smile.

The expression is very casual.

All the celebrities used the word you for this boss, but Lin Feng used you.

Mr. Ma also realized that Lin Feng was different, not because of the different usage of a word, but because of Lin Feng's calm expression.

It stands to reason that most people who knew him would look surprised when they saw him.

But this boy is different, very casual.

Could it be the eldest son of which family is this?

And I don't know it.

"Mr. Ma, let me introduce you. This is Lin Feng, the young chairman of Wufeng Company."

Zeng Xiaoxian and Lin Feng are the most 'familiar', how could there be no introduction from him at this time.

"Lin Feng?"

Mr. Ma muttered, this little guy is a rising star.

"Brother Lin Feng, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Mr. Ma finally raised his hand, waved to Lin Feng, and then said a word to Wang Gui, "Brother Wang, I'll treat little brother Lin Feng to this table of food."

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately looked over with 1 envious eyes.

When ordering food just now, Lin Feng's meal cost 80 million.

And people don't even ask about the price of Ma Zong, just invite him directly.

The world of their rich people is really incomprehensible.

And everyone knew in their hearts that the reason why President Ma did this was entirely because of Lin Feng's face.

Isn't everyone talking about it?
He invited Lin Feng to this table.

The key point is the word Lin Feng.

"President Ma, you..." Lin Feng was also a little surprised, he didn't expect such a plot to happen.

"It's okay, little brother. We will meet in more places in the future. I wish you a pleasant meal." After Ma Boss finished speaking, he walked into the box.

(End of this chapter)

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