Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 134 The principal changed his girlfriend

Chapter 134 The principal changed his girlfriend

Hearing what the principal said, Lin Feng knew the whole story.

There are a lot of right and wrong when people are popular, and there are as many right and wrong when a company becomes popular.

This is a competitor. Seeing how popular Wufeng TV is, I want to feel sick and kill Timo.

Although the accounting of embezzlement is not their operation.

But these live broadcast platforms have long been collecting some photos of the big anchors under Wufeng TV.

I want to expose and slander these anchors.

And just at this time, the accounting matter was exposed.

These platforms are going along with the flow and using these photos to make things worse.

"Qingqiu? Inform all the anchors under Wufeng, let them pay attention to their words and deeds in their daily lives, and try to be as careful as possible." Lin Feng made a phone call.

"Well, okay, what should I do about Teemo's matter? Do you have any clues?" Leng Qingqiu said while holding the phone.

"Not yet, this kind of thing, even if there is actual evidence, it will be difficult to restore Timo's reputation. In addition to these platforms that compete with us, their water army is constantly in rhythm, and it is difficult to turn the tide of."

Lin Feng sighed, Timo is an anchor that he values ​​very much and is willing to support.

How could it be done like this now?

So wouldn't the hard work spent on her be in vain?

And just like this was calculated for nothing by other platforms?

These people must not be allowed to see jokes.

When it was nine o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng hadn't woken up yet.

Because of the headache recently.

So I didn't go to bed until two or three o'clock last night.

Beep la la la, a bell rang.

"Teemo? It's so early. You." Lin Feng answered the phone with sleepy eyes.

"I'm in West Lake, outside your villa, please open the door." Timo stood outside the gate of the villa, wearing a mask and holding the phone.

"You came to my villa?"

Lin Feng also didn't know why, Timo came to him so early, probably to discuss with him about recent matters, but it was too early.

"You wait."

After Lin Feng put on his clothes, he pressed the door switch of the villa linked on his phone.

Following a slight sound of footsteps, Timo came to the second floor of the villa.


Lin Feng was dumbfounded for a moment.

Teemo's clothes are too cool today.

Shorts. Very short.

The upper body is a waist-length camisole.

His thin and petite figure is very tempting.

Even though he is a little smaller, he looks very appetizing.

"I'm here today. Can you help me? If I can't turn around this time, my future... will be over."

Looking at Timo's shy expression, Lin Feng also guessed a little clue.

this rhythm?

Is it to sacrifice?

In fact, Lin Feng really guessed right. Timo thought that Lin Feng, a big local tyrant, was so relevant, and he must be able to help her turn the tide, but she never did it. She was doing it for her own future, and Lin Feng was also her favorite man. , The body was given to him, and she was willing.

"That... you came to accompany me?" Lin Feng smiled wryly.

"Eh, that's right." Timo looked up at Lin Feng with his little head lowered.

"Actually, you don't need to be like this. You are a member of my company. I have put so much effort into you. How could I not help you? No, I am trying to find a way every day. For your sake, I am Didn't sleep well all night."

"You didn't sleep well all night because of my affairs?"

Timo's big eyes looked at the handsome guy in front of her, and there seemed to be tears streaming down her face. She didn't know whether it was because she was moved, or because the recent events made her worry.

Lin Feng looked at such a lovely and pitiful Timo.

Heart is not the taste.

After spending so much resources to praise her, she is being calculated now.

In addition, Teemo had nothing to do with that accountant, so he had to help Teemo with this matter.

"Timo, you go back, I will find a way to help you."

Lin Feng looked down at the thing in the morning.

As a man, he must have some thoughts now.

But he has a girlfriend.

How could such a thing be done.

"You didn't sleep well, then go to sleep." Timo looked up at him.

"Enen, I need to get some sleep. I didn't go to bed until three o'clock last night." Lin Feng paused, stretched his waist, and said, "But your business can't be delayed any longer. I have to think of a way. Drag it on, and you'll be useless."

That Guanxi brother, that Bozhi, Gillian, is not because of this kind of thing.

Did it lead to the end of the future?
The matter brooks no delay.

Although the matter was not big this time, it was manipulated by those caring people.

It can be fermented to an irreversible point.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Teemo is also a victim, because the Wufeng platform has robbed other platforms of benefits, she will encounter such a thing.

Lin Feng still felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Principal, are you up? Come over to my house and let me tell you something about my villa on the West Lake."

At this moment, Principal Wang is lying at home, with Chen Wenjie next to him.

"Fengzi, what's your hurry this morning?"

"Just come here, it's about Teemo." Lin Feng's tone was very serious.

"Okay then, I'll come right now."

Principal Wang didn't worry about anything because of Timo's incident. It's not a big deal for him that an anchor has no future, so he eats well, sleeps soundly, and is a heartless person.

"You sleep a little longer, I'll go out for a while."

Principal Wang patted Chen Wenjie next to her, washed up briefly, and drove out in the Ferrari.

That is to say, Lin Feng asked him to discuss things.

This rich second generation made him feel miraculous.

A newly rising rich second generation.

A Lin Feng who is a bit like a hidden family.

That's why he got up so early.

If it were his father, he wouldn't be treated like this.

"It's so early in the morning, what did you ask me for?"

Principal Wang entered Lin Feng's villa and fell down on the sofa all at once, feeling a little bit complaining.

"Principal, I have a way to help Timo to calm down this incident." Lin Feng glanced at Timo who was making breakfast for the two in the kitchen.

"Oh? Is there any way?" Principal Wang's eyes were slightly closed, and he spoke weakly.

"Be Teemo's boyfriend."

As soon as Lin Feng said this, Timo, who was listening to the conversation between the two in the kitchen, paused obviously.

As for Principal Wang, he lost all drowsiness at all. He stood up and smiled cheekily, "Are you kidding me, Principal Wang?"

Principal Wang didn't go on. Considering that Timo was around, he added, "Help Timo? Why do you want her to be my girlfriend?"

"You misunderstood. I asked you to pretend to be a couple. If you are a super rich second generation and she is in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, will Timo still go to some accountant? This matter should be calmed down. This matter, We want to clarify through serious means that it is already a drop in the bucket. Timo didn’t do these things in the first place, but the netizens don’t believe it. They would rather believe a lie than the truth, so we use another lie to overcome it. "

After listening to Lin Feng quietly, Principal Wang also understood a little bit.

"Then why don't you pretend to be Teemo's boyfriend? Why me? Aren't you rich? You two are in a relationship, and no one will believe that Teemo will find an accountant to open a house." Principal Wang deflated Mouth, speaking very explicit.

"That. I."

While Lin Feng was hesitating, Timo also put the poached egg in front of the two of them. Timo's big eyes stared at Lin Feng, waiting for his next words.

If Lin Feng could help clarify the matter in this way, she would still accept it.

Being Lin Feng's pretend girlfriend is also a very good thing.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Feng finally spoke up and said, "It's not like you don't know that I have a girlfriend."

"Don't I have a girlfriend? I don't do this."

Principal Wang refused again.

Timo next to him was also a little embarrassed.

"I said, principal, changing your girlfriend is the same as changing your clothes, so you just come out and made the matter public. Is there any problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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