Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 116 The Star's Mansion

Chapter 116 The Star's Mansion
Da Mi Mi's residence in the capital is the Jinmao Mansion Community.

I heard from Da Mi Mi that there are quite a few famous people living there, such as Li Yifeng, Chen Sicheng, Tong Liya, Dong Xuan, Gao Yunxiang, Huang Haibo.

This Jinmao mansion in the capital is also a veritable rich area.

A suite inside is almost worth tens of millions.

It was reported on the Internet that the luxury house of Da Mi Mi is 15 square meters, with a total value of more than [-] million.

Lin Feng remembered reading a piece of news in his last life.

Da Mimi and Niu Kaiwei got married. Da Mimi’s father posted this house on Weibo. It was also the first Spring Festival after the two got married. Da Mimi’s father installed a lot of houses early on. Festive decoration.

You can also see Da Mimi's home from the photos, including furniture, decoration style and corner area, you can see that this luxury house is worth a lot.

It's just that in another two years, the couple will be different, and they will be divided into whips.

The memories of the past are all left in the house.

Maybe for Da Mimi, the so-called property division is not that important. Later, when she wanted to sell the house, she might also want to let go of the past memories, and she would not be so sad when she saw it.

Jinmao Mansion in Beijing is indeed a relatively good community. After all, so many celebrities choose to live there, which shows that the environment here is good and relatively safe.

For stars, it is also a guarantee of safety.

Li Yifeng can be said to be a relatively popular star in recent years. He also chose to live in Jinmaofu Community in the capital, which shows that Jinmaofu Community is still a good choice.

This community can be regarded as a treasure land of geomantic omen. Many big-name celebrities also choose to live here. It is a community where stars live. It is rare for ordinary people to enter it. It can be said that this community is also a place with relatively strict defenses.

"Come in, please."

Fat Di pulled Lin Feng who was standing outside the door.

"My villa is not comparable to the one you have in Shanghai Jiujiantang. This is the house bought by my father-in-law." Da Mimi paused slightly, took a pair of slippers on the shoe rack, and said: " If your feet are tired, change your shoes to new ones."

"En." Lin Feng nodded, changed into a pair of slippers, and then said, "I've heard that your father-in-law is quite rich. This villa costs hundreds of millions, right?"

After Lin Feng changed his shoes, he looked around.

Looking at the decoration in the villa.

In the last life, I could only see Da Mi Mi's father posting photos on Weibo.

In this world, you can come and see for yourself.

Strictly speaking, this house of Da Mi Mi cannot be regarded as a villa.

It can only be said to be a larger suite.

The house price in Beijing is naturally one of the most expensive.

The price of a square meter is 15, and a few hundred square meters can be hundreds of millions.

In terms of the size of the house, it still cannot be compared with Lin Feng's house in Jiujiantang villa area in Shanghai.

Lin Feng's villa is more than 2000 square meters.

But a star is a star, and the living room is quite elegantly furnished.

There are flowers and plants everywhere, full of vitality.

The walls and floors are made of high-end mahogany boards.

There are also some lanterns and hanging ornaments with blessing and happiness written on them in the corridor.

The two got married last year, and things like wedding gifts should not be removed.

Only when it is slowly broken, it is planned to be dismantled.

"Lin Feng, sit casually, what do you want to drink?"

When Da Mi Mi spoke, Lin Feng was already sitting on the sofa.

"Whatever, drink a glass of juice, any fresh fruit is fine, just add ice."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, Fat Di, who was standing aside, took the initiative to say: "Let me go, sister Mi, don't you want to discuss the contract with Lin Feng, you can talk about it."

Da Mi Mi is Fatty's boss anyway.

But for things like fruit juice, Pang Di, a subordinate, should go.

What's more, Fatty makes juice for the man he cares about.

She is still very willing.

"Miss Mi, this is a contract, please take a closer look." Lin Feng took out a contract from his purse and put it on the coffee table.

Da Mi Mi smiled at Lin Feng, took over the contract and began to read it.

In this contract, many conditions are not very harsh.

After all, Lin Feng also felt that Da Mi Mi was very refreshing.

Many parts of the contract are stipulated and specified as friends.

Not too harsh.

But the important link must be held in the hands, and no concessions are allowed.

This contract is not too long, and Da Mi Mi finished reading it in about 20 minutes.

"Basically there is no problem. When my husband comes back, I will tell him and sign the contract. He doesn't know about it yet."

Lin Feng smiled at her, and the meaning of Da Mi Mi was very clear.

She is a star. Although she understands contracts, she is not a professional lawyer after all.

She read the contract, and it was basically fine, but it didn't mean that there were no hidden traps.

I don't know how many actresses in the entertainment industry, because of those hidden traps, they couldn't get along in the entertainment industry, or their reputation was ruined.

Da Mi Mi has grown up in the entertainment industry as a child.

How could there be no dim eyes.

She just wanted to hand over the contract to her lawyer before she could sign it.

So I made an excuse and said: tell her husband, and then make a decision.

This is a rhetoric, and everyone knows it on both sides.

It is impossible for Da Mimi to say yes: I am not sure if there is any problem with your contract. I will talk about it after I ask my lawyer to read it.

Those who don't know the world will say that.

Da Mi Mi said lightly: Ask my husband to see if he agrees.

Just took it with me.

Although Da Mi Mi is very good at Lin Feng's character.

But in today's society, who can say clearly about the human heart.

The 29-year-old Da Mi Mi has been in the entertainment industry for many years.

Although she has a great liking for Lin Feng.

But not enough to lose my mind.

Not like Fatty.

When signing the contract with Lin Feng, he didn't even look at it. (Live broadcast platform contract)

In the face of the boy I love, how can I not trust others?

"Don't leave today, stay and have a meal, you have to taste Sister Mi's craftsmanship."

After Da Mi Mi finished speaking, she picked up the mask and sunglasses from the cabinet under the TV, and said:
"Little Fatty, let's go, let's go to the street to buy some food. I don't live at home often, and there are no fresh ingredients."

"Oh, right now."

Fatty, who was lying on the sofa, was playing a game on his mobile phone, his little feet raised slightly.

"No need, we can go out to eat, save so much trouble."

Although Lin Feng said so, he was naturally saying it politely.

But Lin Feng still looked forward to it in his heart.

These are the four little Huadans.

Cook for Lin Feng himself.

This opportunity, in the whole world, is afraid that not many people can enjoy it.

It can't be said that not many people under ordinary people can enjoy it.

Netizen: "In the whole world, few people can enjoy the food I cook."

{this is a joke}
The key person is Da Mi Mi, in the whole world, how many people hope to have a meal with her.

Not to mention the meals she cooked herself.

(End of this chapter)

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