Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 13 Betting against 82?

Chapter 13 Betting on Eight or Two?

"Miss Leng, then I will leave the next specific matters of "Legendary World" to you." Lin Feng said after a pause, "But the way I want to cooperate with Tencent is to bet against each other."

"This..." Leng Qingqiu didn't know what to say immediately, she was stunned for a few seconds before she said, "Mr. Lin, are you so confident? You actually use a step-by-step distribution method? Then tell me more about it."

Leng Qingqiu couldn't believe it, did not expect Lin Feng to be so confident in his products?Even if the mobile game "Legendary World" is very good, it has not yet been launched on the market, and everything is unknown.

Lin Feng glanced at Leng Qingqiu's puzzled expression, and didn't care too much, but slowly said:
"If the monthly turnover of "Legendary World" exceeds 20 billion soft sister coins, we ask for [-]% with Tencent, [-]% for us, and [-]% for Tencent!"

".10 billion to 5 million.73 points"

".5 billion to 1 million.64 points"

'The monthly turnover is less than 1 million. 46 points. '

"The monthly turnover is less than 5000 million. Then 19 points, we get 1, and Tencent gets 9!"

Leng Qingqiu silently listened to Lin Feng's plan, her back was sweating a little, and she was quickly calculating the gains and losses of Lin Feng's step-wise share in her mind.
I have to say that this kind of step-by-step betting split really requires courage to do it
If the monthly turnover reaches 20 billion, then it will be 82, Lin Feng will get 8 shares, and Tencent can only get 2 shares.

This means that Lin Feng made two or three times more money than Tencent with the help of Tencent's platform.

But if Raymond Lam's mobile game is not good, and the monthly turnover is less than 5000 million, then he can only get 1% of the income, while Tencent gets 9%.

If the negotiation goes well, wouldn't it be great to share [-]/[-] with Tencent directly?Don't take the risk either!

According to the performance standards of mobile games in the market, a mobile game with a monthly turnover of 1 million is considered relatively popular.

There are only a dozen mobile games that can reach this point
But Lin Feng wants to reach 20 billion turnover? ! ?
Leng Qingqiu thought and calculated silently, she thought that Lin Feng's method of splitting the bet was too risky.

"I have to say, Mr. Lin is really courageous, but"

Before Leng Qingqiu could finish speaking, Lin Feng interrupted
"Miss Leng, needless to say, if the monthly turnover of this game is really less than 5000 million, I will personally compensate Ms. Liu for the loss of 500 million." Lin Feng paused and said, "And to encourage Ms. Miss, let me give you a step-by-step reward. If your monthly turnover is 10 billion yuan, I will reward you with a reward of 500 million yuan. If you lose 100 million yuan, you will lose 100 million yuan. If it is less than [-] million yuan, you will have no reward. If it is more than [-] billion yuan, you will be given [-] million yuan more. You add [-] million rewards!"

"This, this." Leng Qingqiu was speechless for the third time.
"Mr. Lin, your benefits are really wave after wave. I was caught off guard."

Leng Qingqiu, the iceberg beauty, even made a joke. The benefits that Lin Feng gave her are too good to describe.

How good these benefits are, can be described in one sentence: "You play cards for me, if you lose, it's mine, and if you win, you can share the money together."

Where can I find such benefits?

Right now!The smiling Leng Qingqiu suddenly realized something, she looked at Lin Feng suspiciously, her small eyes seemed to say, "You are so kind to me? Could it be that you are greedy for me?"

Seeing her defensive little eyes, Lin Feng didn't understand what it meant, he coughed twice, and said with a very speechless expression:

"Miss Leng, don't look at me with such eyes. I am very confident in my mobile game, and I entrust the company to you. I usually don't ask much about company affairs, and only direct the company's general direction. So you You have to work harder, be the dedicated Zhuge Liang, do you understand what I mean?"

"Oh, I hope so." Leng Qingqiu also hopes that what Lin Feng said can be realized, that is to give her a clean working environment, she just wants to make money by herself, and she doesn't want to get involved in any unspoken rules
"Okay, Mr. Lin, let's stop here for today's matter. Although the goal of 20 billion monthly turnover is very ambitious, I believe in Mr. Lin's mobile games."

Leng Qingqiu touched her stomach as she said, she was already very hungry, but she didn't propose to have a meal together, but said: "Then I'll go first."

"That's fine, Miss Leng, let's talk about it another day. I will arrange a place for you in Hangzhou, and you can be considered as a member of our company." Lin Feng got up and sent Leng Qingqiu outside the door.

"That's okay, I'll ask my parents to help me pack my bags in Yanjing. After all, I'm going to work in Hangzhou in the future." Leng Qingqiu said here
咕噜 咕噜
Her stomach made a few hungry warning sounds
When she boarded the plane this morning, she didn't eat anything, and came to Lin Feng's place to read the mobile game files for four or five hours.
She didn't feel hungry at all when she was reading the document, but now her stomach is making trouble.
"Miss Leng, are you hungry?" Lin Feng also wanted to laugh, the belly of this iceberg beauty would also make such a wonderful sound
"I, I. I hurried on the plane without eating in the morning. I went to Mr. Lin to read the documents all afternoon, so..." Leng Qingqiu was really embarrassed to the extreme. Her usual unsmiling and iceberg woman attitude style, today in front of Lin Feng is completely humiliated
Today, she was suddenly irritated by Lin Feng's annual salary of 100 million
After a while, he was shocked like a child by Lin Feng's 5% dry stock dividend.
By the end, my stomach was still croaking.
Is there anything more bizarre than what happened today?

Lin Feng saw Leng Qingqiu's ice-white face, with a slight trace of red frost on it, and he couldn't hold back the face that wanted to laugh. This Leng Qingqiu actually has such a cute side.
"Miss Leng, the cook at Rose Garden Villa is very good, why don't you stay for dinner?" Lin Feng walked outside the door and looked at the scenery outside, "This Rose Villa has a charming scenery. It doesn’t necessarily describe beauty, but it can also describe the scenery.”

"Then... stay and eat..."

Leng Qingqiu didn't know why, but agreed by accident
You must know that the No. [-] and No. [-] characters in Tencent invited her to have a meal alone, but she never agreed.

"Why did I agree? Maybe Lin Feng gave me too good a salary and conditions?"

"The so-called cannibalism is soft-spoken and soft-handed, of course this is the truth. I can't refuse Lin Feng, can I?"

"Well, yes, that's how it is."

"Besides, this Lin Feng is also a child, only 18 years old, what are you afraid of?"

"But he is clearly around, but why do I feel so mature?"

Lin Feng saw Leng Qingqiu who was stunned there, he stretched out his hand and waved in front of her eyes, "Miss Leng, what are you thinking? I haven't eaten for a day, why don't you leave?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was lost in thought just now." Leng Qingqiu was stunned
"Miss Leng, my friend Li Wu said that you are an iceberg woman, why do I feel that you are always bluffing today. You are not like what Li Wu described." Lin Feng made a joke, and then laughed, "Okay Alright, let’s not talk anymore. Go eat, I think you are also very hungry.”

(End of this chapter)

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