Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 156 Confession?

Chapter 156 Confession?
Principal Wang and Lin Feng, as well as Er Ke, Timo, Pang Di, Boby, Yang Chaochao and others, have a very good relationship now.

When they have nothing to do, they always get together to eat and drink.

Especially the newly signed artist of Lin Feng~ Yang Chaochao.

It seemed that Lin Feng paid special attention to it.

Every time I go out to play, I always bring this Yang Chaochao with me when I go out to eat.

But in Lin Feng's heart.

Not that they think so.

In the previous life, Lin Feng still liked Yang Chaochao, a big star.

It's just that although Lin Feng's family was still rich in his previous life, he still couldn't have any contact with these big stars.

But this life is different. After five years of rebirth, his first goal is naturally to make Yang Chaochao, a very popular star in the previous life, come to develop under his banner.

Form a girl group.

But after getting along with Yang Chaochao, he felt that this girl was very innocent.

Very frank, very cute, just a silly girl like a silly white sweet.

But this silly sweet girl, although a little frank, but facing some strangers, he is still very defensive.

Once this kind of girl recognizes you.

Once he recognizes that you are a good person, he will give up his guard against you and be transparent about everything about you.

And Lin Feng doted on her so much.

Naturally, I like this straightforward little sister very much.

That kind of person with an uncomplicated personality looks like an angel again.

It is easy for men to like it.

It's just that some men think differently.

Lin Feng very much hoped that she could become popular, even more popular than in her previous life.

"Beyond, I heard that you were lazy again during training these days?"

On the wine table, Lin Feng took the red wine poured by Yang Chaochao.

He gave her a loving look.

"Brother Feng, how can I be lazy? Who told you?" Yang Chaochao's pouting appearance is extremely cute, and his white skin that makes people jealous always exudes a feeling that people have to love .

"Hey, Brother Huanfeng? It's really nasty. I said surpassing. My principal Wang gave you so many gifts in your live broadcast room. Don't you express it? I have never heard you call me brother principal." .”

Principal Wang is naturally a decent person, and his family is rich. Although he likes beautiful women very much, he is not a dog licker.

His attitude is to ask women to take the initiative to come to him, and he will not humble himself in order to pursue a woman.

Although he still thinks that Yang Chaochao is particularly beautiful, he will not pursue it too fanatically.

And Principal Wang can see it.

This Yang Chaochao seems to have a soft spot for Lin Feng, so it's better for him not to get involved.

"I said principal, you went to Chaoyue's live broadcast room to buy gifts? Your purpose is not simple. We Chaoyue will be big stars in the future. You know big stars, right? Once the relationship is exposed, they will It started to lose popularity, although many big stars are still famous after the exposure of their marriage, that is only a small part, but it still has a certain impact on his career."

Lin Feng's words naturally had some truth.

In fact, in the current entertainment industry, many big stars, especially female stars, have their own boyfriends.

But they don't plan to expose it, because it is likely to affect their careers.

So stars are not free.

They are also human beings, they can also have boyfriends and girlfriends, but for their own careers, they have to bury their boyfriends.

"Beyond? You like your brother Feng? Why don't you just confess? This principal will help you match and let you marry him."

Principal Wang laughed a few times, making fun of his friends, which has always been something he likes to do very much.

"I..." Yang Chaochao spat out a word shyly.

"I said principal, don't you have any good things to say? My girlfriend is traveling around the world recently, so don't make trouble for me." Lin Feng gave him a blank look. This principal Wang dares to say anything.

After Yang Chaochao listened to Lin Feng's words, she still felt a little sad in her heart, her face was still very red, and she secretly glanced at Lin Feng.

Now she is getting more and more lost in feelings.

It can be said that he likes Lin Feng even more than that Fatty.

After all, Pang Di is a person in his early 20s, and his mind is relatively mature.

And this little girl is still a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

Everyone knows a truth, the younger the boys, the younger the girls, the more enthusiastic they are about love.

The episode on the wine table passed quickly.

But Yang Chaochao seems to be very happy these days.

Today's wine table also drank a lot of wine.

Because she could feel Lin Feng's care for her.

In her heart, she felt that Lin Feng was interested in her.

She still has a little confidence in her appearance.

She misunderstood Lin Feng's love.

"Brother Feng, can you take me back to my apartment?"

Yang Chaochao's face was very red, and he drank a lot of wine today.

My head is also a little dizzy.

"I'll ask someone from the company to take you back."

Lin Feng said, and took out his phone.

But this beautiful little girl, because she was drunk, had a little bit of a crazy girl in it.

He staggered directly onto the back seat of Lin Feng's BMW.

Yang Chaochao, who was seated in the back row, began to stammer, "No, I don't want you to find someone to take me home, I want you to take me home, can't I?"

"This girl." Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, so he got into the BMW and sat next to Yang Chaochao.

"Lao Wang, let's drive."

Because Lin Feng also drank alcohol, he can't drive. This is not a joke, so he can only ask this personal driver and bodyguards to help him drive.

"Brother Feng, are you home yet?"

Yang Chaochao's eyes were dazed, and he staggered from side to side.

She was in the back seat of the BMW, neither standing nor sitting.

"not yet."

Seeing her like this, Lin Feng quickly took out his phone and called Qin Man, Yang Chaochao's manager. He said, "You can buy some sober medicine for Chaochao, she drank a lot today."

"What hangover medicine should I buy? I'm not drunk."

Yang Chaochao stretched out his hand and snatched Lin Feng's phone.

Then he leaned his little head on Lin Feng's shoulder.

"Brother Feng, do you know that I like you so much, can you be my boyfriend?"

"Eh." Lin Feng moved to the side symbolically.

"Don't move. When you get home, I will give you sober medicine. If you can't drink, drink less."

Lin Feng doesn't think about talking to her now, after all, this little girl is drunk.

"What's wrong with me, don't you like me? Don't you like me? Why are you looking for me to be a big star? And you are so kind to me."

Yang Chaochao propped up his little head leaning on Lin Feng's shoulder.

Leaning towards Lin Feng~

(End of this chapter)

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